Operation Meet Cute by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 21


I wake with a start, feeling completely disoriented. The sun coming through my windows is all wrong for the time of day it should be, and the crick in my neck is a strong indicator that I’ve been asleep at an awkward angle for more than an hour or so.

“Fuck,” I mutter, rubbing my eyes and reaching for my phone to check the time. It’s seven in the morning. My heart lurches. I have no clue what time Teddy is leaving for New York today, but I really didn’t want to have this conversation while he’s trying to walk out the door. But since my dumb ass fell asleep last night, it’s now or never.

I jump off the couch, this time grabbing my key in case I do need to let myself into his apartment before sprinting up the stairs again. Just like last night, the doorknob doesn’t give under my hand, and I curse under my breath.

“Don’t be gone yet,” I mutter under my breath, fishing out my key and unlocking the door.

Eileen greets me as soon as I step inside, meowing and purring and rubbing herself against my legs.

“Hi, sweetie,” I say, stooping down to pet her, hoping to calm myself down before I go and burst into Teddy’s bedroom unannounced, praying like hell that he’ll be there.

Teddy’s familiar scent hits me as soon as I enter his bedroom. My stomach twists at the sight of his empty bed. He’s gone. He’s already gone, and I missed him.

I cross the room in a daze and climb onto his bed, burying my face in his pillow and sinking into full on pity-party mode. I should’ve told him to stay when I had the chance back in that motel room in Georgia. Hell, I should’ve pulled my head out of my ass years ago, and then we never would’ve been in this situation to begin with.

I can’t let him go.

I could jump on a plane to New York too. It’ll probably mean losing my job, considering I’m supposed to be back on set tomorrow, but at this point, I don’t really care. Except I wouldn’t know where to find Teddy once I got there.

I’d call him, but the romantic in me does still love the surprise factor. What can I say? The rom coms still have their hold.

“Fuck,” I mutter again, getting off the bed and walking out into the living room. My eyes land on a piece of paper on the coffee table. It’s feeding and care instructions for Eileen. Teddy must have left them for Ezra.


A slow smile spreads over my face. The man hates me, but it’s worth a shot.

“Come on, come on, come on,” I chant in between each ring of the phone, pacing back and forth in front of Teddy’s couch while Eileen watches me from the coffee table, her head swaying with each back and forth movement I make.

“What do you want?”

“Oh good, you do have my number saved in your phone.” I’m surprised Ezra answered at all, knowing who was calling. The man has made no secret about his opinion of me.

“What do you want?” he asks again, his tone full of unmasked hostility.

“I need to know the details of Teddy’s flight. Has it already left? If not, what gate is it leaving from?” I cross my fingers on my free hand and pray to Keanu Reeves that the man is feeling charitable.

“Why do you need to know? You’re the one who told him to go,” he says coolly.

“Of fucking course, you know that,” I mutter, closing my eyes and clenching my jaw. “Please just tell me.”


“Ezra,” I hiss his name through my teeth. “I’m not going to waste time trying to explain to you all the shit that goes on in my head that led me to make the epically stupid decision to let Teddy go. But the TLDR version is I have to stop him. I was wrong, and I don’t want him to go. I know you hate me, and you’re probably not even wrong to feel that way, but Teddy doesn’t hate me. At least I don’t think he hates me. I hope he doesn’t hate me. But if you don’t tell me the details of his flight, then I might never know.”

He sighs into the phone, the sound crackling through the speaker. “I really do hate you,” he informs me curtly.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you like Teddy, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do like Teddy, and for god knows what reason, he likes you. But having his flight details won’t help anything. We’re living in a post 9-11 world, honey, you can’t just run to his gate and stop him before he gets on the plane. You’re going to need a ticket.”

“You know, I’d love to have a movie moment just one fucking time,” I complain.

He clicks his teeth through the phone. “Text me your info. I’ll buy you a ticket and send you the confirmation number. Just get your ass in an Uber because it’s going to take ages to get to the airport this time of day.”

“Seriously? Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I’m already slipping my shoes on and grabbing my keys to lock up behind me.



“Don’t fuck this up again. Teddy’s a great guy, and he deserves someone who sees that.”

“I know he does. I’m going to be that guy, I swear.”


We hang up, and I text Ezra everything he needs to get me a plane ticket and then order a car on my way down the stairs.

He wasn’t wrong about it taking ages to get to the airport this time of day. I bounce in my seat most of the way there, earning irritated looks from the driver. As if he’s never had to dash to the airport just in time to stop the love of his life from boarding a plane and possibly never coming back.

The car hasn’t even come to a full stop at the drop off curb before I’m jumping out and throwing a thank-you over my shoulder to the driver.

I check the details of the flight and see that boarding is starting in ten minutes. Thank fuck for self-check-in kiosks, and without any luggage, it’s quick enough to get through security. But that still leaves me running in a full-out sprint to make it to the gate in time. My clothes wereso not made for running or sweating, but I’m going to make it in time if it’s the last thing I do.

I skid to a halt when I reach the right area, casting desperate glances around the waiting area. There are already people lining up and boarding. Did I miss him?

