Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane



WHEN I PASS through the great hall the following day, I find my father asleep, slumped and snoring on his throne. Danon is nowhere to be seen, but a Beta whelp clearing the mess from the revelry informs me he has gone hunting.

It is typical of Danon to slink off when there are matters to be dealt with.

I go alone to speak to the Alpha who took the Halket lass. Part of me wants no involvement in this foolishness, but another part of me knows I need to face this. I ask him outright if he took the lass against her will.

He denies it. So, I speak to the lass in question.

I’m not sure what I expect to get from this. She seems shy and sweet and does not appear fearful of the Alpha. Then he slips his arm around her waist, and she blushes a pretty shade of pink. I don’t claim to have exhaustive knowledge of lasses or how they behave under duress. But there is nothing to indicate that she is seeking to pull away, and further, she peeks at her new mate under her lashes.

“You know that this might lead to war,” I say.

It is only now that the lass’ lips tremble as she meets my gaze. “My parents would not let me leave,” she says. “For they do not like the Lyon clan. I did not mean for it to come to this. Please, do not send me back.”

I sigh, now wishing that she did not want to be here, for this is sure to end poorly for all involved. Sending her back with an apology would be bad enough. Keeping her here will be worse.

My father would not care if she was snatched, but I assuredly do. I also fear that it will encourage others to do the same, only next time, the lass might not be willing.

Against this backdrop, I leave, intending to visit the Ralston clan so I can subtly scope for any backlash about the stolen lass. Then I will head for the Halket clan and do my best to temper this mess.