Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



"Please stop."Selena's whispering through tears. She's covering her ears and curled in my lap, rocking in a ball. Her body is clammy and trembling. It's approaching the thirty-minute mark since she went into her episode.

"Shh, baby girl," I keep saying to calm her, but nothing works. Every second that passes scares me more. I'm not sure what to do.

"Stop! Please!" she screams out, and her shaking gets worse. Her lips turn purple, and her body is covered in sweat but seems to get colder. I pick her up and carry her into the bedroom then put her under the covers. I take off my clothes and get in bed with her. I pull her to me, hoping my body heat can help her get warm.

She attempts to push me away, but I hold her tighter so she can't escape.

"You're safe, my dorogaya. Shhh." I put my leg over hers and kiss her cheeks. "No one is going to hurt you."

It seems to last forever until she's only softly whimpering. Her tears lessen, and she falls asleep. When I only hear sniffles and the sound of her breathing, I reach for my phone I put on the table and call Carla.

"Calling to see if my clothes survived baggage claim?" she answers in a chirpy voice.

"Did they?"

"Only half."

"Sorry to hear that," I say.

"Yeah, you should have seen the looks I got when everyone saw what did stay in my bag. Obrecht, what's going on?" she asks, her voice turning into concern. "I don't normally get two calls from you in one day. I'm open to booty calls, but unless you decided to become a sub, I'm going to have to pass."

I glance at my dorogaya, and she takes a shaky breath. I kiss her on the head and stroke her hair.

At least she isn't trembling anymore.

"Something just happened. I'm not sure what," I admit.

Her voice falls. "With your bottom?"


"I'm listening."

My mouth goes dry. "We were having dinner and talking. She seemed to go into some kind of episodic trance. She was crying, shaking, and sweating. Her body was freezing. I couldn't pull her out of it. She kept saying to please stop, but I wasn't doing anything." My gut twists as I tell Carla.

"Where are you now?"

"I put her in my bed to warm her up. She's asleep. Also, at the start, she was clutching her heart. I thought she might be having a heart attack, but then she just kept crying to stop." The visual of Selena distressed makes me tighten my arm around her.

"Sounds like a panic attack. What were you discussing before this happened? And be specific," Carla adds.

I rack my brain. It seemed to happen so fast. "We were talking about our day. I sent her to see April and had her pick three items."

"Is that when she went into her panic attack?"

"No. We started talking about things in my life and mental versus physical pain. I mentioned something about not comparing painful things in my life to what she's gone through and..." I attempt to recall exactly what I said. "Oh. She asked why, and I told her I had never lost my freedom."

"Hmmm." The line goes silent.

My heart hammers hard against my chest. "What does that mean?"

"My assumption is the freedom comment triggered something."


"I can't be sure without speaking with her. Did she say anything else?"

"N—" Selena's voice enters my head, and I tell Carla, "She said she had to go."


"You're hmms aren't doing much for me," I state.

"Sorry. Honestly, I can't say much until I speak with her."

"Do you think she needs to go to the hospital?"

"I would hold off. See how she is when she wakes up in the morning. If you need me to come over, I can," Carla says.

"Would you?"

"Sure. But you should ask her first if it's okay. See how she feels when she wakes up, then ask her if she's open to talking with me," Carla directs.

"She'll be open to it. What else should I do tonight?" I ask.

Carla clears her throat. "Go to sleep. If she wakes up, talk to her."

"That's it?"

"Yep. Rest will be good for both of you. Call me in the morning."

"Okay. Thanks. Goodnight."


I hang up, put the phone on the table, and scoot farther down in the bed. Selena stirs but doesn't wake up. She looks like a sad angel sleeping with her tear-stained cheeks.

I stare at her for hours, giving her butterfly kisses from time to time, wondering what's going on in her head. I replay the evening over and over, pissed at so many things. The rage I have toward Jack is at a level I can't even comprehend. Liam and Darragh's warning not to touch him until his company goes public flashes in my mind. I vow to make Liam tell me tomorrow why it's so important. All I want to do is kill Jack.

Images of my dorogaya kneeling next to him while he eats, then lapping up water and getting fed like a dog, make me feel sick.

She was willing to do it to be with me.

My baby girl is so confused.

