Mafia Daddy by Aster Rae



"That wraps up the tour."

Rowan beams as I finish the tour of the penthouse.

He looks so adorable and precious in his light blue t-shirt and khakis and I just want to wrap him up in a big hug.

He takes a sip of the juice box I gave him and shoots me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

"Thank you for the amazing tour of your home,” Rowan says shyly.

"Did you like it?" I grunt.

Rowan nods. "It's the most amazing penthouse I've ever seen. The pool is incredible and the ceilings are so freaking high. I've never been somewhere with such great views of Central Park in my life."

I let out a snort. "You'll get used to it, boy. By the end of the month, this'll feel like home."

"I love everything.” Rowan’s lips pull back into a smile. "But if I had to pick a favorite room, I'd have to choose my bedroom."

My insides turn to melted butter as I recall the way Rowan drank in the sight of his brand-new bedroom.

It's basically a boy’s paradise.

The walls are baby blue with pastel prints and the bedsheets have tiny airplanes on them.

I even placed pictures of stuffies in the closet and rows of cute bears on shelves between the walls.

On the bed, I left a small fluffy teddy with a pink ribbon around its neck.

Warmth fills me as I recall the way Rowan ran to it and immediately took it into his arms.

"I'm glad you don't mind the decor," I grunt after a pause, my eyes locking on Rowan's shimmery blue eyes. "Mario had dreams of becoming a full-time little. He's the one who picked out the arrangements. But Mario isn't here anymore, and I don't want his memory hanging over what we have. I'll hire the best decorator in Manhattan to switch it up as you wish. We didn't get a chance to redecorate when Mario left, but I want to make sure you're comfortable in the space."

Rowan lets out a bashful laugh and shakes his head. "It's perfect, Igor. I love the room. The views. The stuffed animals lining the walls. It's way better than my room at my grandmother's house in the Bronx. It's perfect for a guy like me."

My heart swells as Rowan heads to the kitchen for a fresh juice box.

Something blossoms in my chest that feels a lot like understanding.

I realize now that I'm going to have to take it much slower than I expected to earn Rowan’s trust.

At the ice cream parlor, I wanted to heave Rowan into my arms and spoil him beyond his wildest dreams ASAP.

But now, I know that I need to take it one step at a time.

I still want to give Rowan everything he's ever dreamt of, but I need to prove myself to him before he feels that comfortable around me.

Rowan wants a Daddy, but he needs to know that I'm not going to abandon him like other people have in his life.

He's clearly gone through traumatizing experiences that have scared him away from falling into relationships too fast.

And there's still something he's not telling me about his past, something that he's keeping under lock and key.

But I can't expect Rowan to tell me everything about himself right away.

Rowan and I have only officially met twice.

He needs me to be patient with him and back up my promises with actions to show I mean what I say.

I refuse to ruin what we have by pressing him too quickly.

Thank fuck I can hold off on my flaming need for a while longer.

Our attraction to each other isn't going to die off anytime soon.

"I'm so glad you like your room," I grunt when Rowan returns from the kitchen.

Rowan pops his straw through the top of the juice box. "I love it, Igor. It's the prettiest place I've ever seen in my life."

"You sound hesitant, boy. Is there something else on your mind?"

Rowan stares at the floor. "I need to ask you something."

I nodded. "Go on."

"I need a special spot for my stuffed animals," Rowan confesses shyly. "I told you this my first day here. I need a place where PeeWee Roars can watch me work so he doesn't get lonely. I hope you don't think I'm blind-siding you. PeeWee is my closest friend and I don't want him to feel scared in my bedroom. He needs to be where he can see me so he’ll know that everything will be alright."

"We can put PeeWee on the couch, if you like,” I respond. “He'll have beautiful views of Central Park and lots of natural light. It's a perfect lookout spot to watch you while you pick up your dust bunnies."

"Why don't you get him now?" I prod.

Rowan gasps. He flits his eyes back up to me. "You mean it?"

I nod. "Damn right I do. PeeWee is very special to you, boy. Let's make sure he knows he's welcome in this home."

Rowan wastes little time in shooting me the most heart-melting smile I've ever seen and rushing to his bedroom.

