Operation Meet Cute by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 14


I haven’t woken up in bed with anyone in ages—not since the epic breakup with my shitbag ex. But even before I’m fully conscious, my body is well aware that Harlow is spooned against me, his body tucked close—my front to his back, thighs against thighs, the aching swell of my morning wood tucked close to the curve of his ass. The warm skin of his bare torso feels perfect against mine, his unmistakable scent clinging to every inch of the sheets and my body.

I press my nose against the back of his neck and breathe in deeply, my cock twitching and my skin heating instantly.

“Teddy,” he mumbles in a husky, sleep-drunk voice, wiggling against me.

I drag my fingers along his flat stomach, feeling the tickle of his body hair. His shorts must have slipped down as he slept, his hard cock half exposed, pressed against his belly by the elastic waistband of the pants. I tease his shaft with the pads of my fingers, and he shudders and turns his head toward me.

Harlow’s eyes are still closed, his face still peaceful, sleep lines from the pillow etched into his cheek.

“Sorry to wake you,” I murmur, nipping at his earlobe and running my thumb over the head of his cock, already starting to grow damp with precum.

“No, you’re not,” he teases, grinding his ass back against my cock and drawing a moan from my lips.

“No, I’m not,” I confess, leaving his cock just long enough to push his shorts down further.

Harlow does the same, fumbling to grab onto the fabric of my shorts so he can tug them lower. Neither of us bother to do more than get them around our thighs before I find his lips in a slow, drugging kiss.

I’m surprised he doesn’t protest about our morning breath. Maybe it’s because he’s still not fully awake yet, or maybe, like me, he doesn’t give a single fuck.

I drag my tongue over his, our lips moving in a sweet, unhurried dance. He reaches back and cards his fingers through my beard, stroking my jaw and sighing happily into my mouth. When he breaks the kiss, my lips literally ache at the loss. To make up for it, I press them against the side of his neck, his shoulder, the side of his jaw, anywhere I can reach without putting an inch of space between our bodies.

Harlow pries my hand off of his hip and lifts it to his mouth, surprising me when he slathers it with his tongue until my hand is soaked. Then, he guides it to his cock, and while I wrap my fingers around his shaft and start to stroke him, he gives the same treatment to his own palm. When he’s done, he reaches back and guides my straining erection between his thighs.

“Harlow,” I groan his name and thrust into the tight, wet tunnel he created for me.

Our mouths find each other again, our noses bumping as our harsh, panting breaths and muffled moans fill the room. I move my hand up and down his length while I hump between his legs. My cockhead drags over his balls with every thrust. Our skin grows slick with sweat as the two of us grind and rut against each other.

The kisses turn from gentle to frantic, Harlow’s thighs growing slippery with my precum. His ass jiggles every time we collide, the sound of my hand on his cock growing wetter and faster as his own precum coats my palm.

His lips still against mine, his whole body tensing, including his thighs wrapped around my cock. He squeezes me so tight a deep, wild moan bursts from my lips, my balls drawing up just as his cock swells in my hand. But it’s my name, torn from this throat on a ragged, pleasured groan that sends me over the edge.

My cum coats his legs while his pulses into my hand, our grinding slowing to a gasping, trembling halt. Our lips have ceased to move as well, now just bumping against each other as we share noisy breaths.

“Damn, if someone had told me how much fun waking up with a sexy man is, I might’ve tried to make it happen sooner,” Low jokes in a raspy voice after I release my grip on his softening cock. I’m still pressed against him, my own sticky, flagging erection still trapped between his thighs.

“You’ve never slept with someone before?” My brain is still a little foggy from the orgasm and sleep.

“Nope. Glad you were my first, Teddy Bear.” He pets my beard one more time and then presses a kiss against my cheek before rolling away.

If there’s a more beautifully obscene sight than my cum dripping off of Harlow’s hairy thighs, I don’t want to know what it is. My cock twitches uselessly, and he smirks at me as if he’s reading my mind.

“Ah, fuck nuggets. We’ve gotta get moving, or we’re going to be late,” he says, checking the time on his phone.

“Late for what?”

“Brunch with Marnie. Come on, let’s share a shower. It’ll save time.” Harlow grabs my arm and coaxes me out of bed.

Spoiler alert, sharing a shower doesn’t end up saving us any time, but we do arrive at breakfast relaxed and smiling.

“I’d ask why you kept me waiting, but I think I can guess,” she greets us, standing up from the table to pull Harlow in for a hug and kiss, refusing to let him go until he’s tapping out and telling her he can’t breathe.

When she lets him go, he gasps dramatically. “Jesus, She-Hulk.” He rubs his neck, and she ignores his antics, turning her attention to me.

“And you must be the famous Teddy.” She looks me up and down shamelessly. “Pictures do not do you justice.”

