Dare You by Ella Frank



IF LUCAS AND the others could see me now…

What the hell had I been thinking when I agreed to join Kieran and his crew at a pub? A pub. I wasn’t exactly the pub type, which had to be more than obvious, but an invite was an invite, and I wasn’t of the mind to turn it down. I also wasn’t of the mind to shop for another pair of jeans for the event, so I decided black was the theme for tonight.

I gave myself one last swipe of lip gloss—neutral tonight, since I’d gone heavy on the kohl eyeliner—and then took a step back from the full-length mirror to check out the finished product. Black formfitting trousers and a matching button-up shirt that had transparent lines running down the sleeves.

Sleek, sexy, and completely irresistible. And that was exactly what I needed Kieran Bailey to think as well. Yeah, the guy was straight, that was no surprise, and while I didn’t usually waste my time with guys like that, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a few hours with some eye candy.

And who knows, maybe he’ll find me…intriguing and too tempting to deny.

Here goes nothing.

The driver I’d called ahead for was already parked at the curb when I exited the hotel, and from there it was a quick ride to the pub. Kieran hadn’t mentioned what time they would all be there, but since I’d taken my sweet time getting ready, I had no doubt they’d already be a few drinks in.

Once we pulled up to Mulligan’s and the car came to a stop, the driver moved to exit, but I put a stop to that real fast.

“That won’t be necessary tonight, but thank you.” The last thing I needed at a place like this was to have someone open the door for me. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

“Have a good evening, sir.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as I opened the pub door, raucous sounds assaulted my ears. The smell of beer was thick in the air, and the place was packed with people.

So this is where Chicagoans disappear to.

I caused more than a few double takes as I made my way through the crowd, looking for a familiar face, but attention had never bothered me before and definitely didn’t now. I looked fierce as hell, and I knew it.

It didn’t take long for my eyes to land on the fire crew taking up residence around a pool table in the back of the pub. A couple of them were playing, while Kieran and one of the other guys sat at a high-top table.

The guys were the big, brawny sort, right up my alley, but Kieran was in a league all of his own in my eyes. Damn. He wore a pair of well-worn jeans and had changed into a darker t-shirt, but it was the way the clothes hugged his muscled body that made me think about Lucas’s earlier comment about drooling. Yeah, looking at Kieran, I could totally see that happening.

As I walked up to the group and they finally caught sight of me, their eyes widened, and I didn’t mind that reaction one bit.

Kieran swallowed and then lowered his beer from his lips. “Hey, you made it.”

I smiled. “Of course. It would be awfully rude of me to turn down an invitation, especially when alcohol’s involved.”

“Well, let’s get you a drink.” Kieran flagged down one of the cocktail waitresses, and it didn’t escape my notice the way his eyes drifted ever so briefly to her sumptuous bosom. I supposed they were impressive, if that was your thing. “We’ll all have another round, and one for Sebastian here.”

“Bash,” I said, shooting Kieran a wink, and then I turned my attention to the waitress, handing her my credit card. “I’ll have a white wine spritzer to start, please, and you can put their orders on my tab.”

“No, you don’t need to do that—” Kieran started.

“Nonsense. It’s the least I can do for Chicago’s finest.”

That made him crack a smile. “You hear that, guys? Chicago’s finest right here.”

“Jesus Christ.” The tall redhead holding a cue stick rubbed his face. “If you don’t stop talking about that bullshit hottest firefighter crap, I’m gonna puke my guts all over this table.”

“Calm down, Brumm, he was talking about all of us.”

Brumm paused. “Oh. Well he’s not fucking wrong, is he?”

Kieran shook his head and took a swig of his beer. “Well, thanks for that, but you really don’t have to.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I was more than willing to do other things to show my generosity, but that offer would probably go right over his head.

He eyed me and then slowly nodded. “Appreciate it. And the food too, although Olsen over there commandeered most of it.”

“Hey, you snooze you lose,” the guy called out, obviously listening even though his focus was intent on the striped ball he was lining up.

Kieran gestured to the table. “You play?”

“With long sticks and balls? Honey, that’s my idea of a good Friday night.”

He choked on his beer, coughing and then wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.

“Sorry,” I said, not sorry at all. “I suppose I don’t have much of a filter, but…you asked.”

“Yes, I did.” He laughed, shaking his head, and I felt that deep vibration shoot straight to my cock. “Grab a cue and we’ll do teams.”

Brumm looked up from his shot and glared at Kieran. “We’re not finished.”

“Which is why we’re coming to help you out.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“Seems to me like you’re having a hard time getting your balls in the right pocket. What do you think, Seba—Bash? Can you help a guy out?”

I reached for the blue chalk and began to swipe it suggestively over the tip of my cue. “It can be a hard, thankless job, but someone’s got to do it.”

With Brumm and Olsen’s eyes glued to my hand—and their jaws dropping a little—I had to hide a snicker.

Seriously, what was I doing in a pub with straight guys?

“I’ll join Olsen, and Bash, Brumm’s all yours.” Kieran winked, and it was so hot and unexpected, I barely noticed when Brumm put up a fuss.

