A Beauty So Cursed by Beena Khan

Chapter 14

I spent my life cloaked and hidden in shadows.

I couldn’t read what people were feeling, but now, I desperately wished I could see.

I longed to see what Miran looked like.

And how he looked at me.

Did he feel a certain way about me too?

I was in my room when I heard the shower running.

I grinned.

He returned.

I tiptoed to his bathroom door, counting the steps. I didn’t use Bailey around the house as much now that I’ve memorized the surrounding locations. There was an unknown door that was locked though, and I wasn’t sure what lay behind it. I had given up on it and moved on to Miran’s room that was across the hall from mine. When he wasn’t home, I took the liberty to explore it, invading his privacy. I discovered some books, but I was disappointed when I had touched the texture of the pages.

Not braille.

Sometimes, I sniffed his pillow just so his scent could stay longer with me, but I wouldn’t tell him that. That was my dirty little secret. He always left seven in the morning and returned seven in the night. Twelve hours, too long.

I tracked it using the watch he bought me. It spoke time.

Holding in a smile, I stood outside his bathroom.

The water boomed from inside.

What would he do if I stepped in with him? He’d already seen me naked so many times. This couldn’t be that different, right? Well, except he would be nude too… I crossed my legs tightly as my underwear became damp. Remembering the last time he’d touch me, I blushed so hard. Rubbing my hand over my neck, I remembered his mouth. His warm mouth on me.

My spider.

He’d ruined me in the moments he’d given me a glimpse of him. He made me reveal myself in ways that I never imagined doing it before. The thought of him away from me left me lonely and hollow to my stomach. Maybe I was nothing but a civil duty for him. Another case he’d added to his agenda as my caretaker.

I wasn’t a child who needed to be taken care of.

I was a woman, and tonight, I would show him.

I slipped out of my clothes, dropping them on the floor. The cold air hit my flesh, cooling my heated flesh. Excitement rushed through my body, and I covered my mouth because I was smiling too much. It hurt to smile. Sometimes, it didn’t feel real because I was happy here, with him in our own little isolated world. I was afraid it might not last, and it would be stolen from me.

Reaching for the doorknob, I prayed it was unlocked.

It wasn’t.

I stepped inside and turned my body to the sound of the shower running. Biting my lips nervously, I opened my mouth to speak, but his voice dominated over mine.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

I stepped back in surprise and my lips parted.

His deep voice was so low and hard. A tremble ran up my body, and my nipples puckered in response. Miran had never spoken to me like that though.

Well… I’d heard him curse before, but that was when he was upset and protective as hell. Why was he upset today though?

“Shower?” I stated the obvious and smiled.

“You’re not supposed to be in my bathroom.”

“Why not?” I replied cheekily, “It’s not like I can see you.”

He blew out a ragged breath, and I stepped closer. I didn’t know how much distance was between us, but my foot hit the edge of the shower sill. I hadn’t stepped in yet, and I lifted my foot to join him but paused when he spoke again.

“But I can see you.”

My blood ran hot, and my eyes shot up. Every nerve ending of mine wanted him so badly. I ached to see his face. His beauty. A lump formed in my throat before I swallowed it down.

“Every inch of you I can see.”

My cheeks warmed. I reached out a hand to tuck the tendrils behind my ear but paused. My scars. Then, I smiled to myself. He didn’t mind them. He even liked them. I shoved my hair behind me.

“I was going to come to you after I was done.”

I pouted. “I thought we could save water.”

Yeah okay, Miss humanitarian, my inner voice giggled.

“Lada,” he chided. “This is different. Go back to your room.”

I frowned before stepping closer. My feet hit the wet floor. His breath hitched. The hot shower head water fell on me, drenching me and my hair.

“Are you going to help me today?” I asked, flashing a smile.

Play with me.

Miran was quiet, and the silence was killing me.


I was left stunned. He’d never refused me before. Why now?

“There’s blood… Too much blood in here.”

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Did my cycle come at the wrong time? I reached a hand toward my inner thighs.

“Not there.”

I stopped.

What was he talking about?

I didn’t know where he stood, but I reached out a hand to touch him. It landed on his hard, muscled chest. My hands rubbed through the wet, soft curls on his skin. He hissed as if I burned him. A few seconds later, he grunted, and a hard movement pulled me closer. I yelped and almost slipped, but he grabbed my waist. My chest landed against his body.

His very hard body.

My mouth parted in surprise, and I could feel him pressed against my stomach.

His sex.

He was thick and long, pressed against me. My pulse quickened, and my heart threatened to explode at the impact. My breasts were pushed against him, and I moved to rub them against him further. I needed more friction. Strong fingers pulled my hair back, and a gasp slipped past my lips. My head tilted up.

“You’re playing a very dangerous game, little girl,” he muttered, “And you’re not ready to see how it ends.”

I wanted him.

I wanted Miran Demir.

Couldn’t he see that?

“I’m not a little girl,” I snapped harshly. “Stop treating me like a child.”

He laughed bitterly. “Yeah, you’re all grown up, huh?”

His fingers tightened, pulling my head back, exposing my throat. A brush of something sharp grazed against my pulse. I stopped breathing. Then, his teeth came full force, clamping on my neck. I whimpered against him, startled. His biting intensified, and he wasn’t gentle. I didn’t have any experience in this department. It hurt, but it still felt good. When the pain became too much, I yelped and tried to break free. He dropped his hold from me, and I stepped back, my hand reaching for my neck.

“Where do you think you’re going now? You wanted to play.”

I bit my lip. “Are you trying to scare me?” I whispered.

“Is it working?”

His voice was so cold, indifferent.

