Dark Desires by Candace Wondrak

Chapter Twelve – Will

Nighttime was always such risky business. It’s when everyone else in the house was asleep and my thoughts and desires ran rampant. It’s when I sometimes lost control of myself, which I wasn’t too proud to admit.

But I wasn’t hurting anyone. It wasn’t like I was going off and killing people again. No more attempting hangings or any of that. No, I was helping. I was helping us both.

Juliet was such a heavy sleeper, it was almost amusing. Definitely the heaviest sleeper I’d ever met, but I supposed, after growing up in a place where she had nothing at all to keep her company, no friends, it made sense. Sleeping was her only way out of the world she used to live in, a free escape, one her fucking father would never know of.

When I’d heard her crying out, I’d already been in her room. I knew what time Markus went to bed, knew the best time to be alone with her. It didn’t take me long to grab her, to wake her up. The old me would’ve been annoyed, for her nightmare had encroached on my time, but the new me was happy to hold her, happy to talk to her, to comfort her and simply be there for her.

If there was anything I’d learned in these last few years, it was that the little moments counted just as much as the bigger ones. Sometimes even more so, for the little moments happened with far more frequency. Little moments could make or break a relationship, and I’d be damned if I let this girl go.

She was not another Ash. She was Juliet. She was innocence made flesh, something I wanted to protect above all costs… and possess. Protect and possess. I did not know if those two things went hand in hand, but it sure as hell felt like they did when it came to her.

I’d gotten Jaxon out of the picture. I didn’t know exactly what Markus did to him, but the fool had started to keep away from her, thankfully, and I was always there beside her when she started to wonder about him. There to be with her, there to talk to her. Me, me, me. As it should be.

I was sane enough to know my plan might never work—she might not fall for me. You couldn’t control the things other people felt; I’d learned that with Ash. But I was also insane enough to believe it just might. You know what they said: sanity and madness were two sides of the same coin. For me, which one I was, well… it depended on the day.

So when she woke up, I soothed her. I did my best to hold onto her, to give her comforting words. To be the man she needed me to be. For her, I would be anything. I would go to any lengths I had to; I realized that now. If Markus tried to hurt her, he and I would have to talk.

But I had the feeling he wouldn’t. Though the man tried to hide it, he felt something for her just as I did. Her light shined so brightly, none of us could deny the pull we felt. She was goodness incarnate, and we were unworthy.

Yes, even Markus, the big man himself, was unworthy of her.

That’s the thing about people like us, though. We didn’t care whether we were unfit or unworthy. When we wanted something, we wanted it with every ounce of our bodies, let it consume us and leave nothing in its wake. Our desire, our obsession, was what kept us going. I’d never known Markus to obsess over anything, but sooner or later, all it took was someone new to turn everything onto its head.

I saw how she was with Markus, just like I saw how she was with Jaxon. Though I couldn’t really do much about possible feelings towards Markus, I could do something about Jaxon, so I did. Call me conniving, call me calculated… I didn’t fucking care. All I cared about was Juliet and making her mine.

If she could wake up and have eyes for only me, I would be the happiest man on the planet. That said, I didn’t know if that was possible or not. Not with Markus. He was the only one in this house that could possibly out-maneuver me, and beyond that, I did owe him for taking me in. I’d be nothing more than a statistic by now, though an outlier due to the Briggs name.

Realistically, I’d be happy to take up a part of that pretty little head, for her thoughts to run to me every now and then. If I could not have her completely, wholly, then I’d settle for just a bite or two.

Or even for the stolen touches in the darkness.

Oh, after our little date, after I’d seen that delicious ass of hers wearing nothing but a lacy thong, I’d longed for more. My imagination could only go so far, the same for my hand. I’d tried to keep myself away from her, tried to keep my hands off… but it was like teasing a man who’d just walked for days through the desert with a tall glass of water.

Cruel. You had to think he’d go for it eventually, even if you told him not to.

And so that’s how it started. When I’d first been placed on guarding duty, making sure she didn’t try to run off again, away from us, from Markus, from me. I’d crept into her room, stood beside her bed, and remembered our date, the curve of her ass on display for me in my memory helping me to relieve myself. I’d always been quiet, never making a peep as I marked her room with my cum.

I didn’t remember exactly when, but things had escalated since. My hand on my own dick wasn’t enough to satisfy me. So, I’d started to inch closer, began to pull the sheets off her to view her sleeping figure—and when she didn’t wake up at that, I kept pushing. I’d run a hand along the soft skin on her arm, touched her still body above the pajamas she wore.

And still the girl wouldn’t wake up. Like Sleeping Beauty, only better because she was mine.

