The Guardian by Diana Knightley

Fifty-nine - Magnus

Soon after I was verra tired, so I was wheeled back tae m’room and hefted back intae m’bed. And I was close tae sleep when Archie came in. “Ma is with Isla.”


He stood awkwardly.

I said, “Do ye want tae come up on the bed?”

“It won’t hurt?”

I shook my head. He scrambled up on the bed. The lights were dim he plumped up a pillow and lay down with an arm cocked behind his head in such a way that he reminded me of Sean when he was verra young.

I asked, “How are ye feelin’ about the battle?”

“Was scary.”

“I ken, twas for me as well. What did ye see when I was down?”

“I saw you on the ground and then Quentin and James were carrying you.”

“Och I am too big for them tae carry.” I scoffed, then added, “But I am sorry ye saw me like that, I dinna want tae frighten ye.”

He nodded.

I said, “The truth is tae be a man ye will hae tae get used tae seein’ things that frighten ye, and ye must be courageous and do what needs tae be done though ye are afraid. What did ye do once ye saw me bein’ carried?”

“I held Isla’s hand, because mammy wasn’t there and I told her twould be okay.”

“Good, that is exactly what needed tae be done. That is verra good, I am proud of ye.”

He said, “Ben was scared too.”

“Well, it was verra scary, his father was afraid. Quentin was frightened. I ken James was frightened as well. We all were doin’ our best.”

“It doesn’t seem like it, it seems like they are not afraid.”

“They are, they just daena shew it. Tis how we help each other be strong, by doin’ what needs tae be done so we can get through it taegether. Someday ye will be grown and a king and ye will hae tae always do what must be done, but ken that if ye hae good men around ye, ye will be able tae do it.”

“Like Ben.”

“Aye, he will be your best friend. Isla will be verra brave too, like her mother, and ye will hae other friends and family as well, and aunts and uncles tae take care of ye.”

“I am worried about Uncle Fraoch.”

“Me too.” I yawned. “I need tae go tae sleep I think, I am having trouble keeping my eyes open.”

“Is it okay if I sleep here?”

“I would like that, tis too quiet in this room with nae one else breathin’. I get verra lonely.”

And slowly I fell asleep tae the soft sounds of m’son sleeping beside me.

* * *

Middle of the night Kaitlyn came in. She whispered tae Archie, “This is where you are?”

“Da needed the company.”

“Ah, I see, do you want your own bed?”

“I think he will be lonely if I go.”

“I see.” She kissed him on the forehead and helped him get under the covers. “Sweet dreams.”

She came over and kissed me, “Good night love, I’m going to sleep in the waiting room with Hayley.”

I nodded and fell back tae sleep.