Strong Mafia Daddy by Scott Wylder










“I can have anything I want?” Zoe looked around the store with wide eyes.

I smiled at her. I still couldn’t believe she was mine. It felt too good to be true. I was going to spoil her as much as I could. “Anything at all,” I said, gesturing to the racks of clothes. “As much as you want, too.”

She cautiously stepped towards the first rack, which was full of adult onesies, and started looking through them. We were at a store dedicated to Littles and Daddys. It would be full of everything she could want. And it was high time she started wearing something other than the rags she owned.

As she looked at the clothes, I grabbed a cart and started filling it up with everything I needed for her-- children’s books, puzzles, stuffies, and plenty of coloring books. I had meant it when I said I wanted to spoil her. As long as she was mine, she would want for nothing. I also threw in a couple of packages of adult diapers. I didn’t know if she would like them or not, but the thought of her in a cute little diaper filled me with possessiveness.

She approached me with a bundle of clothes. “I think I’m ready to try these on,” she said. “Don’t worry, I won’t get all of them.”

I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead. “I told you to get a much as you want, little one. Cost doesn’t matter. Not today.”

She nodded, but she was still hesitant. This would probably cost more than her entire monthly rent. I wouldn’t blame her for feeling like a fish out of water. But this was barely a drop in the bucket for me. And she was more than worth it.

We went to the dressing room together. It was just the two of us in the store, so I waited outside the dressing room as she tried on puffy dresses, jumpers, and onesies. She modeled every one for me.

Everything was going well until I felt cold metal pressed against the back of my skull. I tensed and my heart sank. “Ivan.”

“My father and I have our differences, but I can’t betray him,” Ivan said from behind me. “You understand.”

“Family is family.” I whirled around and grabbed the gun, pointing it at his head. “But I can’t let you live.”

I should have just shot him and be done with it. But I couldn’t. Not with Zoe so close. I didn’t want her to see this side of me. I didn’t want to expose her to my world. Ivan sensed my hesitation and his brow furrowed in confusion.

“Daddy?” Zoe’s soft voice sounded behind me.


Ivan grinned and grabbed the gun from me, punching me in the jaw at the same time, followed by a kick to the gut. I fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of me. Ivan grabbed Zoe’s arm. “I don’t want to kill you,” Ivan said. “You’re too useful as a partner. But as long as I have her, you’ll comply.” He grinned down at Zoe, who was struggling fruitlessly in his grip. “And she won’t be harmed as long as you comply.”

Zoe looked up at him, tears falling from her eyes. “Please don’t,” she said. “Let me go.”

I struggled to my feet. “Let her go, Ivan. Or your death will be much more painful than a bullet to the head.”

He sneered and pulled her to the emergency exit in the back of the dressing room area. I ran out after them just before they reached Ivan’s car, which was parked behind the building. I grabbed Ivan and yanked him away from Zoe. “Run,” I growled as I held him back.“Now.”

She only hesitated for a second before dashing away, around the building.

As soon as she was out of sight, I grabbed Ivan’s hair. “I told you to let her go,” I said as I slammed his head against the building. “You should have listened.” I pulled him back and slammed him against the building again and again.

When I was done, Ivan’s body was crumpled on the ground, his head a bloody pulp. I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped the blood off my hands before taking out my cell phone and calling Mark to dispose of the body.

Normally I would wait until Mark came to dispose of the body but not this time. I needed to find Zoe and make sure she was all right.

I went around the corner to find her huddled against the building, trembling. My stomach lurched at the sight. I caused this. I should have been more careful and not let my guard down. I was supposed to protect her but she almost got kidnapped because of me. I stepped towards her slowly. “Zoe,” I said quietly.

She looked up at me before reaching out and wrapping her arms around my waist. I held her tightly as she sobbed into my chest. “I want to go home, Daddy,” she said. “I want to go home.”“We will, little one,” I said. I shut my eyes, trying to calm myself down. I was still shaking from the terror of almost losing her.

She pulled back and grabbed my hands. Her eyes fell to a spot of blood on the cuff of my shirt. I pulled my hand away, hiding the blood. Shame filled me. I felt like a monster.

Zoe was silent as I drove both of us home. I wished I knew what she was thinking and feeling. She was kind and innocent. She must hate me for what I did, and I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

Once we were home, Ingrid opened the door for us and Zoe ran past her upstairs. Ingrid looked at me with raised eyebrows. “What happened?”I set down the pile of shopping bags from the store. “You were right,” I said. “It was a mistake to bring her here.”Her eyes softened. “I know that look and I can guess what happened,” she said. She reached out to grab my hands. “You’re not a monster.”“She almost got hurt because of me. I killed a man while she was only a few feet away.”

“You protected her, right? Just like you said.”I looked away. “I need to think.”“Of course. Just don’t let your thinking get in the way of your happiness.” She grabbed the shopping bags and carried them upstairs, leaving me to my thoughts.

I took off my shirt, not wanting even a splatter of blood on me. I tossed it and the blood-soaked handkerchief into the laundry room before pulling a fresh shirt out of a clean stack of clothes and putting it on. As if changing clothes could erase what I did.

I went upstairs to find Zoe on her bed, hugging her teddy bear to her chest. She had changed into a fuzzy sweater and a short, pleated skirt. I could see a small diaper peeking out underneath her skirt. Normally the sight of it would make me smile, but all I could focus on was her tear-stained face. “I’m sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I knew what you did from the beginning. And you protected me.”“It’s not okay,” I said as I sat on the edge of her bed. “You never should have been in danger in the first place.”She held her teddy bear tighter. “I wasn’t in danger. I was with you and I knew you would protect me.”I closed my eyes. This was wrong. This was all wrong. “Listen, I… I won’t trap you here. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve more than paid your brother’s debt. I can give you a home somewhere-- anywhere you want. With enough money to keep you comfortable for the rest of your life. You’ll be safe. And you won’t have to see me ever again. You can have a life.”“No!” She looked at me defiantly. “I want you, Daddy. Just you. I don’t care that it’s dangerous.  I just want to be with you.”“Little one...”“This is my choice, isn’t it?” I sighed. She was right. It had to be her choice. I wasn’t going to force her to do anything.

“Of course, little one.”“Then I choose you, Daddy. I love you, Daddy. I don’t want to lose you. Please don’t send me away.”

I reached out and wrapped my arms around her. “I won’t send you away, little one,” I said. “You can stay with me as long as you want.” I closed my eyes as I felt an onslaught of emotions. There was fear and shame, but also relief and happiness. I wanted her in my life. I wanted to be her Daddy. “The offer’s always open, okay? I don’t ever want you to feel trapped with me. But I love you, little one. And I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy.”

We both lied down on the bed and I held her tight to me as she drifted off to sleep. I watched her as she slept. “I love you,” I whispered to her as she slept. “I’ll protect you, little one. Forever.”