Mine. All mine. She might not be all mine during the day, when Markus called the shots, but at night, Juliet belonged to me, and I made sure she knew that. Every part of her, every inch of that sweet, delicious body… all mine.

Of course, it did occur to me that she might not be happy with the way I’d gone about things while she slept, but it didn’t stop me. I had a one-track mind when it came to Juliet, you see, an obsession of the highest degree. Everything I’d thought in the past paled to the things I thought about her, the lengths I would go to keep her, to make her mine.

Tonight, seeing her so distraught, hearing her cry because of her father… God, if that man was here, I’d kill him. I’d fucking strangle the life out of him. I’d cut him up so badly he’d be unrecognizable. I’d even offer her the final blow, if she wanted, but if Juliet didn’t want to do it herself, I’d gladly rid the world of him. Get rid of the fucker once and for all so he could never hurt her again.

No one should put Juliet in a cage she didn’t want to be in.

I sat beside her, watching her sleep for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only minutes. Minutes ticked by, the seconds heavy as her breathing slowed and the features on her face slackened. The effortless and innocent beauty she wore during the day was only amplified at night, when she wasn’t trying to be tough or seeking to survive.

At night, she could be free, and I could help her with that.

I was dying to get my hands on her again, to feel her body lean into mine. Dying to touch her, like I had all those other nights. Every once in a while, I’d stir her enough to say a name—but sometimes it wasn’t my name. Sometimes she said Markus or Jaxon… or even Theo.

But I wasn’t worried about the good doctor. No, I didn’t think Doc would throw away everything he had for her. He wasn’t like me, not like Markus. He was perhaps the sanest out of us all.

Juliet breathed steadily, evenly, and though the moonlight from the window across the room was the only bit of light coming in, it was enough for me to see her. For me to look at her with her blonde hair splayed like a halo around her head, her tears long since dried. I would wipe away her tears each and every night if I had to. It wouldn’t be a sacrifice; I’d gladly do it.

Anything for her. Everything for her.

I slid off the bed quietly, each movement I made perfected in these last few nights. Ever since being with her at damn near all hours of the day, I’d learned how to move, what to do… how to touch her to make her body tremble beneath me.

It was amazing what she could sleep through. Tonight, I think, I’d put her to the test, and see how much she remembered in the morning. Let’s see how much of a heavy sleeper Juliet Osborne really was.

My body started to warm at the thought, and I felt a wave of satisfaction in my chest when I slowly pulled the covers off her, setting them near her feet. She lay on her back, her lips parted somewhat as she breathed in and out, her chest rising and falling as steadily as ever.

To say she was beautiful was an understatement. It was like saying the sun was merely warm. It wasn’t just that; the sun was so hot, so glaringly bright and searing, it could blind you if you weren’t careful, burn your skin if you were out too long, give you cancer if you didn’t protect yourself. She could be my sun. She could burn me, blind me, hurt me however she wanted—I’d still come back for more.

Where Juliet was concerned, I simply could not get enough. I supposed I couldn’t be too upset with Jaxon for wanting the same thing.

Holding my breath, I got on the bed again, moving as slowly as I could to not disturb her. My lower half ached with a yearning I knew could only be quenched by one thing, and that was Juliet’s tempting, succulent body and the space between her legs.

She wore the pajamas she and Doc had gotten while they’d gone out. If I would’ve known how much she had a thing for stuff like this, I would’ve gotten her different things when Markus sent me out to shop for her—past the city limits of Midpark and Hillcrest, of course, where I might’ve been recognized.

But I didn’t know her then like I knew her now.

I let out a breath I held, straddling her legs as I hovered a hand over her stomach, moving it down along her body. Every so often, my palm would catch the fuzziness of her pajamas. I was never one to rush into it; I liked the waiting. It made my balls ache. The forbidden fruit was more than tempting, the silence of the night and the absolute certainty coursing through every muscle in my body when I was with her.

Here, she was all mine.

My hand made it to the space between her legs, and that’s when I started to apply more pressure with my hand. I dipped my fingers low between her thighs, and a soft hum of unconscious approval left her as she turned her head, still fast asleep.

I knew she was. I’d be able to tell if she wasn’t. Juliet was not like me; she did not grow up lying to everyone around her, wasn’t a master at fooling everyone, even herself. If she was awake, she wouldn’t be able to hide that fact.

Was I a monster for taking advantage of her like this? I didn’t think she’d hate me if she knew. No, I think I was succeeding in my plan of worming my way into her heart, bit by bit, but then again, I supposed you never really knew. People could surprise you, even though most of the time, they tended not to.