What an odd thing to say…

My mind flew in different directions, demanding answers to my unspoken questions. He’d touched me yesterday like he’d wanted me. His fingers… his strong, long fingers that kneaded me, that pinched me, and I hated it when he pulled me away from him. Why did he want me to stay away now?

I shook my head slowly.

I wouldn’t ever run from him.



I stayed quiet at his snappiness.

“Say it. You’re going to tell me what you want instead of playing around.”

His voice was getting edgier and harder.

The darkness behind it made me cower and thrilled me at the same time.

My mouth ran dry, and I licked my parched lips, even though they were wet from the shower. Water poured down on us, threatening to drown and consume us. I wanted to be consumed by him in every single way.

“Miran, I want you,” I admitted at last.

My tongue darted out to lick my lips again.

He was so close, I could hear the vibrations from his low growl.

He exhaled a ragged breath, but he stayed mute.

“I always have,” I whispered.

All reason fled. My head swam. It felt like someone had sucked all of the air out of the room. Every nerve of my body fired off sparks.

He shoved me back, and I inhaled sharply when my bare back hit the wall behind me. The impact wasn’t hard, but I was caught off guard. I waited for him to approach me, but he was so still like he wasn’t even there.

Was he rejecting me… again?

Tears burned through my eyes.

“Miran?” I questioned, swallowing thickly.

Silence greeted me.

Had he left?

“Where are you?” I whispered.

A few seconds later, his footsteps approached me. I held my head up high and squared my shoulders, even though inside, I was so nervous. I waited for him to finally kiss me, but… his warm mouth landed on my breast.

I frowned, feeling somewhat disappointed. I didn’t even have my first kiss yet and my most intimate parts already did. His arms shifted and pressed me further into the wall, caging me in. I was trapped with no escape.

“I thought you might finally kiss me,” I whispered.

He paused, and I was afraid he was pulling away.

“I’m saving the best for last.”

I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt. His mouth roamed all over my breasts, and I arched my back against the wall. I would get my first kiss later, but now I needed more. I wrapped my arms around his back hungrily, shoving myself deeper into his magical mouth. I was pleased, and I smiled brightly against his hair that this was finally happening. Well, not the boob sucking, but I knew he wanted me too.

“Fuck,” he whispered against my skin, his warm breath tickling me, “I wanna mark every inch of your little body.”

My heart thundered, and I lost my footing.

Miran grabbed my waist to hold me steady before returning to suck me. His hands left the wall and gripped my breasts, squeezing them firmly, and I yelped. His tongue moved to my other neglected breast and sucked it so hard. My nipples hardened in his mouth. Little tiny shots of pain and pleasure burst through me, making me groan.

“Your safe word is gold. Use it if it becomes too much.”

Safe word? I was baffled. I wasn’t completely clueless. I’d listened to erotica audiobooks secretly. I thought we were going to make love. Maybe, I should tell him that I was a virgin. He did know that, right?

I cleared my throat and brought it up, “I’m a virgin.”

He paused. “I’m aware.”

Was my first time going to be against the bathroom wall?

That sounded… painful and not ideal.

He flicked, teased, and nipped my little nub, making me refocus. He released it and did the same treatment with the other. Without warning, his teeth sunk into the soft flesh of the surface, and I whimpered and clung to his shoulders. My breathing was heavier, and my voice came too high-pitched. Every time he bit me harder, my nails dug deep into his back, clawing him. Miran grunted against me. My nipples throbbed and ached from his rough mouth. He let himself run wild before me, and I was getting wetter by the second. A sharp pain ran through my body, and I winced.

I think he nicked me.

I didn’t use the safe word against him because I didn’t want him to stop. At the same time, it was too much though. I wasn’t used to his touch or any kind of touch at all. I pushed him back.

“What?” he asked, withdrawing from me. “Am I too dark for you now? You had no issues with me touching you yesterday.”

I bit down on my lip. He was harsher today, and I didn’t understand why. I cupped my sensitive breasts. They hurt to touch, and I wrapped my arms around them. He reached out and pulled them apart before kneading my swollen breasts again. He was back to torturing them again.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered. “You’re not acting like yourself today.”

He laughed bitterly, and an icy wave down my spine.

“This is exactly who I am. Use your safe word then.”

I kept my mouth shut and shook my head in defiance. My safe word was on the tip of my tongue, but I was afraid if I pushed him away, I wouldn’t get this moment again.

“Then fucking take it.”

My eyes jerked up at his command and my lips parted.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” I whispered.

I wanted to understand him.

“Nothing is wrong,” he seethed out. There was tension in his voice. What happened to him today? “Did you expect a hero?”

Water brimmed my eyes at his taunting tone. Before I could reply, he twisted my body around, and the right side of my face, my scarred side pressed against the wall.

“Face the fucking wall. I don’t want to see your face.”

My scars.

My heart broke.

You are still a sight even with those hideous scars.

Maybe I should paperbag you.

It was too much.

Miran’s mouth roamed over my neck, and all the energy in me left.

“Gold,” I whispered in defeat.

He stopped and stepped back from me. His breathing was hard, and he exhaled slowly. Unnatural silence fell in the air. Only the shower water was still running and our rapid heartbeats and breathing surrounded us.

“I think you should leave.”

My heart dropped and my lower lip trembled.

Now,” he added hoarsely.

I bit my lip as tears poured down my face.

His rejection hurt all over again.

Weren’t we going to talk about it at least?

I kept my head down, turned my body away from the wall, and moved forward. I didn’t bump into him on the way out. He must have stepped away.

With my broken heart and rejected soul, I scattered away.

He didn’t sound like he was playing around.

He was done with me.

Game over.