“Um, thank you?” I glance over at Harlow for a hint as to whether that was actually a compliment or not. He gives me a reassuring smile.

The restaurant has a breakfast buffet, so I suggest Harlow sit down and catch up with Marnie while I make him a plate.

“You’re the best.” The two of them sit down, and he snags a piece of bacon off the plate that Marnie clearly didn’t wait to make.

I get speculative looks from the other customers when I get in line for the buffet. This is clearly the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and right now, they’re all wondering who the stranger in their midst is. I’m not worried about the scrutiny. I glance back to find the two of them in a very animated discussion, both flailing their hands and laughing together. The sight fills my heart and puts a smile on my face.

I fill a plate with all of Harlow’s favorites and a second one for myself and then join them back at the table. While I was gone, he poured me a cup of coffee. I try very hard not to feel anything about how boyfriend-y the whole thing is, but it’s difficult considering how we started the morning.

“So, Teddy, tell me about yourself,” Marnie says as soon as I sit down.

“I thought I was famous. What do you want to know that Low hasn’t told you?” I ask.

“Low? Oh my god, that is adorable. I love it.”

Harlow groans, and I give him an apologetic smile.

“Let the man have his coffee,” he suggests, whether in an attempt to save me or to protect himself against any more embarrassing tidbits I might accidentally drop, it’s hard to say.

“I’m just making polite conversation,” she defends. “I’m surprised Low was able to drag you out here with him. It’s not exactly a tourist destination.”

“Not true. We have the peach orchard,” Harlow points out.

“I’ve actually been looking forward to seeing where he grew up and meeting his friends and family,” I explain, which for some reason causes her to eye me curiously.

I dig into my food while Harlow and Marnie launch into reminiscing about their wild adolescence. I’m not the least bit shocked to learn that he doesn’t seem to have changed much since his out-of-control teen years. When our plates are empty, she starts to badger me for some more recent embarrassing stories of our shared friend, which I’m more than happy to supply while he groans and complains the entire time.

“You two can continue to assassinate my character, but I’m going to go use the restroom,” he declares.

As soon as Harlow’s gone, Marnie gives me another one of those speculative once-overs. “So, how long have you been in love with him?”

The coffee I just took a sip of dribbles out of my mouth from the shock of the question. I grab a wad of napkins and mop up my damp chin, casting a glance over my shoulder, half expecting to find Harlow there waiting to hear the answer.

“I’m, uh…”

“Honey, it’s written all over your face. You have it so bad for that boy, it’s not even funny.”

My heart beats out a tattoo against the inside of my ribcage, and I make another attempt at a sip of coffee, hoping it will somehow steady my nerves, but mostly just trying to buy myself a few seconds to work out how to answer.

“A long time,” I finally say, and she gives me a soft smile, reaching across the table and patting my hand.

“He’s a tricky one, our Harlow,” she says. “He puts on this act like nothing can touch him, but deep down, he’s fragile.”

“I know.” I know more than she realizes, probably more than he realizes too.

“Be patient with him?”

“I’ll do my best,” I promise. I’ve been patient this long. I can’t imagine what would make me restless at this point. For Harlow, I can wait.

He returns to the table, scraping his chair against the linoleum floor and sitting down. “So, did you both tell scandalous secrets about me while I was gone?”

“I told her what I was getting you for your birthday,” I lie, and he gasps.

“No fair, I want to know. Tell me. Better yet, can I just have it now?”

I chuckle. “Your birthday is like six months away.”

“You know better than to bring up presents if you aren’t ready to follow through.” He pouts.

“I have something I can give you later.” I waggle my eyebrows, and they both laugh.

“Oh my god, we are so keeping him,” Marnie declares.

“We definitely are,” Harlow agrees, shooting me a sweet smile that I tuck close to my heart for safe keeping.


We linger over brunch long past when our plates are empty and the buffet has been changed out for lunch items. Marnie gets me all filled in on the itinerary for the week, which starts with cake tasting tomorrow and goes all the way through dress shopping at the end of the week. By the time I leave here, her wedding will be fully planned with nothing but the “I dos” left.

I glance over at Teddy, seemingly perfectly content to listen to Marnie and me ramble on about flower arrangements and town gossip for hours. Does he ever want to get married? The thought makes my stomach squirm uncomfortably. As if there’s a man in the world who would be good enough for him.

“We should get going,” I say, realizing the time. “My mom is expecting us, and she’s probably standing there with her nose pressed up against the window like a puppy.”

“Aw, tell Mama Monroe I say hi,” Marnie says.

“I will. I’m sure she’ll insist that we all come over for dinner while I’m in town.”

“I’m in, just tell me which day.” My best friend gives me another hug and a kiss on the cheek, leaving me sticky with lip gloss that I wipe off with the back of my hand. “Hey, how about drinks later?”

“Sure,” I agree. “Red’s?” I guess, seeing as how it’s the only bar in town as far as I know.