I stroke her ass, and my thumb hits the bow of her panties. My gift. She wanted to give herself to me as a gift. Guilt tears at me because I love it. Every moment staring at her, talking to her, and just being with her, I love. I'm not used to wanting someone like this, and everything about my craving for her seems wrong when I watch my dorogaya sleeping with a pained look on her beautiful face.

I thought helping her understand her boundaries and how to get what she needs safely was the right thing to do, but now I'm unsure. Maybe I'm harming her more, and everything I've done is too much for her.

After a lot of debate, I decide I'll have Carla come over in the morning and tell her we can't be together sexually anymore. I'll be here for her as a friend, but I won't add to her pain or confuse her more. She doesn't need to be triggered, and I did something to harm her. Self-hatred swirls through me. She's been through enough pain and should never have to go through any again.

I eventually fall asleep, adamant I'll do only what's best for her and hoping when she wakes up, she's not in a panic anymore. Like everything in life, intentions and reality can be total opposites. When I wake up, Selena is stroking the side of my head. Her eyes have green fire mixed into the brown. Her pouty lips are inches from mine.

"Hey, baby girl. Are you okay?" I quietly ask. Unable to stop myself, I brush my thumb over her lips. My body reacts. Blood pumps harder through my veins. My erection grows.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened," she whispers. There's so much confusion in her voice. It pains me further.

"Shh. Everything is okay. We'll talk in the morning. Get some more rest."

Her eyes dart to my lips. "I ruined our night, didn't I?"


She bites her bottom lip, and my dick twitches against her leg. She glances down then back to my eyes.

Jesus. I need to control myself.

"Have you had panic attacks before?" I ask, trying to focus on her and not the indecent thoughts roaming through my head.

"I-I think I had them when I was with Jack a few times. I never knew what to call them. I-I'd get punished for them. D-do you want to punish me for ruining our night?" She holds her breath.

I hold her face. "No, baby girl. You should never receive a punishment for having a panic attack. You haven't done anything wrong."

She takes a few shaky breaths. "Okay. Can we negotiate now?"

My body betrays me again, pulsing against her and becoming so hard, I have to take a brief moment to find my bearings. "I don't think it's what you need right now. Close your eyes and go back to sleep. We'll talk in the morning."

Her lips quiver, and her eyes tear up. "You don't want me anymore?" So much betrayal and hurt fill her face, it pains me.

"I always want you. It's not about my feelings for you," I try to reassure her.

"If you want me, you'll take me. If I didn't do anything wrong, you wouldn't stop us from being together."

I hold in another groan. I shouldn't do it, but I give her a quick kiss and admit, "All I ever want is to take you, baby girl."

"Then let's negotiate."

Her tempting offer is hard to resist, but I try. "No. You need to sleep. Tomorrow we will talk."

"I did sleep." She rolls on top of me, pushing her knees on each side of my hips. Her wet heat hits my cock, and a low rumble fills my chest. "Do you not want your gift?"

You have no idea.

"It's not that, baby girl."

"Am I too damaged for you?"

"No. You aren't damaged, my dorogaya." My hand slips over her perfectly smooth ass cheeks. All the cravings I have about how I want to take her, boil in my veins.

Her lips brush against mine as she speaks. "All day, I've been wet for you, sir. I want you to use your gift. Please." She rubs her sex on my cock and whimpers.

It's not right.

I need to help her.

"Please. Don't throw me out," she whispers.

My heart tears. The things she believes about how I see her are a piece of glass shredding me. "I'd never toss you aside, baby girl. It's not possible."

"Then let's negotiate. I'll do whatever you want. I just want you to have me," she admits.


She swallows hard and arches her ass into my hand. "Do you want my ass? I'll give it to you."

So much.

She's not ready for it.

"I do but not tonight." There's no way I'm ever taking her that way unless she's prepared and can enjoy it. Part of me wonders if it will trigger more bad memories for her.

"Tell me what you want me to agree to. Please, sir." Her voice is desperate, but her eyes are what do it for me. They're a combination of need and fear, not of me, but of me rejecting her. It makes me lose all reasoning not to have her.

"No more sir tonight," I sternly tell her.

"No?" Confusion then rejection fills her face. Her voice shakes. "Please."

"I'm Obrecht. You're Selena. We're past the point of negotiations, baby girl."

"Why? What do I need to do so you'll have me? Please."

