The Other Side of Greed by Lily Zante


As always, I would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to my amazing group of proofreaders for their patience and support, and for calmly accepting my ever-changing deadlines. These ladies check my manuscript for errors, typos, inconsistencies and strange words and phrases which often find their way into my story.

Without them, I wouldn’t have the confidence to release each book and I am eternally grateful for their help and support:

Marcia Chamberlain

April Lowe

Dena Pugh

Charlotte Rebelein

Carole Tunstall

I would also like to thank L J Andersen of Mayhem Cover Creations for creating the awesome cover.

Also, a big ‘Thank you’ to Karn Jones for coming up with the title to this book. It was perfect for this story.