“The Georgia Peach,” she says. “It’s new.”

I snort a laugh. “It sounds like a gay bar.”

“It is a gay bar.” The way Marnie is beaming at me, it’s clear she feels like she’s sticking it to me.

“In Dodgeville?” My eyebrows shoot up.

“Just outside. I always told you this place isn’t as judgmental as you thought. You just liked being all broody and misunderstood.”

“Yes, broody and misunderstood are my trademark,” I deadpan, sharing an amused glance with Teddy.

“Anyway, it’s fabulous, and they have live music seven nights a week. I’ll text you directions.”

“Sounds good. See you and Oscar tonight.”

Marnie hugs Teddy as well, whispering something in his ear that makes him blush, which I’ll have to ask him about later, and then we head out. On the way to my mom’s house, Teddy spots a roadside farm stand that has bouquets of fresh wildflowers for sale. He insists we stop, and I tease him for being a suck up, even though I can’t stop smiling about how sweet it is that he wants to take my mom flowers.

“Told you she’d be waiting by the window,” I say, spotting my mom peeking out of the living room window as soon as we pull into the driveway.

“That’s so sad. Do you think she gets lonely?” he asks, getting out of the car and following me up to the front door.

Guilt and worry weigh in the pit of my stomach, dampening the excitement I’ve had all morning about seeing my mom this afternoon.

The front door is flying open before we even reach it, then my short, plump, gray-haired mother is hugging the stuffing out of me before I even know what hit me.

“Hi, Mama,” I gasp through a constricted ribcage. I swear, who taught the women in this town how to hug? It’s deadly.

“Harlow Alexander Monroe, how could you make your mother wait ten whole years to have you home?” she scolds through sniffles, still holding me tightly. You’d think I haven’t seen her at all in ten years. Not true at all. I’ve flown her out to LA several times, and we’ve taken a few vacations together. Suddenly I’m the worst son in the world because I didn’t want to come home to this damn town?

I manage to wiggle one arm out enough so I can pat her back, shooting Teddy a pleading look to save me.

“Ms. Monroe, Harlow has told me so much about you,” he says, stepping forward and holding up the flowers.

She releases me and sniffles one more time before turning a big smile on Teddy. “Oh, aren’t you just the sweetest thing?”

She takes the flowers and sniffs them, and then pulls him in for what appears to be a far more reasonable hug than I received.

“Why don’t we go inside and put these in water,” I suggest, and she ushers us in.

Stepping into the house feels like going backward in time. Nothing has changed since the last time I was here, not a photograph or pillow out of place. Although I do see a pair of hiking boots near the door that look out of place.

“Oh, good lord,” I groan, spotting the large, framed photo of me with frizzy hair and braces.

Teddy stops behind me, looking up at the picture and chuckling. “Can I have a copy of that?” he asks.

“Oh sure. I have a whole photo album I could show you,” she offers, and I make another noise of protest that goes unnoticed by both of them. Why did I think it was a good idea for them to meet?

My mom pours a few glasses of sweet tea and the two of them fall into conversation. She peppers him with questions like she’s auditioning to be the next Diane Sawyer. And before long, she’s hinting at all the things she needs done around the house that she could use some extra muscle for. Teddy takes the bait, and the next thing he knows, he’s moving furniture and carrying boxes up to the attic.

“You’re terrible, Mama,” I tease, catching her giving Teddy’s ass an appraising look as he hefts a heavy box up onto his shoulder.

“I’m human.” She grins and shrugs, and then grabs my arm and tugs me back to the kitchen with her while Teddy works. “So?”

“So?” I echo.

“Don’t play coy. I saw the way that boy was looking at you.”

“What?” I glance back over my shoulder, heat rising in my cheeks. “It’s not like that. He’s my best friend.”

“Uh-huh,” she hums. “Well, I’ve never seen Marnie look at you like that.”

I can feel my blush deepen. I reach for my sweet tea and take a large gulp.

“He’s my best friend,” I say again, hearing an edge of desperation in my voice.

She studies me for several excruciatingly long seconds, sadness passing through her eyes, which makes me reach over and grab her hand.

“You know, we never talked much about it when your father left.”

“Gah, Mama, stop.” I wave my free hand like I’m trying to erase this moment before it can happen. “I’m fine. That was a long time ago, and I’m good.”

She doesn’t look entirely convinced, but she lets the subject drop.

Teddy returns to the kitchen a little while later, sweaty from the work with his T-shirt clinging to his body. He lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and I nearly fall out of my chair.

“Sweet tea?” I offer as soon as I pick my jaw back up off the floor.

I’ve had my hands all over the man, shouldn’t I be less awestruck by him at this point?

He smiles and takes the glass from me and then joins us at the table. I have to admit, even in spite of the photo albums my mom eventually whips out, it’s a lovely afternoon.