A Beauty So Cursed by Beena Khan

Extended Epilogue: 2

A few months later, an island of Brazil

Dahlia moaned next to him.

“Vlad, it hurts so bad.”

“I know, Doll, but you can handle it.”

“I... I can’t!” she shrieked.

Vlad rolled over to his side on the bed and peered at her.

My wife. My love. My everything.

He leaned up on his elbow as he eyed his very pregnant wife. She was due next month. She was beautiful, her fair skin dewy soft, and her amber eyes even brighter.

“Everything hurts,” she mumbled.

She popped open an eye and peeked at him.

“Vlad, I hurt.”

He blinked slowly. His lips wanted to twitch, but he kept his face expressionless.

“I hurt.”

His smirk spread into a grin.

“You are so dramatic like a baby. You only have a headache.”

She glared and reached up a hand, poking his dimple and pushing his face back.

When she withdrew it from his face, he captured it in his hand and brought it to his lips. He bit her long, thin fingertips, and she gasped lightly. Her full pink lips parted, and he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

“I miss us,” she whispered, staring with longing when he pulled back an inch.

“Yes, tesoro mio, so do I, but the doctor recommended that I should not touch you in your last month. I could only oblige the request. They think I might kill you with my monstrous dick.”

Dahlia giggled like a teenager, her pearly whites flashing. When she smiled, sometimes he forgot what he was thinking. He blinked slowly before focusing.

“Besides,” he glanced at her oversized belly that was larger than most women at pregnancy, “you’re carrying our twins.”

Dahlia’s beautiful face lifted in a grin, and her sparkly eyes shone so brightly, the color of it so golden. His golden beauty. His breath caught in his chest, as he memorized her features all over again. He could never be tired of looking at her.

She was the most beautiful person in the entire world.

Her soul was everything, and it resonated only for him.

“Have you decided on names for them?” she asked.

He collapsed back on the bed that was full of rose petals. They reminded him of her. Resting his hands below his head, he thought long and hard.

“You’re the one who cannot decide,” he countered. “You want the kids to have Arab names, and I want Italian. How about we compromise?” He glanced at her with a side-eye. “You can name one child, and I can name the other?” he questioned.

That seemed reasonable.

She nodded, eagerly. “Deal.”

He smirked that she was making deals with him again.

Didn’t she always lose to him in the end?

“Rafael,” she murmured, “for the boy.”

“That could work. It’s a name for an Angel in our language too.”

“You know Rafael is a religious name,” her fearful eyes met his, “And I have a feeling that he just might be anything but that.”

Vlad smirked. “Well, he is your son… and mine.”

She cheekily grinned before asking, “And the girl?”


“Isn’t that named after the city, Venice?”

He nodded. “Rafael and Venezia. I like the sound of them.”

She bit her lip in response. Dropping his gaze to her full bare lip, he leaned forward and nipped it tightly with his teeth. She yelped before pulling back with a smile.

“I love your dimple,” she whispered, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek, at the indentation on his flesh. “I hope our children have it.”

Vlad’s twinkling eyes met hers as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. Taking her hand within his, he kissed the back of her softness.

“You think I’ll be a good father?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. He didn’t have paternal love growing up.

Dahlia’s eyes softened. “Your love purely, so yes, you will be.” His breath hitched. “You think I’ll be a good mother?”

She was so similar to him in ways… yet different.

“Maybe,” he teased.

She pouted in return, and he wanted to bite her lip again. Every time she did, he had this uncontrollable urge. Giving her sore lips a rest, he bit her earlobe instead. She squealed under him, laughing, and trying to get away, but she could hardly move with her massive belly. Still staring into her eyes, his hand rested on her softness. It squeezed his heart when the babies kicked every time. If he looked closely, sometimes, he could see the tiny little footprints stretching against her skin.

“Ours,” Vlad murmured, gazing into her eyes. “They won’t live like the way we had when we were young,” he vowed.

Dahlia exhaled a ragged breath before nodding.

“I love you,” she whispered.

He smirked. “Not as much as me though.”

“It’s not a competition,” she huffed.

“I always win, Doll. It’s a truth you will never escape. You’ve been mine since the day I saw you. Body, mind, and soul. You’ve given it to me freely, now there are no takebacks.”

As he laid there, staring, running his fingers through her soft hair, she sighed contently under his touch and closed her eyes.

He’d met an ice-cold woman once, and now she laughed, smiled, and felt too much.

She was the entire universe in a single soul.

Stardust lived in her eyes.

Vlad couldn’t have picked a better place to be in, a better person to be with. She belonged to him as much as he belonged to her.

Time froze, and he lost himself in her.

Their hearts, souls, and minds synched with each other.

Legend had it that souls met for similar reasons.

Two souls searching for a home within the other.

They tore each other’s wall down, and their voices silenced the demons in the other.

Those who said that fairytales weren’t real were lying.

When they said they didn’t exist, it was a lie.

Maybe those people hadn’t found it yet, or they had settled for less.

Once in a while, in the middle of nowhere, life brought a dream. A gift disguised in deception that it took time to realize Dahlia was the one for him.

She awoke the beast in him.

The heart of a beast always laid with a beauty.

It was a tale old as time that never ended, and instead, it created new beginnings every time.

It brought children this time.

She was his legend come true.

A timeless love.

Beauty and the beast were eternal.