I rubbed her through her pajama bottoms, my gaze glued to her face. What would I do if she woke up and saw me, and she freaked out? Though I didn’t believe she would, I knew I’d figure something out, if that were to happen. I was a quick thinker, or at least, I liked to think so. I’d gotten away with quite a lot in my youth.

My cock turned to steel, but I dutifully ignored it for now, though its time would come. Right now, I wanted to make sure Juliet felt good, even if it was only in her dreams. Every part of me screamed out, wanting to tear off her clothes, then mine, and feel her skin on me, hear the soft moans I knew could come from her directly in my ear as I felt how tight she was around my cock.

Oh, yes. I think I’d like that a lot.

It was always difficult to know when exactly I helped her reach her climax, but luckily tonight, her thighs helped out. I felt them starting to tense up, squeeze together, and then release as a quiet whimper escaped her throat. Her breathing had turned a bit heavier now, but it was still even, still the breathing of someone who was fast asleep, caught in a dream I hoped was worlds better than the nightmare that had woken her up earlier.

God, I wanted to wake her up and show her everything, make her feel everything. I wanted to rip open those pajamas and run my hands along her smooth skin, get to know each curve of her body intimately. How badly I wanted to have her, to fully have her, each and every part of her, lay claim to the girl I knew was mine.

I knew it now, but she would realize it eventually. I wouldn’t rush things, even though I so desperately did want to. Things like this, you had to take your time with. You had to sit back and let it play out as it would. Juliet felt something for me, I knew she did; I could see the glimmer of affection in her big blue eyes when she looked at me. But I wanted more. I wanted more than just affection.

Love. I wanted her love. I wanted it so fully I could taste it, and it tasted sweet, delicious, and addicting.

After her body had reached its precipice, I usually pulled back and stopped touching her, taking my hand to myself, but for whatever reason, I kept going tonight. I wanted to get that space between her legs as wet as I could, fill her dreams and her unconscious thoughts with as many releases as I could. Maybe it was wrong, but I’d never steered clear of anything simply because it wasn’t right.

Me and wrong got along, I think, even after all these years. I’d played my part well here. My rehabilitation was a success, or at least that’s what everyone thought. Stella believed in me. Markus didn’t. Everyone else, well, they just couldn’t care less. Some of Markus’s brothers were more psychotic than I was.

Lincoln, anyone?

But, anyway, back to the matter at hand—or, rather, the matter under my hand. The body holding itself in a fever pitch as I rubbed her clit through her pajamas. A part of me wondered if I’d be able to slip those pajamas off her, maybe not completely, but at least past her thighs, so I could touch her body unhindered.

Would she wake? Would she wake and realize what was happening; would she stop me?

Perhaps she’d stay in a dream, or she’d wake up and think this was a dream. Should I take that chance? The answer was no, of course, but what I should do and what I did do were usually two separate things.

Such as it would be here, tonight.

My body cried out for hers in a way I simply could not deny, the hunger inside me so great I could fight it no longer. So I carefully lifted my hand off her, bringing my fingers to her sides. Slowly, gently, I tugged at the pajama bottoms. Not hard, not quick; it was a slow and steady kind of thing,

Juliet mumbled something incomprehensible under her breath, her eyes still closed in the darkness. She did not wake, not even as I pulled her bottoms down to her knees. It would be more than enough.

The breath that left me then was a shaky one, and I brought my fingers to my lips, sticking them in my mouth for a few moments, running my tongue along them to wet them. I took that same hand to her apex once more, and though I began with light, feathery touches, stolen in the darkness, I soon touched her with a firmer hand, more confident.

Turned out, I didn’t need to lick my fingers; the girl was wet already, her body having unconsciously reacted to my touch. Juliet was wet, her slit slick with desire, and feeling it on my fingers was almost too much. My heart started to beat faster, every part of me aching to be inside her.

I bet she was tight. Tight and wet in all the ways that felt good.

My fingers circled her clit, a ragged breath escaping me. It grew more and more difficult to straddle her legs with the hardness pressing against my pants. If cocks could scream, mine would be yelling at me right now, shouting at me to get inside her. The urge grew and grew until it became too much to fight.

I think… I think I didn’t want to wait. I think I needed her right now. Juliet would understand, and if she didn’t, then I’d explain it to her as best as I could. My body needed to feel hers, my cock needed her pussy like my lungs needed the air I breathed.

With no angel on my shoulder to guide me away from what I was about to do, I withdrew my fingers from her clit and rolled off her. I got off the bed to take off my pants and free my throbbing dick, and then I was back on the bed, crawling over her, my balls tensing in anticipation.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

I was not a good guy. I never would be. I’d tried, I’d spent damn near my whole life trying, but now… now I was sick of it. Now I wanted to take what was mine unapologetically and do it without asking permission.

