Prophesy 3: His Righteousness by A.E. Via



One week later

Adres walked alongside his blue-black Friesian warhorse as they made their way deeper into one of the valleys of the White Mountain Forest. The moonlight shimmered on the water’s dark surface as Război crept towards the shallow end to take a cool drink. Adres gazed into the clear night sky, his enhanced hearing catching and filtering every sound he heard as he was still getting accustomed to his new home in a shifter’s territory. And his new position within the king’s royal court.

Adres was now residing on the pack lands of the legendary Volkov alphas.

Two hundred years ago, he never would’ve believed he’d be in this particular place at this moment in time, kneeling next to a frigid lake while too many nocturnal creatures scavenged and scampered around in the dense forest behind him. He didn’t mind the seclusion and silence—Cavalerie men preferred it—but he was still used to living in a more refined environment.

An uncomfortable sensation had been under Adres’s skin ever since he’d arrived a week ago, but he chalked it up to being on Mother Nature’s blessed land. He felt certain enough with his powerful shield that no one could smell the stench of the curse on his soul, but he wasn’t around ordinary alphas now. And there was one particular brother who continued to give Adres problems.

“Zeii, you want to consume the entire lake?”Adres stared in disbelief as his horse drank thirstily. He had sent for him and the rest of his important belongings the day after his swearing-in by the king.“Certainly, you cannot be that parched. We have only been walking the grounds a few—”

Războistepped away from the water and slowly rotated his head a hundred and eighty degrees, his ears twitching.

“I heard it too, Răz. But, there is no need for alarm here.” Adres could lower his voice until his words were nothing but slivers of breath he manipulated on the wind, so that even species with enhanced abilities could not hear him. A talent he’d picked up over centuries. “I can smell him as well.”

His horse stomped at the ground, as if ready to take flight, and Adres felt a fondness in his chest that was as close as he’d ever come to caring for something. His horse wasn’t as spry as he used to be, but he still had a lot of fight inside him. Războihad been with him for a third of his life, born and bred only for him, which meant they’d faced many challenges together. Many wars. From birth, their warhorses were given daily doses of their blood to extend their lives to match their rider’s. But times had changed—both species had evolved—and he and his horsemen were rarely needed to serve their forms of justice any longer. Not since the new reign of the vampire king and his just alpha beloved.

“Return to the grounds, Răz.” Adres rubbed his friend’s velvety flank just before he bolted into the trees, his speed accumulating a force of wind in his wake that blew the shrubbery around him.

Adres used his speed and followed the sound of splashing water and the scent of goodness in the air. He knew he was close to him. It was the smell of a man he could pinpoint in a forest of ten thousand shifters. His superior, pompous fragrance offended Adres’s every sense. The scent cut off—not faded—in the middle of nowhere, and Adres stopped, his long cloak flaring in front of him. There was a pile of men’s clothing lying on the bank a few feet from the water. Adres spun and focused on everything around him, preparing to be startled from behind, but he heard nothing.

His confusion caused unwanted irritation to flare up inside him, but this particular shifter seemed to have that effect on him. Adres eased away from the edge of the bank as a piercing sensation tore down his spine. He stood mesmerized by the rippling patterns in the water as a massive all-white wolf slowly ascended from beneath the dark surface.


Adres cursed his first thought. Fierce, ice-blue eyes met and held his as Macauley Volkov stalked towards him. He stopped several feet away and shook the excess water from his thick fur before he turned his large muzzle towards the almost full moon and howled a long, harmonious echo that sounded as if he were showing off. Before he could finish his performance, Adres began a dreary slow clap that made the big wolf snap his head around and growl in his direction.

Macauley’s steps were bold as he advanced, and Adres cocked an eyebrow, refusing to retreat. Shifters were by far the more superior species—it was how nature intended—but Adres’s notorious killing reputation was well-known. He had no cause to fear.

Macauley was only inches away, his black nose level with Adres’s throat. He was huge and impressive… and very beautiful. Beautiful. Adres gritted his teeth at the pathetic quality. A man should not be classified as such. Men should be ugly, his face and body plagued with battle scars. Adres remained still as the wolf’s cold, damp muzzle pressed against his jugular. It was only seconds before he felt those lips curl into a snarl. Macauley’s growl vibrated his sensitive skin, causing that irritable sensation just beneath it to ignite like firecrackers. He was careful not to bare his throat as he tucked his chin closer to his chest.

Macauley pushed his nose deeper into his flesh before he dragged it down the front of Adres’s chest, lingering near his core. If he shoved the curious wolf away, it would be considered rude, and since Macauley was an alpha… it would also be taken as a direct challenge. He wouldn’t call the inspection uncomfortable, merely annoying.