Jesus, she begs so well.

I'm going to hell for this.

"You can't sit on my cock with your hot pussy dripping all over me and negotiate. This is past the point of negotiations. We're at the stage where you need to say stop if I do something you don't like. Understand?"

She furrows her eyebrows. "Stop. Not faucet?"

"You can say either, baby girl, and I'll stop. I always will, understand?"

She nods. "Yes."

I fist her hair, slide my tongue in her mouth, and circle every delicious corner of her mouth. She flicks back, hungry, urgent, moaning, and grinding her body on top of mine. I end the kiss and command, "Sit up so I can unwrap my gift."

Her body relaxes, as if in relief. It only makes me harder. One last guilty thought about how she just had a panic attack, and this might not be the best thing for her circles my mind, but my selfishness wins. She sits in a straddled position and bows her head.

"Don't bow your head, baby girl. I want to see you."

She raises her face. Her cheeks flush, and I reach for them and glide my fingers over her jaw. She shudders, and the bow on her chest rises and falls faster. "What did you think when you saw yourself in this?"

"I-I hoped you would like it, and I chose the right outfit." She bites her lower lip.

"I don't like it. I love it. But did you see how sexy you are? Did you touch yourself?"

"No. You said I wasn't allowed."

"But you would have? If I allowed you to?"

Her cheeks burn. "Yes. I can't stop thinking about you. Can I touch you? Please?"

It's a question that surprises me. I'm curious where she wants to touch me. "Yes."

She reaches behind her and strokes my balls then cups them, squeezing them gently.

I groan.

"I-I kept thinking how much I want to please you. And..." She bites on her lip again, continuing to massage my balls.

"And what, baby girl?"

Her eyes peek through her long lashes. "I wanted to know what I could do to be better than your other bottoms."

My heart stammers in my chest. Before I can think about what I'm saying, I reply, "You are better. Every sexy part of you is better, but this," I put one hand on her head, "and this," I put my other hand over her heart, "puts you in front of everyone else."

Her eyes widen. "Really?"

My chest tightens. "Yes, baby girl. And if you have any doubts, you're in my bed where no one else has been."

"No one?"

"No. I told you this the other night."

"I just thought it's because you only moved in recently."

"No. You're special. Don't forget it."

She beams, and the feeling I can't seem to escape around her flares in me.

I'm in dangerous territory. I feel it but can't seem to get out of it. I'm in over my head. It's why I should stop all this right now. I move my hands to her thighs, trying to steady myself, debating how to handle whatever this is that's happening between us.

She takes my hand and moves it to her soaked, barely-there panties. She closes her eyes and sighs. "When I saw the neck-wrist restraint, I started to spiral."

My gut sinks in disappointment. I'm not going to do anything if it's already triggering her. When I saw it, all I could think of was how sexy she'd look in it and the many ways I would utilize it. "We won't use it."

"No. Please. I-I kept thinking of how you might have me wear it. Or how you would touch me if I were in it."

My cock pulses. "It wasn't bad thoughts?"

"No. Do you think you would like me in it?"

"Baby girl, there's nothing you could put on I wouldn't like." I stroke my finger over her panties, holding myself back from ripping them off her.

She gasps.

"Feel good, my dorogaya?" I push through her folds and onto her clit, the damp material between us, slowly rubbing her.

"So good," she breathes. Her eyes close, and her mouth forms a small O until her raspy voice asks, "Do you want me to go get it?"


She isn't ready.

Let's see how she handles her hands behind her back.

"No. I don't want you to leave my bed. Right now, I want to unwrap my present. And I want your hands on me when I do." I grab her hips and move her forward so my cock is against her ass.

She immediately begins stroking my shaft with one hand and keeps her other on my balls.

How is this woman so perfect?

Her hands feel so different from anyone else who has ever touched me. They're soft yet firm. Every stroke she makes is with precision.

I pull the ribbon, collapsing the satin bow over her chest. I'm not sure if I love her ass or breasts more. I want to explore every curve of her body. I slide my finger around her fullness, watching her nipple get harder without me touching it.

The scent of her arousal flares in my nostrils. Her skin flushes with heat. Pre-cum oozes out of my cock, and she runs her nails over my shaft, then returns to shimmying her hand over it. I drag my finger through her cleavage and down her stomach, stopping on her mound.

