Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



"Does weed make you relax?"I ask Obrecht when we get inside his penthouse.

He arches an eyebrow. "Have you never tried it before?"

Heat fills my cheeks. I shouldn't be embarrassed, but it's a reminder that Jack controlled everything in my life, including my choices to engage or not engage in things. It included alcohol and all the drugs he did. I'm not interested in trying anything else, but pot doesn't seem like a big deal. I know Sergey smokes it, since I've smelled it on him. Now that I'm aware Obrecht does, I want to experience it. "No."

"But you want to?"

I nod. "Yes. If nothing bad is going to happen."

His lips twitch. "It won't. Have you ever smoked a cigarette before?"

"Once, when I was sixteen. My girlfriend stole a pack from her grandfather. It made me cough so much, I never did it again. I'm not a fan of smoke," I admit.

He studies me. "Let's avoid the smoke, then."

"What do you mean?"

He picks up my hand and leads me into the kitchen. He opens the cabinet and takes out a small, white container. It resembles a pill bottle. He opens it and hands me something that looks like a yellow gumdrop.

I naively ask, "What is this?"

"It's a gummy. Chew it well. Then you don't need to smoke anything."

I pop it in my mouth and follow his orders. "It tastes like candy."

His expression turns to amusement. "Yep." He puts one in his mouth, too.

"Now what?"

He chuckles. "Give it a bit to kick in. It might take an hour or so."

"All right."

He leads me to the couch, sits, and tugs me onto his lap. His hand slides through my hair. "Did you have fun with the girls?"

"Yes. They're all really nice. Nora's family is, too. We played cards and other games. I hadn't ever played any of them before. Nolan and I ended up winning the euchre tournament."

Obrecht's expression hardens. I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Did I say something wrong?"

He sighs. "No. I'm glad you kicked their asses. What else did you do?"

The flutters in my chest I felt whenever I held Shannon erupt. I'm not sure what it means or what to do with it. "I spent a lot of time playing with Shannon when she wasn't sleeping. Actually, I'm not sure if I can call it playing, since she's only a few days old and can't do much."

Obrecht's face lights up. "She is adorable. Thank God she looks like Nora and not Boris."

I slap his shoulder with the back of my hand. "Boris is good looking."

"Nora's much better looking."

" she?"


"I'd ask you what you did, but I'm assuming you won't say?"

He nods. "You've assumed right. Except, there is one thing."

"What's that?"

"I told Adrian about my mom and Stefano. You should have seen his face."

"I still haven't met your brother."

He pulls his phone out. "That reminds me. I need to schedule dinner with my mom. She called Adrian before we left. You'll come with me, right?"

My heart skips a beat. I loved meeting Svetlana. I like her. It makes me happy Obrecht wants me part of their family event. I've not had a family since I left Greece. One of the things I can see with Obrecht is how close he is to his family. I don't know them very well, but it's hard not to want to be a part of it. "Yes. Of course."

He pecks me on the lips and says into the phone, "Hi, Mom." He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. "Let's plan on Friday for dinner. I'll let Adrian know."

I can hear his mom's muffled voice but can't make out what she's saying.

"Yes, Selena already said she'll join us." He winks at me then his face falls. "You're going to need to talk with Adrian, Mom. Skylar broke it off with him. He's not back yet, but my guess is he will be in a day or so."

I've met Skylar a few times and like her. I didn't know she was with Adrian. My heart hurts for them. I can't imagine breaking up with Obrecht and how hard that would be.

"I don't know the details, Mom." He puts his hand under my shirt and strokes my back. Tingles erupt on my skin under his palm. "She's right here. Hold on." He holds the phone out. "My mom wants to ask you something."

I take the phone. "Hi, Svetlana."

Her thick Russian accent comes through the line. "Selena. How are you?"

"I'm good. And you?"

"Great. I'm not sure if you're interested in this or not, but Stefano's daughters want to plan a spa day. I mentioned I met you, and they said to invite you as well. Would you like to come with me?" she asks.

I can't contain my grin. "Sure. I'd love to."

"Perfect. Have Obrecht send me your phone number, and I'll call you when I have the details," she chirps.

"Actually, Obrecht gave me your number. I had some things I wanted to ask you. Is it okay if I text you?" I ask.

"Sure, darling. I have to go now. Stefano just got here and is taking me to dinner and a new jazz club he just discovered."

"Okay. Tell him we said hi."

"I will. Bye now."

