The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 29


“Don’tyou think you’re being a little overprotective?” Vah’all walks back into the space we’ve established as our home within the cavern, his arms overflowing with supplies and more items strapped to his back. Since he won’t let me leave right now, I take what I can from his arms before it all ends up in a pile on the floor.

“It won’t be like this forever. But if no one else knows you’re back on Bameh, let’s keep you out of sight until absolutely necessary.”

I carry a load of wood to where we’ve built a fire pit for when the temperatures drop at night. I’m spoiled because we have plenty of heated blankets on hand when I need them but Vah’all’s body and ability to cocoon around me with his wings provides plenty of warmth at night.

We have a bed, complete with a mattress and everything. He carried it in with the help of a few friends. Slowly, over the course of the last few days, we’ve been moving in furniture to make a kitchen of sorts where we can store our food.

The cavern is always fairly dark so I asked Vah’all to find us a lighting source so it doesn’t feel like we’re living underground like a mole couple. We don’t have electricity capabilities yet, but Vah’all is determined. It’s only a matter of time before he has this place functioning like his other home.

“Kraal took off to Nedruinia again. Apparently, he’s developed a sense of responsibility since delivering your friends to their destination.”

We’re both moving about the cavern, organizing our supplies like two people just getting used to each other again. Not because we were away from each for too long, but because we’re officially living together now. “It’s not a huge leap to say there’s one friend in particular he’s keeping an eye on.” I smile mischievously at Vah’all while he stares like I just filled him in on a huge secret.

“Which one?”

“Maren. It wasn’t easy leaving my friends behind but knowing Kraal would be watching her like a hawk definitely helped.”

Eventually he accepts this, and we move on to another topic. “Now that your friends are completing the medical training you hoped to receive, does it make you regret your decision to come back here?”

His question surprises me. He’s always been so confident that we’ll be together, that I’m the one for him and nothing could change it. Sometimes I even wonder if he would’ve been able to honor my decision to stay on Nedruinia if that’s what I decided to choose.

“No,” I say simply. “I decided to become a doctor when I lost my sister in the car accident I told you about. For the longest time, it felt like my fault, and I wanted to do everything I could to prevent anything like it from happening again. And then I met you and what I thought I had figured out, changed.” He wraps his arms around me from behind, pressing my back against his chest.

“Even though I have training now, it still didn’t do me any good when you were injured. Bameh isn’t like Earth, and you are quite different from humans. But leaving you behind only made me realize how much I still wanted to be there for you and stand by your side. Even if I couldn’t fix you.” I shake my head and make the confession I’ve wanted to say since I returned. “I never should’ve left you like that. Not when you needed me…but I panicked.”

“Shhhh.” Vah’all’s lips brush over my neck, his hand wrapping my hair in his fist. “No more blame. We are together now and that is all that matters. I regret putting you in danger. You regret leaving to seek safety. In the end, we’re here, making a home. Starting a life.”

He sucks my skin into his mouth, his tongue licking over my sensitive flesh. A shiver rakes down my body when his hands begin to move. “You’re trying to distract me,” I say.

“Is it working?”

“Mmmm, you always know what to do.” Pleasure ignites in my belly, all thoughts of organizing gone as they shift to the bed. Before Vah’all can give me what I’m craving, however, there are sounds at the entrance, followed by shouts of hello. “Are you expecting someone?” I fix my top to cover my breasts while he moves to the tunnel.

“Vah’all! Sarah!” Voices grow louder until his friends enter.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

We greet everyone as they file into the cavern. They’ve brought drinks and food, ready for a feast. I only wish I had a head’s up, so I could’ve been more prepared. “We’re celebrating the first mating in years!” It’s one of the elders who makes the proclamation, but I don’t remember his name. It’s a mixture of elders and warriors who make themselves at home. Thankfully, the cavern is open and spacious enough to accommodate all our unexpected guests.

“Everything is quiet for now, but I’m watching the monitors from here.” Drocrek shows Vah’all and me the band on his wrist equipped with a small screen that alternates between different views of the area around us outside of the tall rocks. “And I made Cozex stay behind in the control room. I couldn’t miss celebrating your mating and your new official position at the base.”