I need to stop her, or I'm going to blow my wad.

Normally, I need a lot more than a handjob, but everything about her crashes through anything typical.

In a quick move, I flip her on her back and cage my body over hers. She gasps in surprise. I take her sweet lips with mine, fucking her with my tongue while my finger slips into her panties. I play with her clit until she's writhing under me and about to come, whimpering in my mouth.

"I didn't permit you to come, baby girl," I growl, knowing she's beyond the point of needing it after today but unable to not exert my control over her. And the knowledge that she's capable of not going over the edge from her years of practice burns in my mind. It makes me an official asshole, but I crave the ability to make her submit fully to me in all ways.

"Please, oh God! Please!" she cries out.

"I'm not God, baby girl! Don't beg him. He's not going to give you what you need. Now put your hands under your head."

I don't slow down the intensity or give her a break. I add more to it by dipping to her chest and taking each breast in my mouth, sucking hard on her nipples, and rolling my tongue on them.

"Obrecht! Please!"

She's not calling for God anymore. Good.

Her obedience almost makes me want to let her come.


She can wait longer.

I slip down her dewy torso and slide three fingers in her at once and devour her with my mouth. It's not slow or teasing. It should send her into a straight-out orgasm the moment my lips touch her, but my little dorogaya isn't just anyone. She takes it all while begging me until her voice is hoarse. Her thighs shake against my cheeks. Sweat coats her skin.

Her final pleas are so emotional, I cave. "Please, Obrecht. I can't—"

"You can do anything you want, my dorogaya," I bark against her and return to feasting on her.

She begins to cry, and the sadist in me is finally happy.

"Come, baby girl," I demand.

She releases so hard, she soaks my bed while moaning, "Thank you. Oh God! Thank you!"

We're going to have to work on this God thing.

I let her have her moment, and when she starts to fall, I flip her over and order, "Hands under the pillow. Face turned on it so I can see you."

She never hesitates.

The satin bow on her ass only makes me harder. I yank her hips up, move her thong to the side, and thrust into her in one motion. Her eyes widen, and her mouth opens as she gasps.

"Who am I?" I bark, thrusting into her quickly.


"Am I God?"


"Don't call for him, don't thank him, don't think of him when I'm touching you. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," she replies.

Fuuuck!I love it when she calls me sir. But I told her no more sirs tonight.

I slap her ass, and she yelps. I slap it three more times, glancing between the bow and her face. Each time, her walls clench my erection. "What did I say about calling me sir right now?"

"You said not to."

"That's right. Why did you do it?" I rub the spot I just slapped.

"Oh!" she whimpers.

"Answer me."

"I don't know."

"You do," I insist, thrusting into her harder. My balls tighten, and my toes curl. "Now tell me."

"It stops me from calling you what I want," she blurts out.

"What do you want to call me, baby girl?"

"Master! I want you to be my Master so badly." Her eyes meet mine and that look she has whenever she says she wants to call me Master is in them.

Jesus.It goes against every ounce of morals I have left in me. Yet every time she says it, she unleashes a demon in me who wants it. Not in the way Jack had her, but in a way that allows her to be mine and tied to me forever, submitting while I control her. I growl, "Get it out of your head. Stop tempting me, baby girl."

"Obrecht... I'm going to...oh... I can''s too...oh!" Her body convulses on me harder than anyone ever has before.

I lose any ability to control myself and violently pump into her, releasing my seed deep within her and holding myself over her on my elbows.

When I gain the ability to see straight again, she's still trembling, and her lids are fluttering. I kiss her neck and wait for her to come down.

A tear falls down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disobey you. I couldn't..."

"Shh. You were perfect, baby girl." I have no idea how she's able to control herself as much as she did.

"You didn't permit me to come," she frets.

I roll off her and tug her into my arms. I tilt her chin and repeat, "You were perfect, baby girl. Nothing less than perfect."

She swallows hard. "I was?"


She smiles.

I kiss her. "Go to sleep, sweet angel."

She shimmies down my body with her head on my chest and obeys.

I don't sleep for the rest of the night. I shouldn't want her this much. She tempts me in too many ways. I'm not sure how to help her because I can't seem to control my dick around her.

I'm a sadist, and bringing her to tears, then making her tell me everything on her mind only added gasoline to an already lit fire.