A Stern Lord for My Lady by R.R. Vane

Chapter 15

Sometime later, when they’d at last finished what they had started, Alicia heaved a deep sigh, which was both sated and vexed. So her husband had resolved there’d be no more spankings…

“Then you won’t ever discipline me again?” she asked in some disappointment.

“You might be haughty and fierce at times, but you’re true and loyal. You’re a level-headed woman, who doesn’t act foolishly. I’ve come to see that. You’re a woman who can be reasoned with,” he told her in a serious voice. “I never disciplined my first wife, because there was no need to. And I don’t think I’ll have true cause to discipline you.”

She sighed, happy he’d come to see her worth, but dejected he would not spank her again. She’d come to crave that strange sensation where pleasure mingled with pain, where rapture mingled with embarrassment.

“Of course,” he added, with teasing in his voice. “That doesn’t mean I won’t spank you if you shamelessly ask for it. Since I promised to be a dutiful husband, I shall strive to take care of my lady wife’s needs. I daresay my lady wife needs to be spanked at times, when naughty thoughts come to her head.”

Her heart skipped a beat.

“Husband,” she muttered. “I think I have some very naughty thoughts in my head right now.”

“Oh, so you wish me to spank those naughty thoughts out of you?” her husband asked, pulling her to him, and beginning to rub her bare bottom in slow, tantalizing circles.

Alicia’s sex filled with molten heat, in anticipation of what would follow.

“Be careful what you wish for, my lady. Because I’ve come to like to spank soundly, just like a stern, dutiful husband should,” he told her in a soft voice.

“I wouldn’t wish it otherwise,” she countered.

A while later, as she lay across his lap, bare-assed and already soundly spanked, Alicia was starting to feel rather sorry for herself and for her scorched behind. She’d forgotten how large her husband’s hand was, and how well it could warm her bottom. He had promised he’d be stern, hadn’t he? And he had been stern indeed. The pain in her bottom was already fierce, and made her regret she’d dared him to spank her. Yet, her sex was wet and pulsing. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her as she lay face down over his lap.

She braced herself for the next spank, which seemed to be tarrying. The fiend now meant to torture her, by prolonging her wait. Yet, instead of a spank, Alicia felt Bertran’s hand parting her wet folds. His finger slid in and out of her slick sheath, then rubbed the inflamed kernel of her womanhood. Alicia nearly peaked. But the fiend wouldn’t let her find her release. Instead, he withdrew his finger, now beginning to rub her scorched bottom with his large hand that had earlier spanked her so soundly. Strange that a large hand like his could be both merciful and merciless at the same time. His ministrations made Alicia whimper in both pleasure and pain.

When at last he let her off his lap, Alicia thought he would make love to her, and she wiped her tears, looking at him in eager anticipation. Instead, he told her calmly he wasn’t quite done with her. Alicia did so with a frown, debating within herself whether to argue with him or not. She wanted him to make love to her, because her sex was pulsing with the need for him. She opened her mouth to tell him so, beginning to rub her bottom through her skirts, because her bottom was now too tender to bear the touch of her clothes. It already smarted, and his large hand had covered all of it quite thoroughly. She had no doubt it was glowing red now.

“Did I say you were allowed to rub your chastened bottom, my lady?” he asked her softly.

She shook her head, as an ignoble stab of rapture pierced her sex. So, he was not done toying with her, was he?

He sat himself on the bed, patting his lap and calling in a voice that held a mixture of sternness and teasing.

“Naughty wives get spanked again for rubbing their naughty bottoms.”

Alicia rolled her eyes, but nevertheless obeyed his command. She had asked for this, hadn’t she?

He settled her over his knees, making quick work of hoisting her skirts.

“I told you to be careful what you wish for, my lady,” he told her, lightly brushing his fingers over her smarting buttocks.

He didn’t give her a chance to answer, but proceeded to spank her as mercilessly as he had before, now also peppering her upper thighs, which he hadn’t attended to in his previous spanking. Alicia soon found herself in tears, and nearly begged him to stop. The spanking was almost as hard as the one he’d delivered when they’d first met, yet not as hard. Or was it just as hard as that first punishment? She didn’t have time to think. His first spanks had been slow and methodical, with long pauses between them. The ones he’d begun to deliver now were far more rapid, and they stung like a thousand hornets. The pain was almost excruciating. What had possessed her to ask for a spanking? She only had herself to blame for it, and for the sorry state of her behind. But all coherent thought was robbed from her when he delivered his next smack right on her blazing red sit spot. This was followed by several more rapid spanks right on the same abused spot.

When the large punishing hand stopped, Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the chastisement was finally done and time had come for soothing. Her husband spat into his palm, and proceeded to rub her bottom just as he’d done the first time. Yet now his palm was wet. This wet palm upon her scorched behind felt like a balm, the coolness of it soothing her seared skin and sending tingles through her entire body that made her curl her toes and arch her back in rapture. After the heat of the spanking, this felt like bliss. Her husband chuckled when he heard her moan, but Alicia soon had cause to find out he wasn’t quite done with her. The caressing hand became punishing again, and the swats he landed upon her now wet bottom seemed to hurt a hundred times more than the ones before. Yet she did not have time to protest her pain, as suddenly the hand that had been punishing became caressing again. One of its fingers found anew the hidden part of her sex he’d come to fondly call her little rose thorn and stroked it even more tantalizingly than before. This time she succumbed to the pleasure of it, crying out her deep rapture, as the fierce burn in her bottom and the excruciating pleasure in her sheath mingled within her.

She was both smiling and crying when her punisher straightened her skirts and let her off his lap, and her heart was thumping wildly. The look in his fine hazel eyes, and the stiff cock she’d felt pressing against her, and that she now fully perceived when he rose from the bed, told her that he was revelling in this just as much as she did. Was he already done with her, or would he give her more? She didn’t feel ready for more, and yet… She broadened her smile within herself, looking upon her husband in anticipation. So, what did he have in store for her next?

The End