Daddy’s Little Runaway by Lila Fox

Chapter Three


Emma looked around the dark underground parking. “Where are we?”

“We’re home.”

The throbbing of the cut on her arm intensified, and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying. She’d done the best she could to take care of it, but she knew it wasn’t enough.

“Hang on. We’re just about there.”

She didn’t notice the elevator ride or the walk through a darkened apartment. She squinted against the bright light when he set her on top of the bathroom counter.

“Can you sit for a minute, baby?”

She nodded and leaned back against the mirror.

That was when she got her first good look at him, and she gasped. He was beautiful. He was very tall, well over six feet, with broad shoulders and a massive chest. His hands looked the size of dinner plates. There was nothing soft about his face except for the vivid blue color of his eyes. His jaw was square and dark with whiskers that were as black as the hair on his head. His nose was a bit crooked on the bridge, and he had a broad forehead.

He interrupted her thoughts. “We need to get your clothes off, and I need to check out your injury and then get you into the shower.”

“I … no.” She could feel the edge of panic start to take hold.

“Honey, you can’t do this by yourself.”

She shook her head. “I’m not getting naked.”

He sighed. “Nothing bad is going to happen, baby. I’m just here to take care of you.”

“I can’t…”

“Baby, you’re dirty, tired, and injured.”

She was more exhausted than she could ever remember being, and her body hurt so badly, but to get naked in front of him…

He placed his hand on her leg. “I’m only here to help you. I want to make you better. Please let me do that for you.”

Damn, she really didn’t have a choice. Her gaze darted from his face to the shower and back. “You’re going to help me?”

“Yes. You’re not strong enough to do it yourself. I’ll keep my boxers on, all right? They are a lot like swim trunks.”

She knew she didn’t have a choice. Since she couldn’t sit there very much longer, she nodded. The thought of being really clean again took any apprehension she felt.

“All right. Good,” he said.

He started to pull her sweatshirt over her head, but she cried out in pain when she lifted her arm.

“Damn, honey. I’m going to have to cut this off. I don’t want to hurt you.”


He pulled a pair of scissors out of a drawer, and before she blinked, the sweatshirt was lying next to her on the counter.

Her bra went next, and then her shoes, socks, and sweatpants until all she had on was a pair of panties.

It took everything in her, every bit of strength she had left even to sit still, but she had the urge to run. She pressed her legs together and covered her breasts with her good arm as she felt her embarrassment deepen. She’d never been naked in front of anyone except her grandmother and aunt. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to bother him, so she tried to relax.

“When did the injury happen, baby?”

“The day before yesterday, I think. I cut it on a piece of metal when I climbed out of my window.”

“I’ll keep the bandage on until we’re done. I have so many questions for you, but it will have to wait. Now, don’t freak. I’m going to take my clothes off except for my boxers so I can help you in the shower.”

She inhaled, stared at him for a brief moment, and then nodded. She wanted to feel clean again, and she knew if her injury wasn’t taken care of quickly, it would get infected—if it already wasn’t.

Her eyes widened, and her pulse rose with every piece of clothing he pulled off. God, she had thought he was big before, but standing in front of her now, she saw every starkly defined muscle. He had a patch of dark hair between his pectoral muscles, and she had an immense urge to press her face against him and inhale his musky, manly scent into her lungs.

He smiled, telling her she had probably talked out loud again. God, she had to stop doing that.

“Let’s get you into the shower.”

She hadn’t realized he’d already started the water until she saw the steam billow out of the open shower door.

He picked her up and carried her in, setting her down on her feet with her back to the water and her front pressed against his.

She felt herself start to tremble with an emotion she’d never experienced before. Her nipples grew hard and started to hurt, and the place between her legs throbbed.

“Let’s get the panties off, baby.”

She clutched his shoulder with one hand while she kept her injured arm over her breasts.

“I’m going to wash your hair first. I don’t have conditioner, but the shampoo has some. I’ll get you some tomorrow.”

He poured a glob into his palm and started working it into her hair. Her eyes slid closed, and a moan slipped from her mouth as his fingers caressed her scalp.

The arm she’d used to cover her tits went around his waist to hold herself steady.

One of his arms wrapped around her. “Easy, honey. I’ve got you. I’ll try to be quick.”

Although she wanted this to last forever, she murmured, “Okay.”


Devon gritted his teeth when he lifted her. She hardly weighed anything. Yes, she was a small person, maybe five-feet-two or three, but he knew she didn’t weigh over a hundred pounds.

There were cuts, bruises, and scrapes all over her. Her skin was pale and cold, and it concerned him. When he had her down to her panties, he saw that even though she was thin, she still had a good handful of breasts that she tried to hide behind her arm, and her hips had a nice curve to them.

She had a bandage wrapped around her forearm, but blood had seeped through. He wasn’t going to attempt to get it off, hoping the warm water would loosen it so it didn't stick to her injury.

“Let’s get you into the shower.”

He held her steady as he pulled her panties off and dumped them into the corner of the shower. The fact she didn’t flinch or even gasp told him she was about at her limit, and he needed to get her into bed. He quickly washed her hair and then her body before reaching for a towel and wrapping her in it.

After he sat her on the counter, he grabbed one for himself and wrapped it around his hips. Another towel was used to squeeze the moisture out of her hair.

“Do you think you can sit here for a second while I get you a shirt?”


He raced into his closet, dropped the towel and his sopping boxers, grabbed gym shorts, and pulled them on. Within seconds, he rushed back with one of his shirts.

“Let’s get you into this.” He rolled the sleeves up and over the injury so he could take care of the wet bandage once he got her situated in the bed.

“Okay, pet, I think you’re about ready to drop, so I’m going to put you into my bed while I take care of everything.”

Something in his chest tightened when she nodded, then leaned forward, and set her head on his chest.

Jesus. She was so damn sweet, and he was determined to do anything and everything necessary to get her healthy and happy.