Daddy’s Little Runaway by Lila Fox

Chapter Eighteen


Devon watched the door close behind Emma and felt like he lost something, but he couldn’t figure out what.

His gaze went back to Zachary. “I didn’t want her to know, man. I was hoping to get cleaned up and ice on my face and knuckles before she saw me.”

“I’m sorry, Devon. I didn’t realize.”

“I know.” Devon ran an agitated hand through his hair. “Fuck, now she’s going to worry, and I don’t want that.”

“Just talk to her,” Cason suggested.

Devon snorted. “Oh, I’m definitely going to do that. Could you wait for a moment? I’ll go get clothes? Is it all right if I shower at your place?”

Cason nodded. “Of course.”

“The police are supposed to meet us here,” Devon told them.

“I’ll call down and tell them to send them to my condo.”

“Cason, can you tell the girls we’ll be at your place and to come there if they need us?”

“Sure. I know you don’t want Emma to see you like this again. I thought she was going to faint at first.”

Several hours later, the three men had finished with the policemen’s questions and then started to talk about the business.

They all turned toward the elevator when the doors opened, and Lacey stepped out.

Cason stood and went to her. “Hi, baby. Did you have fun at Emma’s?”

Devon could tell she was agitated and wouldn’t look their way.

“Yes. Is it okay if I go take a bath before dinner?” she asked.

Cason kissed her forehead. “Sure. I’ll come back for you. I say we order in tonight.”

“That sounds good, Da … Cason.”

“Baby, Zachary knows about us. You can call me Daddy in front of him.”

She nodded, went up on her tiptoes, and kissed his chin before walking off.

Devon saw the look on his friend’s face.

“What’s going on with her?”

Cason shrugged. “I’m not sure. Maybe the two got in a fight? Whatever it is, I’ll find out.”

“We’ve been talking longer than we planned. I better get home to Emma. She and I have a bit to talk about.”

He shook the men’s hands and left. When the elevator doors opened, he could tell right away something wasn’t right.

“Emma?” he yelled as he started through the condo. “Emma, answer me, baby.”

Dread filled him when he got to the bedroom, and she wasn’t there. He knew she wouldn't go anywhere else in the building besides Lacey’s or his office. He turned to head that way when he saw the piece of paper on his pillow.

He dreaded picking it up because he knew it would tell him she was gone.


Dear Devon,

I’m sorry I didn't stay to talk. I thought it best just to leave. I’ve brought enough turmoil into your life. The fact you got hurt because of me will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Please just leave me alone. In time, you’ll see it’s best if you don’t have me in your life.

Please be safe.

Your friend, Emma


Fuck. He should have known she’d blame herself for his injuries. He took off to Cason’s place. He was glad to see Zachary still there.

“What’s up, man?”

Devon exhaled. “Emma ran away.”

“Oh, shit,” Zachary said and stood.

“I need to ask Lacey some questions.” Devon headed to the master suite. He heard Cason and Lacey’s voices in the bathroom and knocked on the bedroom door. “Cason, it’s me. I need to ask Lacey some questions.”

“Come on back.”

Devon walked into the bathroom to see Lacey in the bathtub, and Cason was crouched next to it.

Cason frowned when he saw the look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Emma ran away.”

Devon would have smiled when Lacey sank down into the water when he walked in and then went under when Zachary stepped into the room. She came up, sputtering and wiping the water from her face.

“Daddy, I’m naked in the bathtub,” she whispered frantically.

“So, Devon’s had his fingers in your ass.”

Devon saw Zachary’s eyebrows shoot up, but fortunately, he kept quiet.

“But the other…”

“Baby, If I want a room full of guys to see the beautiful woman who is mine, you’ll do it. This body belongs to me, so don’t you dare hide it from anyone I say. Now, answer Devon’s questions. As you can see, he’s about ready to lose it.”

The woman looked at him and then bit down on her lower lip.

“Where is she, honey?”

Lacey looked back at her husband and him. “She didn’t really say where.”

“Lacey,” Cason cautioned. “You’re already in trouble for not telling us right away.”

“But, Daddy, she’s my friend. I made a pinky promise.”

“Tell Devon where she is right now.”

Lacey sighed. “She talked about her apartment.”

“Dammit. There’s nothing there. I had everything taken away.”

“Maybe try her house,” Lacey suggested.

“I think I know why she ran,” Devon said. “What did she say to you?”

“She was horrified that you were hurt, and she blamed herself for it. I told her it wasn’t her fault, but she wouldn’t listen. She also thought you didn’t want her anyway because you wouldn’t let her touch you.”

“Fuck,” Devon growled. “That’s not it. I didn’t want her to get blood on her or her to see me in the bright light.”

“Hey, man, can I help?”

Devon turned to Zachary. “Yes. Come with me. I might need someone to block an exit.”

“You got it.”

“Will you need me?”

Devon looked at Cason. “You stay here and take care of your little. She might give us some more clues.”

Cason nodded. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

Devon raced out of the condo with Zachary hot on his heels.