The Wingman by A. Poland


To the start of a long list of thank-yous, because I have such incredible people in my life that I'm lucky to know.

First of all, my heartfelt thanks to Gemma. My ride or die, an absolute Gem of a soul that I would happily shack up with in a one-bedroom apartment in a dank alleyway again. Gemma edited the first draft of this book, back when it barely strung itself together, and I bless her patience with all of my books to come.

To Julie, beta-reader extraordinaire. Whose comments made me laugh and grin and actually feel like this story had merit.

To Maurice, dad of our sassy dog and co-owner of our shared brain cell. I'd be lost without your constant support and encouragement, and I'm excited that we've found our HEA together.

To my family (you know who you are), who have been my number one fans from the start. I love you always.

Thank you to my friends, who have my back no matter what. I'm proud to be the mom of the group and will happily organise any future holidays once we can be reunited.

To my Nana, who is sadly no longer with us. I still feel her love every day, and I feel like she would have gotten a kick out of this.

Thank you to my editor, Elizabetta, for her hard work on this. Without her, The Wingman would have way too many parentheses and not nearly enough structure.

To NineStar Press, for giving me the opportunity to share this and all of the work they’ve done.

And thank you to you, for choosing this as your next literary venture.