The Other Side of Greed by Lily Zante

Chapter Thirty-Seven


We barely talk when we’re back at work. Brad isn’t the type of guy to chase and beg, but I deserve the truth, and he can’t give it to me.

I can’t think or function, not in the full and complete way I used to before this man walked into my life. I hate the rollercoaster of who we are and what I have become.

Luckily, I have plenty to keep me busy, but our tiny office feels suffocating. I avoid going into the storeroom especially after the food nights.

I can’t trust myself to be alone with him. We will be all hands and mouths. One thing will lead to another. I’m back to not trusting him again, back to being wary because there is a side to him which he keeps hidden.

Most times, I don’t know what to think. This isn’t me. Obsessing over a guy who isn’t right for me. I should have learned my lesson from the last time.

Clearly I’m not cut out for romance and relationships. I’m responsible for a lot of people. I have a business to run. I’m doing my best to make life better for these people, and that’s what I need to focus on.

* * *


Itry to make it up to her but it’s not easy.

It’s hard enough sitting in a stuffy little office with Simona and Fredrich, but starting a conversation with her is almost impossible. What I want is to explain to Kyra about what happened, but she doesn’t want to be alone with me. Why would she if she thinks I walked out on her to tend to someone she believes I care about more.

How can I tell her who Emma is without giving anything away? And yet, another part of me knows I have to tell her the truth, but I don’t want to take the risk.

She has every right to be suspicious of me. She won’t catch my eye and she won’t return my texts.

I decide to stay behind and wait until the others have left for the day, but when it gets to that time, Fredrich and Simona stay put. I’m determined to wait it out, and I do. A short while later, Simona asks, “When are we leaving?”

Leaving for what? And why do I know nothing about this?

“In about ten minutes.” Kyra types away, her fingers flying on her keyboard.

“I’d better rush to the washroom.” Simona disappears.

“What’s going on?” I ask. “Where’s everyone going?”

“We’ve got a committee meeting tonight,” Fredrich informs me.

“What for?”

“They’re monthly meetings, unless something urgent comes up which all the Greenways people need to deal with.”

“Yeah?” I act surprised. “Like what?”

“Take your pick. We’ve had all sorts of things to deal with over the years.”

“I’m hoping it’s a quick one tonight,” says Kyra, stopping her typing. “I’ve got accounts to reconcile.”

“I can help you with that,” I offer, genuinely wanting to help her, but also needing to have time with just her.

“I don’t need your help with the accounts.” The tilt of her chin, with her hand on her hip, her entire posture is one of defiance. “But why don’t you come to the meeting?”

“Why don’t you, dude?” Fredrich chimes in.

“You can come and meet everyone.” Kyra doesn’t smile, but there is mischief in her eyes. I shift uneasily.

Does she know about me?

I can’t go. I dare not show my face there. Neville is getting antsy about me not moving forward but I’m now facing a problem I thought I’d never have: Kyra is thinking about moving, only now I don’t want her to.

She should stay, prosper here, and carry out her vision. I won’t get in her way.

“I can’t.” I press my lips, trying to read her expression and figure out how much she hates me.

“Of course you can’t.” Her tone is mocking. “You couldn’t attend Eli’s city hall event, and you can’t come to this. Who are you hiding from, Brad?”

I clench down on my teeth, wondering if she is testing me, wondering if she knows who I am and what I’m up to. “I have things to do.”

“You always have things to do,” Kyra throws back.

“I need to visit the men’s room,” Fredrich mutters before making a hasty exit.

“I can explain—” She’s angry about me leaving her when we were about to get intimate. That’s unforgiveable, and I should be grateful that she’s at least talking to me, even if she’s furious.

“Was Emma okay?” Her tone switches in an instant.

I nod. “She’s fine.”

“What was the urgency?”

How do I tell her that my PA doesn’t want to come back to work for me? Answering that question means I’ll have to answer all the others; questions that Kyra probably doesn’t even have yet.

“She … uh …” I’m flummoxed as to what to say. Kyra’s cold fury doesn’t help.

“Where was it that you worked?” she asks, completely throwing me off course.

“Excuse me?”

“Where was it that you worked?”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

My brows lift. My heart splutters. “When?” I’m trying to buy myself some time.

She suspects.

“When you went abroad, to work on the community project. Where was that?”

I stare at her in complete confusion. Why is she asking me this? Before I can reply, she asks, “Or did you not work anywhere at all?” Her cold, hard words land on me like icepicks.

I manage to retrieve the information I think she wants. “Ecuador.”

She smiles. “Ecuador. Is that your final answer? Or do you want to call someone to verify that?”

Simona steps inside just then, and Kyra stands up and starts to get her things together. Fredrich returns, eyeing the two of us as if we’re rabid dogs.

“Are you coming to the meeting with us?” Simona asks me.

“He’s busy and he has other plans,” Kyra replies before I can say a word.