Giving Away by Lola King


It always makes me a bit emotional to think of all the people who support me and help me through the process of writing a book.

Maman, you will always be the first one I thank. You’re my pillar, you’re my first call when I break down, you’re the reason I am me (the good and bad I’m afraid). I love you and I hope you will like your shoutout - if you know you know.

Maman, tu seras toujours celle que je remercie en premier. Tu es mon pillier, tu es mon premier appel quand je vais mal, c’est grace à toi que je suis qui je suis ( le bon et le mauvais). Je t’aime et j’espère que tu apprecieras mon clin d’oeil - si tu sais tu sais.

Papa, thank you for your encouraging talks. I hope you know every time we have a call and you give me life lessons, they turn into quotes I keep close to me. I know you want me to be more confident with myself and I promise I’m trying, thanks to you. Every time we talk, I am reminded a little more that success is seeing pride in the eyes of the people we love.

Papa, merci pour tes encouragements. J’espère que tu sais que à chaque fois qu’on a une conversation et que tu me donnes des leçons de vie, je les transforme en citations que je garde près de moi. Je sais que tu veux que j’ai confiance en moi et je te promets que j’essaye grace à toi. A chaque fois qu’on parle je me rappelle que la réussite c’est de voir la fierté dans les yeux des gens qu’on aime.

Thank you, J. You’re my biggest fan, my hype man, my everything. Thank you for bringing my confidence back up every time it crashes (so like every ten minutes). Thank you for helping me focus on myself rather than comparing myself to the rest of the world. Thank you for reminding me that as long as I write, everything else will be fine. I love you, you’re my King, always and forever.

Estellou, thank you for always sharing the hype and for being a fan despite not even liking the books.

Thank you to Lauren, my alpha/editor. You know these books wouldn’t be the same without you.  You are an amazing alpha and person!

Gabby and Laura, you girls know I would not survive this community, or simply survive writing, without you. The way you help me and force me outside of my comfort zone is exactly what I need. Even if I complain about it. Thank you girls!

Brittany, Katjana, Zoe, thank you queens for your invaluable help and support. I know I can always turn to you whenever I need and your kind words honestly mean everything to me.

Thank you to my AMAZING street team, who put up with my disappearances from social media, who are always there no matter what, ready to share and hype me up. Who are always there for a chat in our group. I just want us to have a big party together so I can love you in real life rather than through my phone!

Thank you Julia for your help and just taking over everything when the world scares me too much.

And I keep the best for last. Thank you to my readers. To every single person who gave this book a chance. This is all for you!