Trained by Sansa Rayne

Chapter 32

On Friday the week following the final grand jury meeting, Ingram steps off a prison bus as free a man as he’ll ever be, at least for a few decades. They let him out in Times Square amid a sea of tourists. He doesn’t spot me at first in my giant sunglasses and floppy hat — the same I wore on the day I was first rescued from Anton.

Sitting on a bench, ignoring the city’s flashing lights and garish billboards, I enjoy the sight of Ingram. He wears a sharp, gray bespoke suit with a blue striped tie, and he’s been given a haircut, judging by his neat, short trim. Something tells me this all came out of the sizable bank accounts the government seized. He may no longer be a Master or run an entire intelligence and espionage firm, but he is an agent of sorts — he has an appearance to maintain.

When he notices me, his face lights up and he runs over. I’m barely on my feet in time to be scooped up into his embrace. I’ve seen videos of his depositions and hearings, but this has to be the first he’s seen me in nearly seven months.

“Hi,” he says, hugging me tightly against his hard body.


“I’ve missed you.”

I laugh, already feeling a hardness in his crotch, at the same time as my warmth clenches with need.

“I missed you too,” I say, biting my lip. “Want to go home?”


He looks around, then chuckles.

“No limo.”

“We could hail a cab,” I suggest, smirking at his expense. This is going to be an adjustment, not having a team there to back him up at any given moment. Eyal, Stanislaw and Henrik are out there somewhere, but they haven’t made contact with us.

“How about we take the subway?” Ingram asks.

“When was the last time you did that?”

“Oh, within a few years — but I was tailing someone.”

“Of course,” I say, shaking my head. “Are you hungry?”

“Starved.” He reaches down and clutches my ass through my tight jeans. “Want to order in?”


We kiss on my bed until our stomachs rumble so hard we can’t stop giggling from the sound. Me in my white, cotton panties lying atop him in his tight, black briefs. We clutch each other tightly. We don’t even let go as I call in an order for sushi, udon noodles and gyoza.

“You know what I’d like you to do?” he asks, gently caressing my swollen pussy.

“What’s that?”

“Before you get dressed to go down and pick up our food, I want you to put on something special.”

Uh oh.

“Or, put in, to be more accurate.”

He sets me down and heads for my toy chest; he needs only a moment to find a black, rubber buttplug and a tube of oil.

“Get on all fours, pet,” he says.

I reach to pull down my panties, but he barks, “Stop!”

His sharp tone sends a shiver of anticipation through my core; wetness soaks through the warming cotton.

“Did I tell you to undress?” he asks.

“No, sir,” I mumble, cheeks flushing with heat.

“Did you stop to think that I would like to be the one to undress you?”

“No, sir.”

He smacks my ass with his palm, causing me to yelp.

“You’re out of practice, Kate. I’m going to enjoy reminding you of your discipline.”

Despite the sting from my backside, I smile. Electricity sparks throughout my body. I feel like a dormant machine, left alone for months, my engine now returning to life. As much as I’ve gotten back to normal throughout the past six months, it hasn’t felt complete without Ingram.

I do as he says, and get on the bed, resting on my arms and legs, my ass in the air. He pulls my panties down my thighs and spreads lube in my ass and all over the plug.

“Here it comes, Kate.”

I relax, allowing him to ease the toy against my tight bud. I haven’t forgotten how, and I know I can take it.

“Have you pleasured yourself while I’ve been gone?” he asks.

“Yes, sir,” I admit, a measure of shame coloring my face. “Not… like this… but in other ways.”

“That’s good, pet. I’m glad you did. You deserve to be happy. I wouldn’t have wanted you waiting for me forever.”

“I would have, Ingram. I don’t want anyone else.”

He leans over and kisses my cheek.

“I know you don’t, Kate. I’m going to show you how much I appreciate that. Now, hold still.”

I do as he says as the plug sinks in deeper, spreading my ring. I moan from the intoxicating penetration until the toy plunges in all the way, stopping at its flared base. Ingram slaps my rear, jostling the plug inside me. He hums a laugh, enjoying my humiliating mewls.

“Okay, Kate. Get dressed. The food could be here any minute.”