I hear his feet padding across the black hardwood floors.

I smell the strawberry fragrance of his lingering presence.

He darts back into the hall with his adorable stuffed dinosaur tucked under his arms.

He's also holding a soft pink blanket and three other toys in his hands.

"Hi, Igor." He stops in front of me. He shows me the stuffed animal. "This is PeeWee."

"Hello, PeeWee," I grunt. I reach out and touch the stuffed animal. "We've already met the day Rowan first stopped by my penthouse. But it's nice to have a formal introduction.”

My heart does a funny thing in my chest when I touch the dino for the first time.

"Tell me where you want PeeWee again," I grunt.

"The spot by the window is great,” Rowan says timidly. “It’s the best place for him to watch me work."

I grasp the dino like it's the most precious thing I've ever felt in my life.

I walk toward the window and set PeeWee Roars on the sofa.

Unfolding the blanket Rowan gives me, I wrap it around the stuffed animal and set the three toys next to him.

"Is he happy here?" I growl.

Rowan can't even bring himself to make eye contact with me as he nods. “He's very snug and warm. He's grateful that you're willing to sacrifice your couch for him."

It's crazy to think that Rowan is melting my heart.

But it's true.

I’m feeling things I haven't felt in so long.

Most people don't treat their stuffies with this much respect.

"Are you sure, boy?" I grunt.

"Yes." Rowan nods. "He has plenty of nice views and lots of sun. He can get a tan while he watches me pick up dust bunnies."

Rowan's eyes meet mine.

Something warm and soft travels out of them and lands in mine.

My icy heart starts to melt.

I feel the enormous fortresses I’ve built around my heart crack and shake.

"Follow me, boy." I take Rowan's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"The couch."

I lead Rowan to the sofa. I sit him next to PeeWee, then turn to face him.

"This is where PeeWee will sit throughout the day. This is his designated sofa spot. If anyone tries to move him, I'll be very stern with them and tell them to put him back in his place. This is his special spot from now on and no one has the right to touch or disturb him."

Rowan's trusting gaze turns me to mush. "PeeWee says he's very happy in this spot."

As he should be.

Not every stuffed dino is blessed with such luxury.

"Is there anything else PeeWee needs?" I growl.

"Some apple juice would be nice."

Hauling myself up from the sofa, I retrieve an ice-cold box of juice from the fridge.

I take it back to PeeWee and Rowan pops the straw through the top.

As Rowan gives PeeWee the apple juice, a million sensations crash through my heart.

It's unbelievable how much I want this.

It's been so long since I had a beautiful boy to buy stuffed animals and treat like the most precious little prince in the world.

This young man, this beautiful young man, is giving me the chance to do what I want most of all.

He wants me to be a Daddy and fulfill his needs.

He wants me to prove that I have a sweet side to me and that I'm so much more than murder and death.

My chest melts as Rowan pretends to give PeeWee a sip of juice.

"Does he like it?" I grunt.

Rowan beams. "He said it's the best apple juice he's ever had. But only because you gave it to him. That makes it special."

I stare into Rowan's eyes.

They’re the most radiant, dazzling blue eyes I've ever seen in my life.

My lips gravitate toward his.

But I stop myself in the nick of time.

Rowan lets out a laugh. "Not yet, Igor. You passed your first test with flying colors. But there are still many more to come."

"Don't worry about it, boy." A snort escapes me as I pat PeeWee on the head. "I got a little carried away, that's all. It won't happen again."

"Yet," Rowan whispers breathlessly. "I don't want this to happen yet. But don't get me wrong, Igor. I want this to happen. I think you're so special and amazing and I want you so much. But we must take our time. You passed my first test. But you have to pass the others before we can go on."

I nod. Like a soldier. Unaffected by emotion. Unaffected by the beautiful warmth welling up in my heart.

After introducing Rowan to his private shopper and driver, I return to my study to get back to work.

There's a lot of shit I need to do now that I know the Riccis are working with Colombian drug cartels.

But my mind is locked on one thing only.


Sweet, beautiful Rowan.

I'll do whatever it takes to make him mine.

I'll go as slowly as he needs me to.

And when I finally pass Rowan's tests and earn his trust, I’ll blow his mind.