"Bye." I hang up and hand the phone back to Obrecht. "Your mom invited me to a spa day with her and Stefano's daughters."

Another expression I can't figure out crosses his face.

I lightly knead his shoulders. I asked him the night we went to dinner, but I repeat, "Do you not like your mom dating?"

He sighs. "It's strange."

"She's not dated before?" I ask. It surprises me. Svetlana is gorgeous. She doesn't look her age, and she has the confidence I wish I had. Kindness also seems to be at the core of everything she does.

He grunts. "Not that I'm aware of, but what do I know? She's been dating Stefano for months."

"Aren't you happy for her?"

His face turns serious. "I am, but I need to get used to it." He moves his fingers up my spine until he's firmly palming my head. "Let's get off the subject of my mom. I think we should negotiate before you get buzzed."

"Yeah, I don't feel anything," I reply.

He smirks. "Don't worry, baby girl. It'll kick in."

I tease, "Maybe we should negotiate when it does and see if anything changes in what I let you do to me."

His face falls. "No. Let's do it now."

"Okay." I straighten my back, reach around, and cup his balls. "What would you like to do, sir."

He sniffs hard. "If you're going to sample the goodies during the negotiations, I'm going to have to punish you."

I squeeze him a few times and lean as close to his face as possible. "Are you going to spank me?"

His lips twitch. "I think I need a new punishment. You seem to like it too much."

"I do, sir."

His icy-blue eyes erupt in flames. They study my lips then hold my gaze. His hand slides in my pants until it covers my ass. "What's off-limits, baby girl?"

My heart beats faster. I swallow. "Nothing."

He wags a finger between us. "Wrong answer. You have hard limits. Tell me."

"But you know them."

"Humor me. Tell me again."

I take a deep breath. I suddenly feel like laughing but manage to keep it together. Our breaths merge, and I steal a quick kiss. "Don't put anything over my face. You get to look at me the entire time."

He squeezes my ass cheek. "I like looking at you. Go on."

"No ice or extreme heat. No paddles, floggers, or sharp objects. Your bare hand is required."

"Required. All right, baby girl. What else?"

I can't help myself. I'm generally not a giggler, but I suddenly feel super happy and it comes out. "Toys are at your discretion."

"Mmm..." His eyes turn to slits. "I think you forgot I'm supposed to ask you."

I shake my head. "No. Go ahead and surprise me."

He freezes and studies me. "Are you high already?"

Maybe. I'm giggling."No. I trust you."

He continues assessing me.

"What?" I attempt to get rid of the perma-grin forming on my face but can't.

He orders, "Tell me your safe word."


He runs his thumb over my lips. "What do I want, baby girl?"

"To control when I can and can't come. Some mind games. Bondage. Toys." I lean into his ear and flick my tongue on his lobe. "You also want to penetrate me anywhere in my body you want." I pull back and attempt to study him the way he does me without smiling.

I bet I look super goofy right now.

Why can't I stop smiling?

He takes a few controlled breaths and slides his fingers over the slit of my ass. I squirm in his lap, and his cocky expression appears. "Go into the bedroom. Take off all your clothes and kneel in front of the bed."

"Yes, sir." I giggle and rise. I spin and wiggle my booty in his face.

He slaps my ass. "On second thought, strip here and kneel facing the window." He leaves the room.

I strip, fold my clothes, and put them on the side table. I drop to my knees in front of the glass. All of Chicago seems to be in front of my eyes. The lake, buildings, and streets are alive. The sun has set, and darkness will soon fill the sky.

Obrecht turns the lights out. The room glows from the fireplace on the wall. Soft music fills my ears. I wait, feeling his stare on me, wondering when he'll give me orders. I sit on my knees, back straight, head bowed. A slight humming vibrates in my body, and I feel more relaxed than usual. I have to fight to keep my body in the position it is.

"Head up. Crawl to me with that sexy ass in the air," Obrecht commands.

I obey, feeling sexier than usual, taking my time and slinking across the room to the armchair he's sitting in, naked. When I get to him, I position myself between his knees and wait.

He sniffs hard then pats his chest. "Straddle me, my little dorogaya."

I obey. A feeling of relief fills me when my skin touches his. Not being with him the last few days was torture. I close my eyes then quickly open them, remembering he didn't tell me I could.

His hand cups my cheek. "Did you miss me, baby girl?"

"So much."

"Kiss me, then. Show me how much."