I do as he says, wincing as the plug moves with my every motion. He dresses too, and when I’ve got my top and jeans back on, he takes my hand. He leads me to the couch in the living room and sits us both down. I grunt, as sitting on the toy brings both discomfort and desire.

Ingram kisses me and rubs between my legs until the building’s doorman buzzes my intercom.

“Go ahead,” he says, lifting me to my feet. “I’ll be waiting.”

I slip on some sandals and take the elevator down.

Mercifully, I manage to stop sweating in the air-conditioned elevator, even though every step stirs my hunger for Ingram. Right now he’s probably watching me on the security cameras, his lust rising, stirred by the delectable knowledge only he and I share. I could pass out from the titillation of being seen by others with a token of his love secretly inside me.

The doorman nods to me as he hands me the delivery bags. Does he smirk at me, or is that just my imagination?

“Have a good night, Miss,” he says.

Does he see my blushing cheeks, or pick up the scent of desire from my skin? He’s too professional to say either way.

Riding back up, I picture Ingram waiting for me patiently — though his cock hardens at the thought of me walking around with a thick toy lodged in my ass. For all I know, he’ll have half a mind to take me straight to bed as soon as I get back — to hell with the food.

When I arrive, he’s set out plates and drinks for us both.

“Sit,” he says, smirking. “I’ll do the rest.”

I groan, obeying his order. Sitting on the couch with this plug was enough trouble; a firm chair brings a new challenge. However, the alluring scent of food makes bearing the toy much easier.

While I watch, Ingram sets out the appetizers, noodles and numerous sushi rolls — tuna, salmon, eel, crab and more with soy sauce and real wasabi — then passes me my chopsticks. Everything smells and looks delicious. Ingram ordered enough for six people, and all of it calls to me.

Still, I’m determined to show my discipline and eat in a slow, dignified manner. Having ordered sushi helps — and moving more gracefully keeps me from shifting on the plug.

“How much did they tell you?” Ingram asks as he spreads wasabi over an eel avocado roll.

The authorities, he must mean.

“Next to nothing. Not where they were keeping you, or what they wanted to charge you with or when you might go to trial. I didn’t know whether you were in a maximum-security prison an hour away or in Guantanamo Bay. They wouldn’t let me visit you.”

“I know,” he says. “I don’t blame you for that.”

“It pissed me off, though. I wanted to see you. Was it bad, where they kept you?”

He chuckles.

“Actually, it was nice. They sent me to rich guy jail; it was full of tax cheats and embezzlers.”


“District attorneys and federal investigators were coming to see me every day, so why not keep me somewhere nice? I’m sure if I wasn’t telling them everything, they’d have thrown me in a hole somewhere.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“It’s good to be out,” Ingram says. “Whatever comes next, I’ll be with you.”

I laugh, squirming on the presence in my rear.

“I should hope you’ll be with me for what comes next!”

Licking his lips, Ingram gets up and takes my hand. Before I can grab one last salmon roll, he drags me to the bedroom.

He pulls my top off and throws it across the room, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. I reach down and rub the hardness in his pants; I may not have permission, but I don’t care. It’s been way too long since I’ve enjoyed his cock. While not letting go of our kiss, he unzips my pants as well and pulls them down. Stepping out of his pants, he finally breaks off our kiss, lifting me up over his shoulders.

Howling with glee and terror, I hold onto his chest. He won’t let me fall, but my instincts don’t know that.

Walking around the bedroom, Ingram spanks my ass with his free hand. My pussy clenches, loving the sensation of being owned by such a gorgeous specimen of a man. All I can do is hold on, gasping with each slap. When he’s made six or seven circuits around the room, he carefully lowers me onto the bed.

“Stay,” he grunts.

A shiver races through me as I reply, “Yes, sir.”

My nerves tingle, eager for what’s coming.

He returns with his hands full and starts by tying my wrists and ankles to the posts of my bed. The rope digs into my skin so tantalizingly — I tug against them, trying to get free but it’s no use. Not that I want to, anyway — I’m fine where I am.

Next, he gags me — a red, rubber ball that he buckles tightly. I groan, trying to push it out with my tongue but it doesn’t budge. Not that I need to speak. There will be plenty of time for talking later.

