The Guardian by Diana Knightley

Twenty-five - Kaitlyn

By the time New Year’s Eve and Hogmanay came around the weather had been so bleak for so long I really wondered why the hell we had ever chosen to do this.

And the longer we did it, the more we were aware that it could be for longer yet, and that we couldn’t take a minute more.

We celebrated Hogmanay with some feasting, but everyone had grown pretty damn testy.

The kids were all tucked away in the nursery with the fire blazing to keep the small space as warm as possible. The grownups were drinking in the sitting room of Magnus’s office because it was easier to heat. We were still bundled in our warmest gear.

The men left the room, without their coats, to return a second after midnight, the traditional First Footing.

When they knocked, Emma opened the door, and they stamped in, hilariously drunk, and cold through from the chilly hallway.

Zach said, “I was away from the fire for one minute and I’m frozen like a popsicle.”

Everyone got a shot of whisky to celebrate and we went back to huddling near the fire.

Zach said, “Well, that was fucking fun.”

Fraoch raised his glass, “We need tae plan another trip tae see if the problem is solved.”

Quentin raised his glass, “I agree, we need another reconnaissance mission.” He glanced at Sophie beside James, “to um, the kingdom, to check on things.”

“How? How would things be solved? I agree on going for supplies, but how is anything solved at this point?” asked James.

Quentin said, “Possibly, I don’t know — maybe it just figured itself out? Maybe we needed to settle into this castle and now Florida sorted itself? All I know is it’s too freaking cold and I’m sick of it being night all the damn time. I want to go home.”

I glanced at Sophie, her brow pulled down.

Fraoch said, “I miss Florida.”

“Hear hear!” We all raised our glasses.

Quentin said, “While we’re all here...”

Everyone laughed.

James said, “We know! You want another vote!”

“Hell yeah, I want another vote, this has been the bleakest coldest winter and I’m ready to get the hell out. All those that want to fight... say, ‘Aye’.”

Quentin, Beaty, Fraoch, and Zach all said, ”Aye.”

Magnus said, “All right, I think twould be good tae go see, I would take two men with me and—”

A look passed between Quentin and James.

Quentin said, “Nah Boss, I’ll go, you stay here, guard the castle. James can go with me, right? We’re the guys who do it, it’s our job.”

“Why daena ye want me tae go?”

“I don’t know, you seem a little winded still, like you need more rest.”

“Och, aye.” Magnus’s face was drawn down in thought.

Hayley said, “I think I’m too jealous, how come you get to go, James? Why can’t Fraoch and I go too? We all have to stay here in the freezing cold? I think we should all go.”

Magnus said, “Too dangerous.”

Quentin said, “Okay forget it — let’s wait until February. We have enough supplies, right? That way Magnus will be better.”

Magnus said, “A moment ago ye wanted tae go right away.”

Quentin said, “I got carried away. We’ll put it off until we need supplies. Yeah, it’ll be good — in the meantime we’ve got a new year on us.” We all raised our glasses though our mood had turned pretty dour.