Crash by Jeanne St. James

Chapter Nine

Crash stoodat the end of the bed as Liz climbed on and made her way to the headboard. He lazily stroked himself as his eyes followed every move she made. She had faced away from him when they’d had sex on the bench under the pavilion. This time she wanted to face him.

Make it a little more personal.

The little lip-locking they’d done so far proved he was a skilled kisser. She wanted to do a lot more of that and facing him would make it much easier, of course. Liz loved all kinds of foreplay but kissing, when done right, could be one of the hottest. To her, it was also the most intimate.

Most men she was with, including the Fury members, didn’t spend a lot of time on it since they weren’t getting “intimate.” It was simply fucking and sucking. Their only goal was to get off.

That had its time and place, but so did the “sharing” part of sex, the intimacy.

As he went to put a knee on the bed, she shouted, “Wait!”

His hand stilled on his cock and he put his foot back onto the floor, a frown furrowing his brow. “Problem?”

She grinned. “Yes, and I’m fixing to change that right now.” She prowled on her hands and knees back to the bottom of the bed where he stood, the frown on his face now gone. Her intent had been to keep her eyes locked with his and to keep that connection, but she had a hard time pulling her gaze from the thick, veiny length in his palm.

And that little glistening bead of precum precariously clinging to the very tip.

He gave her head earlier, it would only be fair if she did the same for him. Only maybe not to the point of orgasm, unless he was able to recover quickly. She would let him decide at the point she should stop. They had all night so it wasn’t like they didn’t have time to wait. Plus, there were plenty of other things they could do while they waited.

When she reached the end of the bed, she rose to her knees. Since he’d stripped down, she’d been dying to touch him all over. So, that was what she did first.

His cock bobbed after releasing it so he could dig his fingers into her hair as she took his mouth first. She took her time to explore the deep recesses, to taste the tipped-up corners, to tangle their tongues. He didn’t try to take control of the kiss, he let her do her thing.

When she was done with his mouth—only for the moment—she ran her lips along his stubbled jaw, nipped at his earlobe, then scraped her teeth down his throat before pausing to suck the smooth skin at the hollow.

After she rose back up, she kissed him again, her hands sliding over his broad, muscular shoulders, around his biceps and down his forearms as if she was a potter and he was her clay. She planted a palm on his gut, feeling it pump along with his chest as he breathed.

She slid both hands up his stomach, his muscles twitching and moving under her exploring fingers, over his taut nipples and then his tatted pecs. She wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and deepened the kiss for a few seconds before releasing his mouth and making her way back down.

He groaned when she paused along her trek to take the time to suck each of his tight nipples, flicking the very tips with her tongue.

While he was very fit, he still had a layer of flesh over his muscles, most likely due to eating and drinking whatever he wanted. He wasn’t too hard, nor was he too soft.

He was just right.

It was obvious he took care of his body but also liked to enjoy the good things in life. She was the same way. She made an effort but didn’t obsess over the little things. Like enjoying food. Or drinking booze. Or sharing a joint with the guys. Nor did she get consumed over a little cellulite, stretch marks or jiggle. She found most men didn’t give a shit about any of that and women worried for nothing.

Any man who would point out flaws on a woman’s body didn’t deserve that woman. Why? Because Liz hadn’t met a perfect man yet and probably never would. So, none had a right to judge.

However, the man naked before her was damn well close enough to perfect, in her opinion. His body was mouth-watering delicious and his cock a perfect size. Not too big, not too small. Even better, he knew how to use it.

His tongue and mouth were worth writing home about, too.

His lower abdomen quivered as she licked along the narrow trail to his very happy place.

She loved the control she had over a man when she took him in her mouth. She also loved the salty tang of that precum as it touched her taste buds. As well as the musky scent of the short wiry hairs that created a nest for all of his male goodies. She drew the tip of her tongue down the underside of his cock along the thick ridge and the seam of his sac.

His fingers, which were still gripping her hair, tightened as she sucked one of his testicles into her mouth and stroked the delicate skin with her tongue.

He groaned and his fingers flexed, pulling on her hair and creating a slight sting. She groaned around the soft sac, released it, licked up the seam, sucked at the root then pulled away just enough to look up at him.

