The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



He spanks me again. This time his hand slides down to my thighs afterward, stroking them lightly. I shift my legs, but my jeans are stopping me from moving them far enough apart. My pussy is throbbing, my ass alive from the sensations of the spanking.

His hand slaps down twice more and I close my eyes, listening to the wind.

I can hear nothing else except my own breathing. His mouth is by my ear a moment later. His hips are digging into my ass. Is that a bulge I can feel pressing against me? Is he hard back there? "Obey the rules," he whispers in my ear. "And I will reward you."

His hand moves between my legs, stroking closer to my pussy. Can he tell I'm wet down there? I don't say anything. I don't dare. If I open my mouth to speak, I've no idea what will come out.

"You want to be good," he continues, still stroking closer to my core. "I know you want to submit to me. Be the person you are, Mandy. Let go of everything else.”

"I'm scared," I say, the words falling out of my mouth.

"I will protect you," he replies, brushing lightly over my clit, just once. I gasp from the sensation, but then he moves away from me. I stand up on shaky legs, turning around to find him striding off toward the house. I stand still, not sure I can trust myself to walk yet. I pull up my panties and my jeans and glare at his back. How can he just walk away like that? It would serve him right if I climbed over the wall and went back home.

I can't do it. Not just because I'll end up with Benito who is no doubt furious that I didn't let him into the penthouse. Nor because my parents will be just as angry.

It's because I can't leave him. Not until he gives me permission.

Something has changed inside me. I'm not sure what but I do know one thing. My pussy is throbbing. I want him inside me. I've never wanted anything or anyone so much before. I know it's just lust and not rational thinking but it's real and it's coursing through me. I scurry after him, catching up just as he disappears into the house. "Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I have work to do," he replies. "I am leaving shortly."

"Am I going with you?"

"You are staying here where it is safe."

"When will you be back?"

"Do you care?"

"Of course I care." I don't want to tell him I'll miss him. Nor that I want his hands back on me. I stand in front of him and tremble with need, my insides on fire. My ass still stings from the spanking. I want to get on my knees in front of him, beg him to stay, beg him to show me that body of his in all its glory.

"You will read the books in my study," he says. "I will test you when I return. You will not touch yourself."

I blush. How did he even know I was thinking of doing that? My cheeks burn as he examines me in silence for a moment.

"I will reward you when I return," he says at last. "If you are good. Can you be good for me, Amanda?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Read the books. Learn about who you are. About how to protect yourself. How to survive."

I get the feeling there's some subtext in his words. I wonder if maybe reading the books will teach me something about him at the same time. Is that why he wants me to study them?

It would make sense. He seems like the kind of man who will never willingly share things with me, things about himself. Look what happened when I mentioned his mother to him. A closed book, that's what he is.

He gets me set up in the study before telling me to order food from Iris whenever I'm hungry. "Where's Fitz?" I ask.

"Somewhere in the house. He'll come find you if he wants company."

Like his owner, I think but don't say out loud.

I settle into the sofa with a pile of books. Ethan leaves without saying goodbye. I don't even know he's gone until I hear the front door closing in the distance. He hasn't told me where he's going or why.

I think to myself. This is why I shouldn't want him. I couldn't live with someone like that. A marriage where I don't know anything about him or his work. He'll just vanish whenever he feels like it and he could end up dead somewhere and I wouldn't even know about it. The thought makes me feel sick.

I lose myself in the books. I read about hand to hand combat techniques, the accuracy of different guns, how to blend into a crowd. I find myself getting interested despite my best efforts to not care.

I often hear Fitz's claws on the wooden floors somewhere in the distance, but he doesn't appear before I've had dinner.

I eat alone in the dining room. Iris provides the food and chats to me happily about not much at all. I help her bring the dishes in from the kitchen. I'm glad of the company.

We talk throughout. Whenever I press her about Ethan, she finds a way to change the subject until I give up trying. Maybe he gave her orders not to overshare.

I open the window when I'm done, getting some air, looking out and wondering where Ethan is, what he's up to.

I carry my stuff back to the kitchen to save her a job. She loads the dishwasher and tells me to call her if I want anything else.

After dinner I go back to the study. I'm in there until after ten, the time flashing by. I hear movement out in the hallway. I assume it's Iris but when I look up I get the shock of my life. Standing there with a cold smile on his face is Benito. "Good evening, Amanda," he says, taking a step toward me.

He's got a gun in his hand. Glock 17, my brain works out before I can stop it. Accurate to around ten feet, isn't it? That's what the books said. Seventeen in the magazine as standard. Up to thirty-three in the extended. That's a lot of bullets for me to try and avoid. How far away from me is he?

He's not likely to miss from that distance.

What did the book say about dealing with a gun? I'm starting to panic. My thoughts are crumbling away. He closes the door behind him, turning and pointing the gun directly at me. "Don't move, Amanda, or I'll blow your brains out."