“Hang on a fuckin’ minute.” Brumm’s face turned several shades of red to match his hair.

I sidled up to him, gave him a long once-over that had him shifting on his feet, and purred. “Mmm. I’ve never had a redhead before.”

Brumm’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, and a loud burst of laughter came from across the table.

“No worries there.” Olsen clapped Kieran on the shoulder. “This guy’s had every color under the rainbow. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to help.”

Kieran shoved his friend away. “Shut up.”

“Wasn’t Suzie a redhead? Or was it—”

“Lara,” Davis called out from one of the high-top tables behind us, where he sat with a guy who looked as though he was sucking on a lemon—a really sour one.

“Her name was Heather,” Kieran said, recapturing my attention. “Just so we’re clear. And she was more an auburn than fiery red like Brumm. So you can all kiss my ass.”

I mean, if he was offering, I’d be more than happy to step up to the plate, though it seemed like the Suzie-Lara-Heather sandwich was keeping him more than occupied.

Spotting the rack, I grabbed it and held it out to Brumm, batting my lashes. “Handsome, do you think you could rack my balls for me?”

As his face went red again, laughter broke out behind us, and I grinned. Teasing this poor guy all night would be fun—unless he decided to use those thick muscles for a more violent reaction.

He didn’t utter a peep as he began corralling the balls into the rack, but it wasn’t just me who wanted to tease tonight.

“Ooh, yeah, rack ‘em real good.” Olsen rested his ass on the side of the table and bit his lip suggestively at Brumm. “Yes, just like that. Wait…harder. Cup the balls—”

“Fuck me.” As explosive laughter sounded, Brumm dropped his head into his hands.

“Aw, as tempting as that offer is,” I said, as I leaned over the table toward Brumm, “I’m afraid you’re just not my type.”

“Damn. Not even the fag wants you.”

The laughter in our corner of the room stopped suddenly as all eyes turned in the direction of the sour-faced one sitting at the high-top taking a shot.

“What the fuck, man?” Kieran said.

“What? I mean, when even the gays don’t want you, that’s damn pitiful.”

I tensed, that familiar feeling of going into battle sharpening my tongue. But I didn’t have to say a word, because Olsen jumped in before I could.

“Well no one wants you, Sanderson, so what the fuck’s your excuse?”

A series of “oohs” broke out, cracking the tension that had built so suddenly. I hadn’t expected any of the guys to say a word in my defense, but then again, I also hadn’t expected to have to deal with ignorant ramblings tonight either.

But like all homophobic assholes, this Sanderson guy couldn’t let it go, couldn’t bear not to have the last word.

“No excuses needed over here. I’d rather be alone than have some dress-wearing queer touch me.”

“Sanderson.”Kieran slammed his pool stick down on the table, and if that ear-splitting sound hadn’t been enough to straighten my spine, that prick’s foul mouth certainly would’ve been.

Not about to spend my night fending off some loser with small-dick syndrome, I handed my cue stick to Brumm, who had the decency to look ashamed on behalf of his moronic friend.

“Sorry to polish my stick and run, but I’ve come to the decision that I’d rather play by myself tonight than with anyone in here.”

I glanced to Kieran and Olsen and inclined my head. “Thank you for the invitation, but I think I’m going to say good night.”

Not waiting around for another disgusting diatribe to fall from this halfwit’s mouth, I squared my shoulders and headed through the crowd of onlookers who’d stopped what they were doing to watch the show, then made my way to the bar to pick up my card.

How disappointing. For a moment there I’d thought I was prejudging the firemen and pub crowd, that I’d somehow managed to stumble upon the proverbial cluster of ultra-alpha men who weren’t giant dicks, but no, I’d been right. I should’ve trusted my gut all along.

I stepped out into the balmy Chicago night and called my driver. The pub door opened up behind me, and I heard my name. Not wanting to come across as rude, I turned to face the gorgeous man I’d shown up here to see tonight and gave myself a mental slap for being so weak, but apparently I wasn’t alone in that arena. Lieutenant Kieran Bailey had a handsome face, bulging muscles, and a grin that melted all the panties across Chicago, according to his buddies, so why not mine?

“Hey, look,” Kieran said as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I’m sorry about what happened in there.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. It wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, but still, I feel responsible. I asked you here.”

“And I came.” The door to the pub swung open, the sounds of the crowd spilling out. “You should get back. Your friends are waiting.”

“Well… Wait, do you need me to help you get a taxi or something? Are you staying nearby?”

While I appreciated the sentiment of Kieran trying to soothe the wound, I wasn’t in need of anyone’s help.

Right on time, the sleek black Jaguar XJ pulled up to the curb, and I nodded toward it. “My driver knows how to get back to the Regent, but thank you.” I opened the door and stepped inside, but at the last moment turned to get one last look at the handsome firefighter I’d made the mistake of coming out tonight for. I gave him a tight smile and inclined my head. “I’ll see you around, Lieutenant Bailey.”