His eyes were open and his pupils dilated as he stared down at her. His nostrils were slightly flared and the pace of his breathing had increased.

His grip tightened even more on the strands he held captive when he growled softly, “Open up.”

After a quick lick of her lips, she opened them and he shifted until the head of his cock bumped against her mouth. “Want this?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Take it.”

He groaned again when she wrapped her lips around the crown, swiping the beads of precum away with her tongue, then teasing the slit.

“Fuck,” he whispered, his hips jutting forward as she took him deep within her mouth.

From rim to root, she sucked and licked his length, taking him as deep as she could, savoring every sound that escaped him as she did so.

She knew every time he’d get to that dangerous edge. His fingers would tighten in her hair and he’d use his hold to stop her movement so he could take a few seconds to simply breathe.

She’d give him that break and as soon as his fingers loosened enough to allow her movement, she’d begin again… Taking him once more to the edge of the precipice where he teetered.

Finally, he blew out a sharp breath and stopped her motion completely. “Not yet.”

She glanced up to see his eyes were squeezed shut and his jaw had tensed. She pulled away and he released her, his golden-brown eyes opening and focusing on her intently.

“Get on your back.”

His raspy demand made her breasts ache and her pussy clench. She wanted to hear that voice in her ear when he was coming deep inside her. But she would only hear it once she did what he wanted, so she moved quickly up the bed and onto her back.

She reached out a hand, inviting him to come join her, even though he didn’t need any kind of invitation.

“Your scent’s drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy. I can smell how ready you are for me and since I tasted it earlier, now I want to see it. Show me.”

She cocked her knees and planted her feet apart on the mattress, then spread herself open with one hand, while cupping one of her breasts with the other.

“That’s it, baby, touch yourself. Wanna watch you come.”

Between rolling her own nipple between her thumb and forefinger and sliding two fingers into her slick cunt, while playing with her own clit, it only took seconds for an orgasm to build.

She tipped her head up to see him still standing at the end of the bed, stroking himself at a quick pace.

“Don’t come,” she ordered. “I want you inside me.”

“Then hurry up. You’re not gettin’ what you want ’til I get what I want.”

She grinned, dropped her head back onto the pillow and, since no one knew how to make her come better than she did, it took only a few seconds until her hips shot up and she released a little cry as the climax radiated from deep inside her all the way to her fingers and toes.

“Fuck yeah,” he groaned. “So goddamn beautiful.”

The mattress shifted as he climbed onto the bed, grabbing her ankles and pulling her legs farther apart. He quickly settled between her thighs, but didn’t move to fuck her. Instead, he took his time exploring her breasts with his hands and mouth, concentrating the most on her achingly hard nipples.

Every pull on her breast with his mouth caused a pull between her legs. Like she was connected there.

Like she did with him, now that she was completely naked, he explored her everywhere. Touching, licking and sucking. Even a little nipping and nibbling. A few times a shiver had shot through her.

The more he “worshiped” her body—which was what it felt like—the wetter she became. He was right, she should’ve grabbed a towel.

She would need to get one before they continued unless one of them planned on eventually sleeping in the wet spot. As much as she loved sex, she was very in tune with her body and knew she could squirt like a damn geyser with the right man. Crash seemed to be the right one.

While most men loved how she could soak them, it definitely left a mess behind.

When he finally lifted his head from where he was licking between her legs, he said, “Need a wrap.”

“We need a towel, too,” she said.

“Tell me where to grab one.”

“There’s a linen closet in the hallway right outside my bedroom.”

When he climbed back off the bed, she couldn’t rip her eyes from his glorious nakedness as he went out her bedroom and was back in seconds.

She tore her gaze free and quickly opened her nightstand drawer, grabbing a box of condoms.

He paused, once again at the end of the bed, the towel in hand, his eyes on the single condom she had pulled from the box.

She knew exactly why.

It was a damn shame that some women couldn’t be trusted not to sabotage birth control. So, his reaction didn’t surprise her, especially since they didn’t know each other well enough for him to blindly trust her.

“They haven’t expired,” she said simply, not offended at all. On the contrary, pleased he wanted to protect both her and himself. To settle his worry, she added, “I’m also on birth control. I have an implant.”

“An implant,” he repeated with a furrowed brow.

