The Wingman by A. Poland

Chapter Twenty

It was Friday before Nathan found a window of opportunity. He had a foolproof plan in mind that would require a lot more meddling than usual. It wasn’t as if he could just saunter up to this woman at a bar and talk to her. No, this was online-based. This required some clever thinking, which meant he employed the help of Lorcan.

It also required filling him in on the bare bones of the plan: Lorcan needed to distract Ben while Nathan swiped his laptop. Really, he’d thought getting his dad’s laptop for an hour or so would have been an easier feat than it proved to be.

Every time he’d left his laptop unattended, Nathan always got caught trying to snatch it. So he even tried to make an excuse that his own had broken down unexpectedly and he needed to use Ben’s for a little. Instead of mindlessly agreeing, Ben asked to take a look at the machine and booted it up with no issues, deeming himself the God of Tech.

So Nathan needed backup.

“What am I meant to say to him?” Lorcan asked over the phone, panicking. “Your dad’s going to read right through me.”

Okay, the chance of that happening was definitely there. Ben had a high-functioning bullshit detector, and Lorcan wasn’t great at bullshitting. (Once again, how on earth did he work in a call center?)

“Just talk about your mom’s birthday,” Nathan coached him patiently. “Say that you’re thinking of throwing a surprise party and want a second opinion.”

“Mom hates surprise parties,” Lorcan informed him, tone deadpan, and Nathan sighed, his patience waning.

“Then that will give Dad a talking point. You’ve got this, Lor.”

That was up for debate, but Nathan wasn’t about to make him doubt his ability to pull this off even more. Lorcan mumbled out a nervous good-bye, and Nathan waited five minutes until he heard his dad open the front door. There was a doorbell for Nathan’s benefit, but it was also hooked up to a system linked to Ben’s phone that notified him when someone was there. Technology kicked ass.

Nathan made his way to Ben’s office and sat down on the beyond-comfortable chair—which Nathan had used too many times to launch himself across the floor—then logged into the laptop. Luckily, Nathan knew the password because he’d had to bring it to a repair shop last year. It was adorable and sentimental, and Nathan nearly choked up entering it in.


The real challenge came with finding where exactly they’d been video-chatting. Nathan checked out the usual Zoom and Skype culprits, but all of Ben’s recent calls seemed to be business-related.

Shit. Maybe they both used their business emails to call each other. That happened, right?

As a last-ditch attempt, Nathan checked out Ben’s email. He remembered Lorcan setting up the camping trip there and Miles contacting him over email first. Maybe Nathan was behind the times and email was where it was at.

The first read email in his inbox was titled: Ria Noble has invited you to a video chat!

There were multiple other emails with the same title.

Ria Noble. That had to be her.

Nathan copied the email and started a new thread, sending another video request and hoping she was someone who routinely checked her messages.

Within ten minutes, Ria Noble joined the call.

As her image filled the screen, Nathan was momentarily taken aback. Go Dad, Nathan inwardly applauded. Either Ria had plans for the day or she always looked so put together. High cheekbones, perfectly painted red lips that were striking against brown skin, and probably the most well-maintained eyebrows Nathan had ever seen. Which was saying a lot because he normally didn’t pay attention to eyebrows, and he even noticed that.

Hi! Nathan quickly signed before Ria logged off upon seeing someone who decidedly wasn’t Ben on-screen. I’m Nathan, Ben’s son.

Hesitancy inched over her features as she moved her hands to respond. Hi, Nathan. I’ve heard a lot about you.

All good things, I hope, Nathan signed back. I’m sorry, this has to be weird for you, but I’ve got to be quick. I just want to make sure that my dad didn’t blow everything with you. He’s been moping around the house the last few days, and I think it might have something to do with you.

Put the potential blame on Ben for messing things up—Nathan really didn’t know, but the last thing he wanted was to come off as attacking Ria—and show how sensitive a guy his dad was. A winning combo.

He’s been moping?


Nathan nodded sagely. Yeah. Very dramatically.

That earned a snort of laughter from Ria, and Nathan figured he was onto a winner here.

So I just wanted to check in. Introduce myself, potentially fix any mess he’s made. Nathan shrugged and leaned closer to the webcam as though he was telling Ria a well-kept secret. Dad doesn’t date a lot, so this is kind of a big deal.

Ria glanced away from the camera, her lips pursed together in thought. Nathan’s heart thudded in his chest. While he liked to think he was good with people, he still didn’t know this woman, and he might have completely ruined any chance of a relationship Ben had with her by meddling.

Your dad didn’t mess up, Ria assured him after a few long moments. He very sweetly asked me out on a date in person.

Nathan frowned, taking a breath. And you’re not into him like that?Which is completely fine, but I think Dad might have picked up on a few mixed signals.

Ben had said they’d been going on cyber dates, right? Or had Ben just assumed, and Ria had only been looking for a friendship? Nathan’s gut twisted at the thought. What was with people in his life picking up on the wrong things?

No, I am, Ria was swift to correct, which confused Nathan even further.

So, why… He wasn’t sure how to finish that sentence. To Nathan, if two people liked each other, they should go on a date—simple as that. Did things suddenly change once you aged above forty? Nathan quickly cast an eye over Ria’s hands, searching for a wedding ring. That could definitely be a factor. But he came up short.

I haven’t told your dad everything, and I’m afraid I might have left it too late.

Nathan was stumped, resting his chin on his hand as he tried to figure out what could possibly be a big enough issue to cause this mess. He came up with a few scenarios and fired them off.

