The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



I'm on the doorstep at midnight thinking about how this is the worst possible time to get picked up. Benito wanted me to be in the penthouse by now. I've not even left my place yet.

My father has been hidden away in his study all night, his phone ringing on and off. I've no idea what he's up to, but I'm hoping it's nothing to do with me. All I want to do is get this done and then get on with my life.

At a quarter to twelve he comes out of his study and sees me in the hall with my suitcase ready. He doesn't ask where I'm going. He nods at me like he approves. "Here," he says, handing something to me. "You almost forgot this."

I look down. It's the keycard to Ethan's elevator. "Where did you get this from?" I ask him.

"Don't play dumb," he replies. "You think Benito would set this scheme up without letting me know? He made a copy so you're good to go. You get up there and you distract Ethan like you agreed. You got it?"

"Benito told you about our deal?"

"He told me you do this and he won't make you marry him. We'll just see about that, my girl. I reckon he'll pay a lot more to overrule that sweet deal you made. I could do with the cash. I've a dead cert next week."

"Dad, I don't want to marry Benito."

"You want to marry Ethan Gianni instead?"

"I don't want to get married at all. If I ever get married, I want it to be for love."

"Love?" He snorts a laugh. "Who the fuck gets married for love? What do you think this is, a Christmas movie?"

"You loved mom, didn't you?"

He shakes his head. "Your mother got me a foot in the door with the Mancini famiglia. She's distant cousin to one of them. It was enough to get me connected. I'm moving up now. Look at me, friends with the Don's son, my daughter engaged to him. Who'd have guessed all those years ago?"

"I'm not going to marry Benito, Dad. I made a deal with him. That's the only reason I'm giving him Ethan."

He walks straight up to me and he's narrowing his eyes, his voice getting louder. "You'll do as you're told my girl. Get your ass out on that doorstep and don't fuck this up. I want to know Ethan's dealt with by the next time I see you or you will never set foot in this house again, I swear to Almighty God."

He pulls open the front door and shoves me out, slamming it shut after me. I've never felt more alone. Not welcome at home. Nowhere to go. About to get a man arrested when there's something inside me telling me it's the wrong thing to do.

It's not though. I'm sure I'm doing the right thing.

Ethan gets arrested for all the crimes he's committed in the past. I don't have to get married to Benito. He promised. We made a deal.

It's all good. I can live my own life when this is done. Do my own thing. Granted, I've no idea what my own thing is but I like Ethan's idea of me working with animals. Sure, he said he'd get me a job with them but why should I trust him?

Why trust Benito either?The question pops into my head out of nowhere.

I have an answer ready. Because he seemed honest. Ethan comes across as a liar, all too ready to use violence against me and other people. I saw and heard the fear he inspired in my father. He's clearly the more dangerous man out of him and Benito.

Doesn't stop you wanting him though.

I tell that voice to shut up. I refuse to listen to it. I don't want him. Sure, I think he's hot but that's not exactly the basis for a fulfilling relationship. I need someone stable, someone who isn't a contract killer would be a start. Someone I don't hate.

You want him.

I don't. I really don't. I want to stay far away from him. Which doesn't exactly square with me standing on the doorstep right now waiting for him to arrive.

A black car pulls up and Ethan gets out of the passenger side. It pulls away a second later, leaving us alone.

My heart skips at the sight of him. All of a sudden, my throat feels dry. Noises around me fade. "I hope you still have my car key," he says.

I reach into my handbag and pull it out. He walks over and takes it from me, his fingers brushing mine. I take a sharp intake of breath. What the hell is happening to me? Every time he touches me, I feel like moaning out loud. It feels so good, it's like nothing I've felt before.

"Get in," he says, walking to his car and climbing into the driver's seat.

"Where do I put my suitcase?"

"In the trunk."

"You not going to do it for me? Like a gentleman?"

"You've got arms. Use them."

I half expect to find a body in there but it's empty. I stow the case and then climb into the front. I'm still putting my seatbelt on when he drives off.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he turns left at the end of the road. "Your place is that way."

"My city place is that way," he replies, hitting the gas. "But we're not going to my city place."

"Oh," I reply, thinking of Benito's plans. "Why not?"

"Because I'm not a fool, Amanda."

I fall silent. How much does he know? I glance across at him. He's staring at the road, occasionally looking in the rear-view mirror. "Worried we're being followed?" I ask him, remembering what it said in the book I was reading at his place. "Maybe you should u-turn in the middle of a bridge like in The Godfather."

He glances my way. "So you have been studying. Well done. Tell me something."


"I know there is not a single book in your father's house apart from in your bedroom. Those in your room are all related to animals. How can I know that?"

"Because you've been in my bedroom. Did you break into my house?"

"Think harder."