She lifted her arm and pointed. Not that he could see it. “Lasts about three years.”

“Set it and forget it.”

“Something like that. It’s just double protection since I always use condoms, too.” Any sweet butt who didn’t was a fool, especially since the men they had sex with got around, too. A lot.

It was one thing about the Fury guys she appreciated, for the most part they weren’t reckless when it came to donning a condom. But then, none of them wanted to be fathers before their time. Or deal with an STD.

“If you have one of your own you’d rather use, I’d understand.”

His chest inflated slowly, then visibly deflated as he said, “Trust you.”

While him being cautious didn’t bother her, him admitting he trusted her caused a warmth in her belly that had nothing to do with him being totally naked, in her bedroom and about to fuck her.

But those thoughts also fueled the warmth, causing it to grow into a low-roaring fire.

He climbed back onto the bed, tucking the towel beneath her ass and settled himself back between her thighs.

“Hi,” she said softly as he planted his palms on either side of her head and stared down into her face.

“Hey,” he answered just as softly. “Miss me?”

The corners of her lips curled up. “Actually yes. I was feeling kind of lonely here on the bed without you.”

He grinned, too. “Gonna make it up to you.”

“I look forward to that.”

He took the condom wrapper from her fingers, removed it and rolled it down his length. “Wanted to blow in your mouth and plan to later, but, right now, want to be inside you more. Wanna feel your pussy squeezin’ my dick when you’re comin’.”

“That sounds like a plan I can get on board—”

Before she could even finish, Crash had gripped her face, taken her mouth and his dick bumped against her pussy.

She shifted enough to put him right where he needed to be, but he waited and continued to kiss her until she grabbed his ass, digging her nails into that tight flesh, encouraging him to proceed without delay.

Still, he waited.

Torturing her.

The smooth head of his cock bumped her again and he pressed forward, taking his sweet ol’ time, driving her crazy with the need for him to fill her.

She wrapped her legs around his hips, digging her heels into the back of his thighs and tipped her hips so he could easily slide inside.

She sighed into his mouth when he was finally fully seated. But, again, he waited.

She ripped her mouth from his. “Are you trying to kill me on purpose?”

When he chuckled, his cock vibrated inside her and made her groan. “Not tryin’ to kill you. Takin’ my time and appreciatin’ everythin’ about you.”

“I appreciate you not rushing, but this is pure torture.”

He lifted his head and cocked an eyebrow at her. “Want it hard and quick? Can give it to you that way, if that’s what you want.”

In truth, she wanted it every way possible. Fast. Slow. Hard. Soft. Rough. Gentle. She wasn’t being greedy or anything. She hoped to experience it all with him before he left on Monday morning.

“Make a deal with you,” she started.

He grunted.

“Let’s pound one out right now. Later we can do the slow, sweet version.”

He pressed his mouth to her ear. “Deal.”

Then, he moved.

He didn’t hold back, digging his knees into the mattresses, planting his hand into the bed to give him purchase, and he did just what she wanted. He drove into her over and over hard enough to jerk her whole body with each thrust.

“Yessss,” she hissed in encouragement, tipping her hips even more.

With his free hand, he gripped the front of her neck, putting slight pressure there. Not enough to constrict her breathing but enough for her to realize it wouldn’t take much to crush her windpipe.

He had trusted her with the condom, she needed to trust him with her life.

He snagged her bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently, enough for her to feel it but not enough to do damage. Just like the hold on her throat.

Using his muscular thighs, he powered up and into her, not giving her, or even himself, a break at the pounding. He was a driving force to get her to that need she craved. The need to get her to orgasm, as well as to bring him to his release, too.

Because of his hand still constricting her throat, her voice was a bit strained when she said, “Tell me when you’re about to come.”

“Baby, you’ll be able to tell,” he answered around grunts.

“Tell me anyway.”

“How ‘bout you tell me when you want me to come?”

“Can you do that? Come on demand?”

He snorted softly. “You tell me you’re comin’ and demand for me to come, pretty sure I ain’t gonna be able to stop it. ‘Specially with you gushin’ around me like you are.”

She scraped her nails around his stubbled jawline, then down his throat and across his chest.

“Fuck,” he moaned, quickening his pace.

She flicked his nipples with her nails, then gave them both a quick twist, causing his pace to stutter.