You know what they say: better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Although I was fairly sure that wasn’t supposed to be applied in a situation like this, but I didn’t care. I had a one-track mind when it came to Juliet, and knowing her pussy was just inches away from my cock, knowing no clothes would stop me now, filled me with a sense of satisfaction nothing else could.

I let my eyes draw over her in the darkness. With shadows everywhere, she was an angel shrouded in blackness. Fitting, because that’s what she was, here, and we all clamored for a taste of her forbidden, holy fruit. She was the only thing in the world that could lead me to my salvation. I never believed in God, though my father had tried to drag me to church with my brother when I was younger, but Juliet made me wonder.

How could someone like her exist if there was no God?

The light in the darkness. The thing we all craved without realizing. Juliet might’ve walked into the viper’s den, but any bites she’d get from us would not be venomous. People like us might hurt everyone around us, but I’d do my damnedest to make sure nothing ever happened to her.

I ran a hand along my length, using my other to keep me propped up over her body. My upper half shuddered as I fisted my cock, and I knew without a doubt the tip already oozed precum. Every inch of me was ready to find the entrance to that pussy and push myself inside, to feel her body welcoming and accepting mine.

I needed her so fucking badly. I couldn’t wait.

I lowered my bottom half, guiding my cock to her apex. My eyes were glued to her face, watching for any sudden movement, half expecting her to wake up and freak out. But even as my cock slid against the slickness of her slit, even as I pushed my cock down and naturally found her pussy’s entrance, she did not wake.

All logical and sane thoughts vanished from my mind the moment I bore my hips down, using both hands to brace myself on the bed to keep my body from collapsing on top of her as my hungry cock slid into her. Bit by bit, I filled her up, taking my time in doing it, shuddering when I was buried hilt-deep inside her.

Juliet’s pussy was wetter than I thought it would be, but it shouldn’t be a surprise, given how slick she’d been. Practically dripping with desire, as unconscious as that craving was. She felt so fucking good, too. She blew all thoughts and past experiences out of the water. Nothing I’d done, no one I’d been with before, had ever made me feel so utterly and wholly complete.

And so ragged with lust and want.

I didn’t want to move, at first. I just wanted to stay there, motionless, with her cunt wrapped around my cock, forever. The moment I started to move, the moment I began to thrust my hips and fuck her in her dreams, would only mean my own orgasm would inch closer. And, judging by how rapturous my body felt right now, it wouldn’t take me too long to come.

Fuck, I could not believe how tight she was, how warm her pussy felt around my length. I never wanted to know another day when I wasn’t inside her, when I didn’t have her underneath me. I never wanted to know a single day without her.

I needed her. I needed her so fucking badly it was insane.

I could wait no more. I started to move my hips along, taking it nice and slow. The slower I went, the less likely Juliet would wake up, and the farther I could push my orgasm. Make it last as long as it could, as long as I could, before erupting.

And I’d come inside her, too. I knew she was diligent in taking her pills now; I was with her when she did each night. I knew I could spill my cum into her cunt and forever mark her as mine. Even if she didn’t know it, she’d be mine in every way.

Not going to lie, I did worry if I’d be able to hide my smugness tomorrow, especially in the morning as I heard her get up. Would she feel the wetness between her thighs, would it be dry and crusty by then? It didn’t matter. Either way, she’d be full of my cum tonight, and nothing in the world would’ve made me feel more twisted delight.

These dark desires of mine… they’d swallowed me up the moment I laid eyes on a lost, innocent girl. A little bunny fleeing a twisted Wonderland. There was no way out. Not for her, anyway, and definitely not for me.

Juliet did not stir at all, not even as I began to fuck her pussy while she dreamed. Her head flopped to the side, but her eyes remained closed. Her body moved with each gentle thrust of my hips, rocking upward. It wasn’t too easy to fuck her without her thighs spread eagle, but I could do it. I could do it while spreading her thighs as apart as I could, given the fact that her pajamas still clung to her knees.

The only thing that would make this perfect would be for her to be awake, her hands on me, nails digging into my back so hard they’d leave scars. Hell, I’d take a thousand scars from her. She could bury the scars currently dotting my body, cover them with her own, make me forget everything I’d been through in the past. She could hurt me however she wanted. As long as I could have her, I’d be happy.

She was all I wanted. What was life if you didn’t have a love to share it with?

I kept any moans that might’ve surfaced in my throat bubbled down, swallowing them with silent grunts as I continued to fuck her. Never had there been a quieter fuck. Never was there a gentler fuck. It was hard to hold back, so very hard to stop myself from going at her with a rougher force, but I had to.