Are you married?


Ever murdered someone?

Not that I’m aware of.

Is Ria your real name, or are you just trying to con Dad out of all his cash?

Ria gave Nathan an odd look and shook her head. You watch too much Dr. Phil.

That might be true, Nathan confirmed. Everyone had their guilty pleasure when it came to trash TV. I can’t think of anything else that would bother him. He’s super open-minded about things. I’m pretty sure you could tell him that you’re part mermaid, and he’ll just nod and take it on board.

That coaxed a laugh out of Ria, who covered her mouth with the back of her hand. Honestly, with her hair, which looked like it extended far past her waist, Nathan would also not be surprised about the mermaid theory.

So, are you going to give it another shot? Nathan hesitantly asked, not wanting to push too much too soon but also conscious of the fact that Lorcan might be wavering on topics around about now.

A contemplative expression passed over Ria’s striking features. She glanced to something off-screen for a moment before returning her gaze to Nathan and nodding. I suppose it can’t hurt.

Nathan barely resisted the urge to fist bump the air in triumph, but the excitement must have been clear as day on his face judging by the amused look that crossed Ria’s. Or it might have had something to do with Ben now standing in the doorway, his arm just in shot of the webcam. Nathan furrowed his brows, spotting the familiar colors of Ben’s robe, and wondered if he’d hung it up on the back of the office door.

Until the sleeve moved, and Nathan spun around in the chair to face Ben’s unrelenting gaze.

Nathan was going to kill Lorcan.

Hey! All finished up here. I’ll let you take the reins, Nathan quickly told Ben before he could unleash utter fury on him. Turning back to the screen, where Ria was hardly containing her laughter, Nathan signed, I hope we get to meet!

It might be because Ria was on-screen and Ben didn’t want to be seen scolding his interfering son in front of her, but Ben stepped aside to let Nathan make a swift escape, and then he slowly made his way to the chair and sat down.

Nathan lingered by the door, peeking over to see the conversation. From the screen, Ria waved at him, and Nathan knew there was no way to eavesdrop without being spotted. He shyly waved back, clearly caught out, and slinked downstairs. Lorcan met him at the bottom of the stairs, spewing apologies about cracking under the pressure and how the conversation had somehow turned to Lorcan’s ingrown toenail—which was when Ben figured out that something was definitely up.

Nathan couldn’t bring himself to be angry with his best friend, not when he’d clearly tried his best. Lorcan had done all that he could. So Nathan just smiled, shook his head, and pulled Lorcan in for a brief hug.

“Can we hang out for a bit?” he asked, voice muffled against Lorcan’s shoulder. “I’m scared if you leave, Dad is going to decapitate me.”

Lorcan snorted, patting Nathan on the back before pulling back. “I doubt he’ll do that, but I’ll never say no to hanging out.”

Nathan only got Lorcan’s undivided attention for a little over an hour because Lorcan had promised to give the twins a ride to their scout meeting. It had been nice, all the same—hanging out without reading into each and every little move, lingering look, or brief touch that Lorcan made. Nathan didn’t interpret them as anything other than what they were—something that friends did with each other.

Sure, a small part of Nathan was still devastated that all of those fantasies that had carried him throughout high school and most of university were all for naught. But there was another part of Nathan that felt relieved because now there was no concern about potentially messing up their friendship. Say it had ended up working out, and they’d become an item. What would happen, down the line, if they both figured out they weren’t compatible in that way? Did that mean Nathan lost his ride or die?

So he was okay with this. Or at least he would be, at some point.


Ben was still upstairs when Lorcan left, and Nathan wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or not. Either Ben was in his room, moping about how the call had gone down. Or he was still chatting with Ria, which undoubtedly meant good things.

Nathan got his answer that evening when Ben eventually ambled downstairs—a telling smile on his features and a lightness in his eyes that Nathan hadn’t seen in days. Heaving himself from his comfy position on the couch, Nathan shyly followed his dad to the kitchen.

So? How did it go?

It went well, Ben allowed, an odd expression on his face. As if he wasn’t sure whether to thank Nathan or tell him off for shoving his face in his business. Nathan was hoping for the former. We’re going out on Sunday.

This time, Nathan didn’t hold back on his victorious fist bump to the air.

What was the thing? Nathan couldn’t help but ask, curiosity always getting the better of him.

What thing? Ben countered, leaning against the breakfast bar, brow raised.

The thing Ria was scared to tell you, Nathan replied and, before Ben could tell him it was none of his concern, continued with, If you both live happily ever after, I’m completely responsible. It’s totally my business.

Ben sighed, seeming to battle internally with himself. Nathan hoped the part of his dad that operated on a no-secrets-between-father-and-son approach to life won. Nathan kept staring at him with wide eyes, hoping to wear him down.

Ria is trans, Ben eventually said, and she’s had some bad reactions from men before.

Fuck them, Nathan replied, outraged. Okay, he might not know Ria well, but he was a decent human being (or at least tried to be), so of course he would feel annoyed about it. Now she’s found a diamond in the rough in the cesspool of dating.

Ben let out a small laugh. I hope so, at least.

She has, Nathan assured him. Even though he might be a bit biased when it came to his father, he knew for a fact—and he would happily fight anyone who disputed this—that Ben was one of the best people out there.

Do you want to google good first-date restaurants now? Nathan asked eagerly, yanking his phone out of his back pocket and pulling up a new search page.