“Low?” Teddy’s voice draws my attention, and I whip my head around to find him with his bag slung over his shoulder and a confused look on his gorgeous, perfect, not-on-the-plane-yet face.

“Teddy.” I throw my arms around him, my heart thundering wildly not only from my impromptu workout but from not knowing what he’s going to say when I ask him not to go.

“What’s going on? Is something wrong?”

I let out a breathless laugh, releasing my hold on him and smoothing my fingers through my wild hair. Too much running and not enough hair gel. There’s another thing the movies get wrong. No one can run to stop someone from leaving and still look so damn perfect when they get there.

“Yeah, something’s wrong,” I answer, and his frown deepens, his eyes quickly darting over me like he’s looking for an injury. “I’m a fucking idiot, that’s what’s wrong.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You asked me to tell you to stay. You said you didn’t have to go to New York if I wanted you to stay here, and I panicked. I knew you meant you wanted to get serious, that I could ask you to stay, but not as your friend. That’s what you meant, right?” I’m trembling, stuffing my hands into my pockets and then pulling them out again as I shift from foot to foot. People are looking, which does make it a bit like a movie moment, but for once a little privacy might be nice. It’s possible I’m about to get my heart broken for the first time, so an audience isn’t exactly ideal.

Teddy looks at me for a few seconds before nodding. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”

I mirror his nod, licking my lips and taking a breath to steel my nerves. “Stay.”


“Stay, Teddy.” I reach for him, grabbing his hand and meeting his eyes. “Stay here in LA, let me take you on a date…let me make you fall in love with me.”

He tightens his fingers around mine. “Low…” He shakes his head, and I brace for him to tell me no. Instead, a slow smile spreads over his lips. “I already am.”

My breath catches. “You…?”

“Four years ago,” he says matter of factly. “Do you remember the night that we marathon-watched eighties’ movies and you nearly burned down my kitchen?”

I chuckle. “You’re going to have to narrow it down,” I joke, even though I remember the exact night he’s talking about. We stayed up past dawn talking about everything and nothing: past relationships, biggest regrets, hopes and dreams…it was one of those perfect nights that you only get a few of in a lifetime.

“That was the night I fell in love with you. Or maybe it was the night that I realized I already was.”

My throat tightens, and I try to laugh, but it comes out sounding more like a sob. “I think that was the night I fell in love with you too. I was just too afraid to admit it…even to myself.”

Without warning, he drops my hand and sweeps me up into his arms and seals his mouth against mine. I’m vaguely aware of some nosy people clapping and cheering, but the only thing I really care about is Teddy’s lips on mine, his arms around me, holding me against him, and the feeling of his heart beating against mine.

“Excuse me, sir,” someone says, breaking the most perfect moment of my entire fucking life.

Teddy pulls back from the kiss and turns to see who would dare interrupt us.

“So sorry, but you dropped this, and I didn’t want you to leave without it.” The man holds out Teddy’s driver’s license. “Denver, right?”

“Yeah, that’s me. Thank you.” He sets me down and takes the license, stuffing it into his pocket.

“Wait, Denver? What?” I ask.

“Um…that’s my name.”

“What? No, it’s not.” I’ve known the man for five years. I think I would know his name. Hell, I just professed my love to him.

“Yeah, it is. But I hate it, so I go by my middle name, which is Theodore.”

“Your name is Denver?” I ask, just to make sure I understand the situation.

“Right. Denver Theodore Mullins.”

“Oh my fucking god. That is such a leading man’s name.”

He laughs and pulls me back into his arms, kissing me breathless again until I can’t remember my own name, let alone his. I think I’m going to like this whole being in love with Teddy thing.


Maybe I should be worried about the plane leaving for New York without me on it, or the fact that I checked an expensive suit and now it’s on its way to New York, but I truly don’t care. The only thing that matters is Harlow’s lips on mine as we tumble out of the cab in front of our apartment building.

I can feel the shape of his smile against mine, the sweet taste of his tongue as he slips it between my lips.

“Hey,” the cabbie calls, forcing us to break apart. “Don’t forget your suitcase.”

“Oops,” I chuckle, reluctantly releasing my boyfriend—holy hell, referring to Low as my boyfriend feels so fucking right— and grabbing my bag.

With my bag in one hand, I reach for Harlow with the other. He laughs and lets me tug him close. It’s a heady feeling, touching him whenever I want. Just to prove it to myself, I kiss him again, distracting him from the task of finding his keys.

There’s still a lot for us to talk about, but there will be time for that later. After days and days of thinking I’d lost him, all I want right now is to get him upstairs, strip him down, and worship every inch of his body and soul.

“I love you,” he murmurs against my mouth, and my heart swells. I’d pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming, but I’m afraid to accidentally wake myself up. Is it really possible that after four years of wishing, Harlow truly loves me back? “I do,” he whispers as if he’s reading my mind. Then, he pulls away and opens the door so we can get off the street and stop giving passersby a show.

“My place or yours?” I ask teasingly.