I didn’t want to be denied by her. I didn’t think I could take that again. I wanted to be sure Juliet felt the same way about me before confessing anything to her, and if I had to rig the game, that’s what I’d do. Make it so she thought of me all the time, so Juliet was the one coming to me and not vice versa. I wanted to be one hundred percent sure.

No more mistakes. No more picking the wrong girl. She’d have to pick me.

Was fucking her and claiming her in her sleep a little overboard? Maybe, but I didn’t care. I was hopeful, ever so hopeful when it came to Juliet Osborne. I believed she’d come to me, and she’d do it soon.

My girl. My beautiful, sweet, innocent girl with an ungodly tight pussy.

I had to close my eyes, focusing on the pleasure building in my lower half. My cock easily slid in and out of her, her wetness the best kind of lubrication. My balls ached with the need to find their release, but I pushed it off for as long as I could. My skin was on fire, the blood in my veins pumping fast, making up for how slow my cock pumped inside her.

She felt so good, so fucking good. How the hell was I supposed to have any sane, rational thought after this? How could I spend any time with her, even while she was awake, and not think about pinning her to the nearest wall and fucking her again?

Would she want it? Would she beg for it? As I pushed inside her again, my cock twitched at the thought.

And then, because even I could not push it away forever, the pleasure exploded inside me. An orgasm swept through me, more powerful than any I’d ever felt. It was damn near impossible to keep quiet when I came, my chest thundering with a low moan as my cock emptied itself inside her. My cum filled her core, and I imagined coating her inner walls with it, even more pleasure surging through me when I pictured it.

Oh, God, yes.

After the heated orgasm faded, I didn’t want to pull out of her. I wanted to stay rooted inside her pussy, letting her inner walls clamp down on me, as if wordlessly telling me not to pull out. Sadly, I had to. I had to pull out, fix her pajamas, crawl off her, and place the covers on top of her once more. I had to stuff myself away as I pulled up my pants, and I had to return to my station in the hall.

I had to. Didn’t mean I wanted to or that I didn’t take my time while doing it, though.

And once I made it out into the hall, I couldn’t help but smile to myself. The house was quiet and still, not a single other soul nearby, save for the heavy sleeper that was Juliet.

I couldn’t believe what I did—not that I couldn’t believe I’d done it, but more like I couldn’t believe Juliet didn’t wake up. I did hope whatever new dream she was in was much, much better than the one that had woken her up earlier. I hoped she dreamed of my face. My face, my hands, my body… my cock.

I leaned my back on the wall just beside her door, grinning like an idiot to myself. My cock was still semi-hard in my pants, but I wasn’t worried about anyone stumbling along. Not at this hour. By morning, I’d have my dick under control.

But then again, by then, Juliet would be awake, and all bets were off.

When Juliet awoke the next morning, she seemed quite bubbly and happy, and I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at her, as I walked with her to get breakfast and then dropped her off at Doc’s office. She’d thanked me for last night—even hugged me, which caused me to do a double-take around us to make sure no one was nearby.

Of course I’d told her she was welcome, for what else was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to thank her for being such a heavy sleeper I was able to fuck her without her realizing it? Yeah, she might get the wrong idea about that, like I’d just fucked her because I could.

That wasn’t it. That wasn’t it at all.

I was wide awake when I left her with Doc, so I swung in my bathroom before crawling into bed; took something to knock myself out. Had to do it most days, for although I’d been awake all night, being around Juliet filled me with so much energy. I could probably keep going like that for another day or so, maybe two, like the Energizer Bunny. That guy was still around, right? I didn’t watch too much TV.

I tore off my shirt before getting in bed. I left my pants on, lest I got ideas about thinking of last night and what I’d done. My cock would call for a hand then, and I knew my hand would never be the same now.

No, better to think of other things so I could get to sleep.

The curtains were drawn in my room, and they blocked out most of the sunlight trying to stream in. It took me a solid half-hour before I began to feel drowsy, though it felt like an eternity. I did not fight sleep as it threatened to overtake me, and when it arrived, it swept over me calmly, not nearly as viciously as the orgasm had while I’d been inside Juliet.

Wait, I shouldn’t be…

Everything went black.

And then, the next minute, everything wasn’t black. Though I was pretty sure more than a minute had passed since I’d dozed off, it felt like I blinked and was brought into a different world. A world where someone was on top of me, holding something over my face, my nose and mouth, so I had to breathe it in.

It smelled almost like a disinfectant, yet strangely sweet. I was too caught off-guard, too groggy to fight it, and by the time I started to push at my attacker, I was out.

Fucking chloroform.