“Don’t stop,” she begged, throwing her head back. His mouth replaced the hand on her throat and he sucked on the skin, then kissed his way down to pull one of her nipples deep within his mouth.

Her back arched and her hips slammed up to meet his.

“Thinkin’ you need to come soon. Otherwise, gonna tell you I’m about to blow and you’re still gonna be waitin’.”

So far, he didn’t seem to be a selfish lover, so she couldn’t imagine he’d actually leave her behind in his dust. Even so, she locked gazes with him, got a good grip on his ass and met him thrust for thrust.

“That’s it…” he groaned. “Fuuuuuck. So goddamn wet. Feel you tryin’ to pump me dry.” He dropped his head back down to put his mouth to her ear again and whispered, “Fuckin’ come for me. Wanna feel you explode around me.”


“Yeah, baby, that’s it. Goddamn. You fit me like a fuckin’ glove.”

“Crash,” she breathed, her mind spinning with how good he felt inside her. With the way his hips moved. With his words. With the roughness of his voice. With the weight of him on her.

With the way he kept his eyes open and locked with hers. Watching her reaction. Waiting for her. Making sure she was as close to the end as he was.

“C’mon. Storm’s comin’. Can feel it buildin’.” He grunted and turned his head away for a second. “Ain’t gonna last…”

She could hear it in how tight his voice had become. But it didn’t matter. She was there. He brought her right where she needed to be and she was about to tip over.

Then it happened. She surged up, his cock spearing her one last time. “Coming!” she cried out.

“Fuck… me, too.” He grunted again, sucked her earlobe into his mouth and buried himself deep inside her one last time. His glutes turned to concrete under her fingers as she held him there, feeling not only her own pulses but his, too, as he emptied inside her.

When he finally relaxed, he released her lobe and buried his face in her neck. His warm breath tickled her damp skin as he panted.

He wasn’t the only one panting. She smiled up at the ceiling and dragged her fingers up his broad back, then back down. She repeated the motion over and over, as if she was lazily strumming a guitar. Both enjoying the post-coital bliss that occurred after really good sex.

“Caused a tsunami, baby. That’s hot as fuck,” he murmured against her skin.

Every muscle in her body had loosened and every bone seemed to have disappeared. She had not only made a puddle but turned into one, too. “I’m glad you got the towel,” she said on a satisfied sigh.

He lifted his head and dragged his lips across hers, before tucking his face against her throat once more. “Fuckin’ stoked you needed one.”

“You like that?” Her fingers continued their path up and down the damp line of his spine.

“Fuck… nothin’ better than a woman who responds like that. Ain’t no fool. Know it’s not just me makin’ that happen.”

“Most men think it’s all them.”

“Dumb fucks. Been around long enough to know better. Ain’t no eighteen-year-old kid anymore, all full of himself. A woman who can squirt like that’s got a damn superpower. One that’ll take any man to his knees.”

“Not all men like it.”

He lifted his head and moved to brace his hands on either side of her head so he could stare straight down into her face. “What stupid fuck don’t like that?”

“Men are weird.”

He snorted, gave her another brief kiss and groaned as he anchored the condom with his fingers and slipped from her. He rolled onto his back and removed it, taking the time to knot it and tuck it into a tissue from the box by her bed.

“Might have to take a fuckin’ nap after that.”

She laughed softly. “Need to recharge your batteries?”

“Fuck yeah. ‘Cause I ain’t done with you yet.”

That was good to hear because she wasn’t done with him yet, either. “Maybe I should go get you a Geritol and some Gatorade?”

“Guess that’s better than needin’ Viagra.”

“Just think about how many times we could fuck if you took one.” She did her best to keep a straight face.

On the pillow next to her, he turned his head to shoot her a fake glare. “I’m forty-four, not eighty-four.”

“Forty-four is hardly old,” she told him, no longer teasing.

“Yeah? Some mornings ain’t so fuckin’ sure. Don’t know when it started but I now groan every time I try to roll outta bed. In fact, I no longer roll, just kinda flop out now and hope for the best.”

She laughed. She loved his sense of humor. “Well, you still can get it up without assistance, that’s a positive, right?”

“Thank fuck for that.”

Yes, she had to agree, thank fuck for that.