I don't hesitate. Our lips mold and tongues slide against each other. I rise on my knees to get closer to him, thrusting my tongue in and out of his mouth.

His one hand palms my head. The other moves around me. Something wet hits my forbidden zone. He inches his finger in, and I gasp into his mouth but don't clench up for very long. I'm not sure if it's the weed or the fact it's him, but I want everything with him. I relax quickly and return to kissing him with fervor, grinding my ass into his hand.

He tugs my hair and ends our kiss. His icy-blue flames drill into me. "You seem to want me everywhere inside you."

"I do," I breathe. "Please. Take me however you want."

He smirks. "I'm not taking you, baby girl."

Shoot. I forgot the rules.

"Please, sir. I'm sorry I forgot to use your name."

His expression hardens. "I'm not taking you, baby girl. If you want it, you take it."


He tilts his head and removes his hand. He wipes it on a towel on the side table and grabs my hip. "One way or another, you're riding me, my dorogaya. What's it going to be? Your pussy or ass?"

All the times Jack took me in the ass were from behind. It was rough and hurt. There's no rationale as to why I'm okay with the thought of doing it with Obrecht. Now that he's given me an option, I'm feeling like a fish out of water.

He tugs my head back until I'm looking at the ceiling. His lips trail down the middle of my neck. He mumbles, "Pick, baby girl."

The tip of his cock hits my forbidden zone. I take a deep breath and sink on it. It can't be much, but it feels like a lot.

Obrecht puts my mouth next to his. "You want more, baby girl?"


"Take it," he demands.

I inch more of him in me. Short breaths compete with my racing pulse. His hand squeezes my hip, and I rise back up, then take more of him.

A rumble fills his chest. He keeps my face in front of his, kissing me, studying me, taunting me to take all of him. When I finally do, he groans. "You feel so good."

"Yeah," I agree, wondering how things can be so different with him, and hungrily kiss him some more.

His hand on my hip begins to guide me. He moves his other one from my hair to between us. A soft hum fills the air and his finger vibrates on my clit. It surprises me. I never saw anything. Whatever he has isn't very big, yet the sensations sweep through me and instantly fill me with heat.

I dig my nails into his shoulders, rocking on his cock, with adrenaline sitting on the edge of all my cells. "Obrecht," I shakily cry out.

"I love you like this, baby girl."

"Please," I beg him, wanting to come, not sure how I'm going to stop myself. Every part of my body is so relaxed. I didn't anticipate how this would feel. Or how the drugs would interfere with my ability to control myself. Or how every part of me would feel like it's on the edge of a cliff, desperate to dive off so soon.

"You're gorgeous. You know that? Every piece of you. And you messed me up these last few days. I had a job to do that shouldn't have anything to do with you. You didn't belong in my mind then. Yet, all I could think about was getting it over with so I could come home to you. I had to stop myself too many times not to make a mistake and end it earlier than I should have. Then you tease me with this hot, juicy ass and sweet, tight pussy of yours. So no, you can't come right now." He returns to my mouth and sticks his tongue inside.

Like always, I submit. I return his kiss, as if it's the last one I'll ever get. Every move of my body is sweet friction against his. Each second that passes creates an atmosphere of delicious tension. It's sex, and love, and two people uniting in the darkening of the night.

My whimpers get louder. Sweat, the smell of our arousal, and pulsing flesh intensify.

He's merciless in his expertise, thrusting into my body with fluidity as he firmly controls my hip. Unlike in the past with Jack, bursts of sensations tease and torture me until I can't hold on anymore.

My body betrays me. Tremors ignite with such potency they could be rupturing my soul. Everything spasms, and Obrecht mumbles Russian against my lips, detonating inside me and stretching me farther than I thought possible.

I collapse against him. Our chests push into the other's, trying to find air. He circles his arms around me, holding me as we both come down. When I pull away and lift my body off him, he rises with me in his arms.

I say nothing as he carries me into the bathroom. A warm bath is already waiting. He sets me in it then gets in behind me and pretzels his limbs around mine.

I glance up, and he kisses me. I turn to him more and fully embrace every ounce of affection he offers me.

"You okay, baby girl?" he asks.

"Yeah." I lay my head on his chest and slide my finger through his chest hair. I absentmindedly say, "I'm sorry I came. I couldn't stop it. Was it the weed?"

He chuckles. "Probably." He tilts my chin so I'm looking at him. "And don't ever apologize again for anything we do together. You're perfect, baby girl. Every single part of you is perfect for me."