Ingram sits down next to me and proceeds to slip two fingers into my drenched pussy. Moaning, I tremble in place. I summon my discipline to keep myself from grinding against him. I want more, but he’s working me at the pace he wishes, building me up gradually.

Still, I think he senses my frustration.

“What’s the rush?” he asks. “We have nothing but time, Kate. We’re going to be together forever.”

I hum through the gag; it’s true, and I’m glad it is — but right now I need to come.

He continues to finger me, occasionally swatting my backside, jostling the plug that still fills my ass. I grunt and sigh, taking the pleasure given to me.

Eventually Ingram works his fingers faster and harder, lifting me up higher. It’s enough to bring me to the brink; I may have pleasured myself in the past six months, but after the final grand jury hearing, I stopped. It’s been days since I’ve climaxed — and far, far too long since it was from Ingram’s touch.

“You can come, Kate,” he says, rubbing my clit while playing with my plug. “No permission needed tonight, pet.”

Grateful, I release the flood. Overwhelming bliss pours over me. My squeals fill the bedroom until my orgasm explodes, an eruption of joy that fills my body. I heave against my restraints until Ingram finally withdraws his fingers.

He doesn’t give me any time to relax, however. Before I’ve fully caught my breath, I hear a buzzing sound.

Oh no.

He eases the egg-shaped toy into my pussy, immediately rousing up the start of another peak. At first I wonder if he’s just going to let the toys do their job, then he starts playing with the ass plug, drawing it in and out until I’m howling, lost in a torrent of euphoria. The plug presses against the egg, and every time Ingram draws it out I wrench against my bindings. My orgasm rips through me like a wave, leaving me soaked in sweat. Breathing around the gag, my mouth sore from opening so wide, I gasp for air.

I shriek when he draws the plug out entirely, then scream as he plunges in his cock. Though I hadn’t forgotten how enormous it feels inside me, it’s been so long, I’m almost not ready. Thankfully, Ingram eases his way in slowly, giving me time to adjust. He feels incredible, and his pumps unleash a swell of ecstasy that blasts me into subspace.

As Ingram fills me and the toy vibrates with unflagging intensity, my orgasms burn with a heat and rapture that doesn’t stop. Moaning uncontrollably, I thrash against Ingram’s hard body, taking his powerful, deep thrusts. His strong, rough hands hold my shoulders, and his trunk-like legs grip my sides, sinking into the bed. The thick scent of our sex fills the air, leaving a haze of warmth hovering over us.

By the time Ingram finishes, releasing his hot essence in my rear, I’ve lost count of the orgasms. They’ve melded into one sustained crescendo, impossible to tell apart.

“Enjoy yourself, pet?” he asks.

I mumble through the gag, hardly comprehensible. Lost in the afterglow, I hardly notice as Ingram unties me, takes off my gag and slips out the egg toy. I do feel him pull me into his arms and cuddle me until I’ve regained my composure. When I do, I turn over and kiss him.

“Ingram… thank you. I… can’t say it enough. You saved me, in so many ways.”

He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.

“Kate, before I met you, all I cared about was power and profit. Now I have a real purpose. I love you. Thank you for saving me.”

“I love you, too,” I say, blinking away tears.

We hold each other for hours, lying in bed. Ingram was right: there’s no rush.

In the morning, we wake up to Ingram’s phone buzzing.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Our first assignment,” he says. “Three women have gone missing in Tijuana in the past week.”

“Shit,” I mumble, getting out of bed.

He takes my hand and pulls me into his arms.

“Are you ready for this?” he asks. “Going back into the field, dealing with dangerous men?”

I lift up on my heels and kiss him.

“Ingram, as long as I’m with you, I’m always ready. Let’s do this.”

Thank you for reading “The Masters” series! I hope you enjoyed Kate and Ingram’s journey! If you would like to receive a free bonus epilogue, “The Masters: Rewarded,” sign up for my mailing list! You’ll also get the free novellas “Welcome to the Asylum” and “Welcome to the Agency,” as well as announcements about my future books! Your sign-up information will be kept confidential, and you can unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, CLICK HERE.