This is news to me. “You got a new position?”

“It isn’t a big deal, but I was going to tell you tonight. I’m in charge of security right here so I’ll never have to be far from you. I’ll always be close if you need me or if there’s another attack.” He closes the distance between us until we can almost ignore the crowd in the cavern. “You won’t need to worry.”

“I’m not worried.” I throw my arms around him, relieved to hear he won’t be crashing any more ships and eliminating witnesses. “We’re going to be okay. And you’ll be close.”

“Come,” Stux’an says, pulling Vah’all away from me. “Help me start a fire.”

Vah’all beams, the support from his makeshift family so important in this moment. It finally registers how much he was willing to sacrifice for me. He ostracized himself from his warrior brothers just to keep me. The same warriors who were all he had when his parents died. But they’ve proven their loyalty to him in the end. This may be a testosterone fueled family but as they prepare for a celebratory feast, the appeal is undeniable.

By rebelling against the restrictive laws set by some of the elders, they’ve freed themselves in more ways than one. Now Vah’all and I can be together, and we won’t be forced to be a secret forever. Maybe one day we’ll be able to go on an adventure together and Vah’all can see some of the places he’s always been curious about.

Ondin approaches while I’m standing on my own, watching everyone settle in and make themselves at home. He’s with a female, and the shock of seeing the first female dhevieth in person causes me to forget all my manners and stare.

“Sarah, I wanted to introduce you to my mother, Akva.”

Akva is like Ondin but with a slight frame and petite features. She has long silver hair adorned with beautiful, beaded clips, full lips and the thickest eye lashes I’ve ever seen. Even being considered petite, she’s still a head taller than me. She smiles when Ondin introduces her, probably amused with the shocked look on my face.

“It’s so nice to meet you.” I’m smiling now, too. With my friends in Nedruinia, I’ll be sticking close to the cavern without many opportunities for interactions with friends. It’s exciting to know Ondin has a mother on this side of the pass. Another woman who I could spend some time with.

“I’ve been eager to meet you,” she says. “Ondin has been telling me all about the four women from Earth but with everything that has happened, this is the first chance we’ve had to meet.”

“Yes, never a dull moment, and all that.” I laugh because what else can I do? We’ve been subjected to a lot since arriving on Bameh. It’s a relief to know Akva is relieved to meet me and seems interested in getting to know me better.

“Do you have parents back on Earth? Siblings you left behind?”

Usually, any mention of Sam strikes red, hot pain straight to my heart. But today it’s different. Surrounded by Vah’all’s family, knowing I’m loved and finally able to forgive myself, her question doesn’t create the same regret as usual.

“I had a sister. My parents still live on Earth. Now that I plan on staying with Vah’all, Drocrek promised to figure out a way for me to communicate with them. Facetime through the galaxy? Something like that.” I shrug and laugh because I’m talking but she doesn’t have a clue what I’m saying. “I’d love to visit with you anytime. You’re always welcome to pop in. I could use more friends.”

Akva smiles, looking genuinely pleased about the offer. “I would enjoy that. Especially is there’s a baby one of these days.”

“No baby yet. And now that we aren’t under any pressure to have a baby to try to appease the council, we’re not going to stress about it. If it happens, it happens. Otherwise, we’re in no rush. But when it becomes a reality, I appreciate the offer of help.”

They walk away but I’m only alone for a few minutes before Vah’all returns. It’s pleasantly warm in the cavern with so many bodies crowding the space and a fire roaring away in the corner. Our guests have set up the food buffet style along with barrels of ale along the wall.

“Is everything okay?” Vah’all asks, sweeping me up in his arms.

I glance around and even though we may be in the middle of a huge conflict, the faces in the cavern are happy and content. They’re a family and Vah’all is mine so the scene unfolding around me fills me with nothing but unexpected joy.

“Everything is great.” We kiss at the same moment someone must say something hilarious because a loud roar of laughter erupts around us. “There’s a lot to celebrate tonight. A lot to be thankful for.”

“You,” Vah’all says. “I’m eternally thankful for you.”