The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



For the Don of a major crime family in the city, Primo Mancini seems remarkably lax with his security arrangements. I'm guessing he's gotten complacent, thinks no one would dream of trying to take him on at his home.

His house looks like any other on this block. Hard to tell that behind the brownstone frontage, it's been knocked through and hollowed out and turned into a mansion that hides in plain sight. A bit like me.

I'm hiding in plain sight, across the street from his place, sipping at a coffee and watching the guard on the door. There's only one and he's spending half his time watching out, the other half staring at two teenagers loading something into the back of their car.

As his eyes fix on their asses yet again, I make my move, heading over the crosswalk and then making my way casually past the place. I turn once I'm by him, acting like I'm lost, cap pulled down low. "Say, can you tell me the way to City Hall?" I ask him. "I'm meant to be getting married there."

He's slow, too slow. He works out who I am and reaches for his gun but by the time he does that, I'm up the steps and I've got him around the throat. I squeeze, pulling him behind the potted plant to the left of the door as he chokes in my grip.

The plant's tall enough to hide his limp form as I drop him and start rummaging for keys. He's got none. Doesn't matter. I can take his place. I sling his jacket over my shoulders and move out into the open once more.

I stand with my back to the door and knock on it. "What the hell you doing knocking?" a man's voice says behind me. "You're supposed to be on guard." I turn and get him in the balls with my boot. He drops and starts gasping, reaching for his gun. I can't have that. The noise would give things away too quickly. I lean down and pull the knife out of my wrist holder. I slide it into his neck with one hand over his mouth to stifle his screams.

I don't feel bad. They both work for Mancini. They made their choice in life. The other side from me.

I walk into the house and bump straight into a maid heading for the front door. I'm about to move past her when I look into her eyes and realize it's Amanda.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she hisses as someone yells incoherently from further along the corridor.

"Get behind me," I tell her as Primo appears at the corner, his gun pointing toward us.

"Come back here, you bitch," he says, using his free hand to wipe blood from his forehead. It's dripping in his eyes and that's the reason we get out of there alive. He sees me, shoots, and hits the doorframe.

I fire and don't miss. One shot, between the eyes. He drops to the ground just as more men come around the corner, victor among them. I look at the group and don't move. Amanda is clinging onto my back. I meet their eyes and announce loudly, "Don Mancini is dead. This is Don Gianni's city now. Shoot me and you will burn by sunset. Join our famiglia and you will live."

They look at each other. I leave them thinking about it and head out the door with Amanda. "What if they come after us?" she asks as I close the door with them on the other side.

"They won't," I reply. "I got the measure of them before I opened my mouth. They know who I am and what I did to the last crew that came after me. They'll come on their knees to see Don Gianni by the end of the day."

I walk down the steps, putting my gun away. "Is it over?" Amanda asks. "Is it really over?"

"For now." We start to head down the street. "I'm parked around the corner."

"Where are we going?"

"To see Don Gianni and get his approval for our marriage."

"You think he'll give it?"

"I completed an impossible contract. I just shot Primo Mancini. He'd give me the moon if I asked for it." I look at her and she doesn't look hurt. "Mind telling me why you're dressed ready to do some dusting?"

"I remembered what that book of yours said. About blending in. Primo wanted me to pick an outfit so I picked this one, whacked him over the head with the coat hanger when he came to get me and then I was heading for the front door like I worked there."

"So you didn't need me to come and rescue you then?"

"Not saying I'm not glad to see you. How did you know where I was? Did Mancini tell you?"

"He wanted me to go to a restaurant so I could walk straight into a trap."

"How'd you know it was a trap?"

"Because I knew he wouldn't be far from you and I knew where you were?"

"But how?"

I tap the ring on her finger. "Got a GPS inside it."

She looks down at the ring and then smiles. "Creepy, stalky. Protective. I like it."

We get in the car and head for Don Gianni's house. When we get there he strides up to me on his doorstep and then slaps my face. "You kill someone without getting my consent first?" His scowl turns into a smile. "You kill Don Mancini for me?" He kisses both my cheeks and then laughs. "You are the son I should have had, Ethan. Not the useless one I do have."

Behind him Paulie holds up a glass with a White Russian slopping over the edge. "I heard that, Pop."

"You kill a Don for me, I give you respect, Paulie. How about that?"

"No need. Ethan did it already."

"Yes, he did." Don Gianni turns to look at Amanda. "I hear wedding bells are in the air for you two, is that right?"

She nods. "Yes, Sir."

"Please, call me Dino. You must meet my wife. Rose, where are you?"

Rose appears in the corridor, carrying a kitten in her arms. "Ethan," she says. "I meant to say happy birthday."

I nod her way. "Thank you."

"Your birthday?" Amanda says. "Since when was it your birthday?"

"Just turned forty," Paulie shouts. "Getting old."

"I've a few bullets left," I shout back at him. "Watch your mouth about the old."

"What's that, gramps?" he yells, heading through to the kitchen.

I turn to Amanda. "He's two years younger than me."

Rose has reached us by now and is frowning at me. "I hear you two are going to get married and you didn't invite us?"

"Just the legal stuff," I reply, glancing at the clock behind her. "But we missed our slot already. We were meant to be there for twelve."

The Don shakes his head sadly. "The man who kills Mancini marries today. I will go put my suit on and make a call. Paulie, go get something decent on. We're going to City Hall."

They all walk off, leaving me and Amanda alone by the front door. "Well," she says, turning to me with a smile. "I guess that counts as approval."

"I guess it does." I lean down and kiss her.

"What about the conservatorship?" Amanda asks. "My father has to approve for it to legally count as a marriage."

"The Don will make it happen," I tell her, kissing her again. "Just make sure you turn up this time."

"Hey, that wasn't my fault."

"Didn't say it was." She mock scowls as I sweep her into my arms and hold her tight. "Love you, future Mrs. Gianni," I add.

She grins up at me. "Love you too, Mr. Gianni. Promise me one thing before we go through with this."

"What's that?"

"You'll always spank me when I'm bad."

"Oh, I can promise you that for sure." I swat at her ass and she shrieks. "Not here."

"Get you later."

"You better."