The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano

Glossary of mafia terms

  • Administration - Top level management of a family, consisting of the Don, underboss, and consigliere
  • Associate - Works for/with mafia but is not a made man
  • Bagman - Collects or distributes illegally gained money
  • Barone - Baron or landlord
  • Boss - Alternate term for Don
  • Bratva - Russian mafia
  • Capo - Captain, leads a crew
  • Capo dei capi - Boss of all bosses, a supremely powerful boss
  • Captain - Capo
  • Comare - (pronounced goomah/goomar) Mistress
  • Confirm - To be made
  • Connected guy - Associate
  • Consigliere - Don’s advisor/fixer, always consulted before decisions are made
  • Crew - Group of soldiers under commands of a capo
  • Cugine - Young soldier desperate to be made
  • Don - Head of an individual mafia family, decides who gets whacked, who gets made
  • Famiglia - Family
  • Family - An organized criminal clan
  • Goombah - Senior associate
  • Hit - To murder
  • hitting the mattresses - Going to war with a rival family
  • Initiation - Becoming a made man
  • Kick up - To pass a part of income to the next up in the chain of command
  • Lam - To go into hiding
  • Make your bones - Gain street cred by killing someone
  • Made man - An associate initiated into the famiglia
  • Message job - Shooting someone in such a way to send a message (such as through the mouth)
  • Oath - Becoming inducted as a made man
  • Omerta - A vow of silence, punishable by death if broken
  • Outfit - Another term for family/clan
  • Pass - A reprieve from being whacked
  • Paying tribute - Giving the boss a cut of a deal
  • Pinched - To get caught by the police
  • Rat - Someone who snitches after being pinched
  • RICO - (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)- The legal act that allows harsher punishments if it can be proved the defendant is part of the mafia
  • Shakedown - To extort money from someone or give them a scare
  • Shy - The interest charged on loans by sharks
  • Soldier - The initial level of made man
  • Spring cleaning - Get rid of evidence
  • The commission - The body of leading mafia members who settle disputes between the families
  • Through the eye - A message job to say “We’re watching you.”
  • Through the mouth - A message job to say “This guy’s a rat.”
  • Underboss - Second in command to the Don
  • Vig - The house’s take in gambling or interest paid to a loan shark
  • Whack - To murder
  • Wiseguy - A made man