Adres clenched his teeth. “Whatever it is you’re searching for, I promise, you will not find it, young wolf.”

The air swelled around him, and the feelings of virtuousness and honor slammed into Adres’s chest hard enough to make him stumble backwards. Before he could shake off the overwhelming feelings, Macauley shifted and crowded him against the rough base of an aspen birch. A very naked and wet Macauley, in all his splendid male form. Adres didn’t want to admit the truth, but his resolve continued to falter in this man’s presence. He was the most fascinating creature Adres had ever encountered; he didn’t know why he literally got under his skin.

And then he spoke.

“Drop your shield, vampire. And I will find it.”

Adres remained silent as his gaze traveled up Macauley’s throat and over his stern features until he was staring him straight in his eyes. The glacial-blue irises were as blinding as they were sharp. But Adres was insulted that a man so young—a shifter—had the audacity to tell him what to do. Adres wasn’t as tall or muscular as Macauley, but he was still able to hold their eye contact enough that it made the alpha bristle against him.

“Are you challenging me?” Macauley growled.

A long vein bulged at the side of Macauley’s throat, and Adres’s gaze fell on its own, his most natural instinct homing in on the blood coursing through it. He’d never drank from a shifter and had no desire to, so he was surprised at his sudden pang of hunger. Ignoring the discomfort, he figured he should probably make a trip into the city to feed at the first opportunity.

“I would not dare,” Adres said coolly, despite how hard he was working to combat Macaulay’s righteous energy he was so rudely forcing into him. “I am a guest here. I was invited by your own brother and my king. I have a duty to fulfill and—”

“Liar,” Macauley sneered as he pushed even harder, not with his body but with pure energy.

Adres’s lids almost fell shut, a soft moan escaping his lips before he could stop it. He was horrified by his reaction, as wave after wave of warm virtuous goodness flooded his body. The sensation generated in his chest before it spread throughout his system, flowing smooth and sweet like honey down to his limbs, until he could no longer feel the buzzing beneath his skin, only decency and lightness. His knees felt weak, but he refused to go down.

Adres glared at Macaulay, inhaled a deep breath from his center, and threw his shields up full force, enough to push the young wolf’s moral power off of him. “Get out of my head, damn it. You or your wolf is not welcome there.”

Macauley bared his teeth, but he must’ve realized that Adres was right, and he was acting like an entitled ass. After a long pause, Macauley eventually stepped away. “You may have convinced my family, vampire, but my wolf can sense you are being dishonest.” Macauley turned and casually went to retrieve his sweatpants and T-shirt from near the water’s edge, either completely unaware—or unashamed—of his nakedness.

And why should he be? Macauley Volkov’s body was toned and muscular, his ivory skin striking under the brilliant moonlight. Adres wasn’t the type to ogle another individual with interest, but for some reason, he could not look away. Macauley kept his back to him as he pulled up his pants, not bothering with underwear. Interesting. In fact, most of the behavior he had witnessed from the shifters during the past week had been interesting. For example, a wolf taking a late-night swim in below-freezing temperature.

“I consider myself proficient in my knowledge of wolves, therefore I know you are proficient swimmers. But I did not know you did it for recreation.” In the middle of the night… in subzero waters, Adres inquired, moving closer. It felt as if the weirdness beneath his skin was not as noticeable in Macauley’s presence.

“And I didn’t think vampires, especially ones as old as you, were dishonest. What is it you’re blocking me so hard from sensing, huh?” Macauley’s T-shirt clung to the curves of his wet chest. He appeared flustered as he shoved a handful of his dark hair away from his face.

“I am not blocking you.”

Macauley snapped his head around. “Liar.”

Adres grimaced, unsure how to proceed. So, he is a human lie detector.Splendid. Adres had in fact lied. It seemed foolish to try it again. He should’ve been intimidated by such a powerful man. A Volkov alpha. But it was as if he knew deep down—from a place unexplored within him—that Macauley would not attack him. “I am not lying, young wolf. It is a half-truth, if you will?”

“I will not.” Macauley’s icy gaze roamed over his face before it lowered to his dark clothing. His voice dipped to a rumbling timbre. “Why do you lie to me? Do you think I will judge whatever secret you’re hiding?”

Adres’s hunger spiked to epic heights shocking him backwards as Macauley inched closer. He was being far too invasive, yet Adres didn’t force him away, and Macauley didn’t push any more of his energy at him. Gazing into those honest eyes, Adres slowly began to lower one of his defenses. No one—not even the vampire king—knew of his reinforced shields that were protected by an enchanted magic. They could not be detected or penetrated. But damn if the powerful Alpha Zenith hadn’t been close. Too close.

What did these do-gooder wolves expect from a vampire who’d lived for over three hundred years?

Of course he had secrets.