Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane



DANON HAS BEEN captured.

I hate my father. I would kill the bastard in a heartbeat. But I find I cannot hold the same for Danon.

How many times have I watched on as my father chained my brother to a post and whipped or beat him to build fucking character? Too many, is the answer. These are not the whippings all men get from time to time for mischief or wrongdoing. These had no purpose and no cause that I recall.

Cruelty.It has been a part of our lives for as long as I can remember. I should leave Danon to his fate, but I find my heart does not want to. I believe there is good in him if only this tyranny can be lifted.

We all take different paths through life.

We may be brothers, but as the second born, I never suffered under the same monstrous love of my father.

“We will get him back,” my father says, pacing the hall. Outside, clouds have gathered, and lamps have been lit to offset the premature darkness.

“How the fuck are you going to do that?” I demand. “He has killed the Halket king. They will cut him up one piece at a time, send those pieces to us, and tell us to shove them up our ass!”

My father has me by the throat, slamming me against the wall.

I let him. For all he is a cruel bastard, he holds a twisted kind of love for Danon, his firstborn.

Around the hall, the clansmen and warriors grow restless. Beyond the open hall doors, the village has turned chaotic as supplies are hastily gathered before the villagers flee. Women, children, and men too old to fight are being sent into the forest for safety.

My father tightens his grip.

A tic thumps in my jaw as we eyeball each other. I want to kill the bastard. I should kill the bastard, but I will not start inner conflict until Danon is safe. If we fight among ourselves, we will never get him back.

With a grunt, my father steps back.

There are a dozen other men loyal to me positioned around the hall. My eyes shift to the left where Pete stands on the periphery of the room. At the slight shake of my head, I see his hand leave the hilt of his sword.

“We are taking a couple of lasses from the Halket and Ralston clan,” my father says. “Both clans are weak. They will fold the moment they realize we have taken their womenfolk hostage.”

My nostrils flare. “Why the fuck would you do something so stupid?”

“Don’t backtalk me, whelp,” he growls. Using words, he reminds me that I am lesser than him, not the king, and not even firstborn. “They will kill him if we attack. No, we need to be clever about it. A lass from the Ralston clan has a score to settle. She has already provided two lasses from the Halket clan and knows how to snatch a couple more from Ralston.” He laughs softly when I reel at the news that we have already taken Halket prisoners.

“Jack gifted Nola as a slave to Halket. She was happy to help me for her freedom with us. Happen we might keep the lasses we take when this is over.” Eyes settling on me, he cups his crotch. “Happen you might want to claim one.”

“If I want a mate, I will claim one for myself,” I say.

His dark chuckle sets my hackles rising. “Not worked out so far for you, has it, son?” he says.