Torn Mate by Belle Harper



So much was goingthrough my mind. I almost died. My best friend almost died. Hell, people did die. But I didn’t want to think about it. It was too much to process what had happened.

Kiara and her boyfriends Dylan and Eli had driven me home. It was a strange but quiet ride. I sat with Kiara in the backseat and she held my hand the whole way back to my house. Dylan got out to check on my place before they would even let me out of the car. When he determined I was safe he walked me to my front door.

I was exhausted, I hadn’t slept, and my hand wouldn’t stop shaking as I tried to unlock my door. Dylan didn’t say anything, he just held my hand and took my keys from me. I watched as he unlocked it with ease. When I stepped inside the familiar setting, the homely smells of my house, I felt a huge wave a relief. I closed it behind me without saying anything to Dylan; I didn’t know what to say. It was like if I opened my mouth to speak I would break down and cry.

I made sure to lock it behind me and moved through my quiet house. There was a chill in the air that only happened when no one was home for a couple of days. I didn’t stop moving. I went straight to my room and stood there, staring at the walls—baby pink—my homework still on my desk.

Everything here was still the same as I had left it. The only thing out of place was me, I had changed. I wasn’t the same Ada Stephens who left this room two days ago. I looked at myself in the mirror, the dark stains on my pink t-shirt the only proof that what happened wasn’t just in my head. My eyes, rimmed in red with dark circles under them, told me a story of someone who had been weighed down with something no person should have to go through. Someone who would carry the deep scars of what had happened on the blood moon.

Was that me? Was that who I was going to become? A shell?

I slowly grabbed some fresh pajamas and headed for the shower. I needed a long hot shower and a big nap before my parents came home. I needed to look normal… like the Ada they left behind. Only I would know the truth of what had happened. I could never tell them.

All the blood…Huxley bleeding out, my hands holding over the open bites, the blood seeping out around my fingers. I couldn’t stop it, as much as I tried. Why was there so much blood… I didn’t have enough hands. He was dying.

I gasped as I sat up in bed, looking around my room, my hand going to my chest to calm my racing heart. I was here… I was home. Huxley was at his home. He was fine, safe, but I almost lost him. My chest constricted at the memories. I couldn’t help him until Lexi’s dad healed him, healed them all.

What if he hadn’t been there? Huxley wouldn’t be here anymore. Most of them wouldn’t be. So many of them were dying, and as much as I tried, I couldn’t help them. I didn’t have the skills. I wasn’t a doctor or nurse. There was no one there who was.

It took a while for me to calm down but I couldn’t go back to sleep after that. I didn’t want to relive that nightmare again, ever. If it wasn’t for Lexi’s dad, Tobias… My chest was tight again at the thoughts. I needed to stop with the what-ifs or I would never be able to function again. Huxley was safe; his parents took him home.

Lexi’s dad was an angel. Like, a full-on one, with wings and everything. I didn’t even get to see him, there were just so many people outside and everything. And well, most of them were naked, so I wasn’t trying to look for him because there were way too many dicks out to be searching for someone in that crowd.

Plus… I had my first kiss. With Huxley. Butterflies danced in my belly at the thought as I touched my lips at the memory. It was so amazing. His lips were so soft, and his hair was just perfect the way it flopped over his eyes… Curls were sexy.

I wouldn’t say it was a movie worthy kiss, because the whole setting wasn’t how I ever pictured it, but it was perfect to me.

I couldn’t wait to tell Lexi about the kiss. I had checked on her before I left. She was asleep in her closet with all her guys and little Josh. It was sweet but I didn’t know what to do with myself there anymore, so when I had found Kiara, she told me she would take me home. I needed some space to come home and think. Breathe.

“We’re back,” I heard my mom call out. I smiled as I jumped out of bed and rushed out to the living room. Galen organized for them to come home today and they were now standing in the living room with their bags, huge smiles on their faces. I felt all the weight of the past two days finally hit me. I ran to them, my arms open wide, and hugged them.

“Oh, honey, we’re glad to see you too. Did you have fun with Lexi?” Mom asked, and I choked back a sob. But she knew me too well.

“What’s wrong, love?” The tears fell, and I couldn’t speak. I needed them, and when Dad wrapped his strong arms around me, I was encased in a bubble of unconditional love. They were the best parents ever. I was so grateful to have them both in my life. I couldn’t imagine a life without them in it. I was also happy they weren’t hurt. It would have killed me if something had happened to them.

“Did something happen with Lexi?” Dad asked with concern in his voice. He kissed my forehead and wiped my tears but they wouldn’t stop falling. I shook my head.

“No, I… I just missed you and I’m so lucky to have you.” I heard my mom make a sweet, happy sound as she hugged me tighter.

“We missed you too, and are so lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter. I cannot believe you won that trip away. It was amazing. We both needed it, so thank you, Ada.”

I felt bad I was lying to them, but they really did need some time away from everything. They both worked so hard for everything, and would move heaven and earth for me and Destiny. I wish I could have sent them on a better trip. Well, you know, like a real one. I always wanted to go to Disneyland with them. We went when I was little but I never forgot the feeling of being there. I was shorter then, too. I couldn’t ride a lot of things. But now I was taller… not by much. But I would be able to go on everything. Maybe I would ask Galen if he has a place down there. I could bring my parents, Lexi and Destiny too.

“I know we just got home, but how about we go out for dinner?” Dad suggested. I shook my head. I really didn’t want to go out. I was needing space from other people. I think for the first time, I over-peopled. Was that a thing? I just needed a break from everyone, to watch some Teen Wolf,and eat chocolate ice cream and be with my family.

“Can we get takeaway?” I asked, then quickly added, “Not pizza.”

I wasn’t ready to go face any of that yet. After the kiss, everything just kind of happened and I didn’t see Hux again after his parents took him outside with all the other shifters. I just stood around inside then started to clean up the mess that was left.

Plus, I needed a day or two to recover from the whole war, fighting, death and blood, and to process everything before I go seeing any shifters again.

“Chinese?” Mom asked, and I nodded. Anything was fine, honestly. I hadn’t eaten at all today. I wasn’t hungry, but I knew I would be soon. Now I had my people home I felt safe and better already.

“I’m gonna do my homework in my room. Can you let me know when it gets here?”

I really needed to do some homework, I was already behind. I didn’t know if I wanted to go to school tomorrow either. Maybe it would be my first real sick day in a long time. I just couldn’t face anyone yet, it was too fresh. Plus, all the planning for prom. Ugh… I wish I could get out of it now.