He looks at me over his shoulder, something passing across his features that I can’t quite place, but for once, I’m sure it’s not fear. His smile gets impossibly wider, all of his features glowing with more joy than I’ve ever seen, and it’s all for me. Jesus, it’s hard to believe that this level of happiness is possible. It’s nearly too much to take, like if I was any happier, it might literally kill me. What a way to go though.

“Mine’s closer,” he answers, and right now, that extra flight of stairs really does seem like Mount Everest, so I’m more than happy to agree.

He grabs my hand and drags me the rest of the way up the stairs and into his apartment. I bite my tongue against lecturing him about locking his door. That’s a conversation I’m sure we’ll have another million times, and it’s not all that important today.

We kick off our shoes in between more kisses and then stumble down the hallway to his bedroom, laughing against each other’s lips as we bump into the walls all along the way.

When we reach his bedroom, we break apart and hastily undress.

“Hey, how’d you get past airport security?” I ask as I tug my shirt over my head and toss it to the floor.

Harlow smirks. “Ezra bought me a ticket for your flight.”

“Ezra?” My eyebrows jump up. I can’t have heard that right. “Ezra?”

He chuckles. “Yup, he’s my biggest fan now. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was wearing a T-shirt with my face on it the next time you see him.”

I snort. “And hell will be freezing over when exactly?”

“Fine, he still hates me, but he likes you, and you like me,” he explains, unbuttoning his jeans, shoving them down, and kicking them off, leaving him in nothing but a pair of light-blue boxer briefs, tented in the front by his erection.

“I’ll have to remember to give the man a raise.” I shed the last of my clothing and then close the distance between the two of us again, sealing my mouth to his and wrapping one arm around his middle while I hook the other one in the waistband of his underwear and tug them down.

We both groan at the sensation of our bare bodies pressed together as we fall into his bed.

My heart thrashes wildly against my ribcage, every nerve ending in my body on high alert. Our tongues tangle, hot and wet, our legs entwine, and our cocks press together. We’ve been in bed together dozens of times now. I know his body, and he knows mine, but he’s not hiding his heart anymore, and that makes it feel like the first time all over again.

Harlow runs his hands greedily over my body, and I return the treatment, dragging my fingers along the plane of his stomach, the pebbled peaks of his nipples, the wiry patch of hair below his belly button.

“Question,” he asks in between kisses.

“Answer,” I reply cheekily, flicking my tongue against his bottom lip and then kissing my way down to his throat.

“Do you ever bottom?”

I stop sucking on his pulse point long enough to consider the question. I’ve bottomed before, but not often. Most guys take one look at a big, hairy man like me and just assume.

“I probably shouldn’t give you this kind of dangerous information,” I hedge, grinning up at him. “But honestly, Low, the answer to anything you want is always going to be yes.”

A slow smile spreads over his lips, and he gently cards his fingers through my beard. I lean into the familiar touch and press a kiss against his palm.

“Do you like it though?” he checks.

“I don’t know. Are you any good at it?” I tease.

“Not sure. I guess you’ll have to give me an evaluation once we’re finished.”

“Deal,” I agree, and he reaches down to palm my cock, drawing another deep groan from me. Harlow gives me a few slow strokes while tugging my bottom lip between his teeth and sucking it. “I’m so in love with you, Teddy,” he murmurs for the third time in the last hour, sending my heart into a full-out sprint. “Sorry, I just can’t stop saying it. Now that I’ve said it, I just want to keep telling you over and over until my throat is hoarse and you know how absolutely true it is.”

“I do know, Low.” I slide my fingers through his hair and gaze down at him. “And I’m so incredibly in love with you, I’m pretty sure my heart might actually burst. I hope you know I’m never letting you get away.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” he says before we get lost in another kiss.

We’re both hard as hell, but neither of us seems to be in that much of a rush. Making out like horny teenagers, all hands and tongues and muffled moans, we grapple and roll in between whispering sweet and dirty things to each other.

Teddy ends up on top of me somehow. Relishing the leverage, he grinds his cock against mine, sending tendrils of heat through my veins. Our cocks grow slightly slick with shared droplets of precum, but nowhere near enough for what we’re both dying to do.

As if reading my mind again, he pulls back and reaches for the nightstand. He slips his hand inside and frowns before getting up on his knees to get a better look.

“Fuck,” Harlow mutters, and I groan, knowing exactly what that means.

I try to remember what I have upstairs and am hit with the distinct recollection of throwing out an empty box the last time.

“I have lube, but no condoms,” I tell him.

He pulls his hand out of the drawer, holding up a half-full bottle of lube. “Lube, but no condoms,” he echoes. We both look at each other for a few seconds, all of those important questions flowing between us wordlessly. “I think you remember how poorly all of my meet-cutes went. I haven’t been with anyone else in over a year. You were the one with the fuck buddy before we got together.” He raises both eyebrows at me.

“I was bluffing,” I confess.

“You never had sex with what’s-his-name?”

“I did, but it was a lot longer ago than I made it seem.”

“How long?” he asks.

“Like four years. I guess I just wanted to see if it would make you jealous…if I could make you jealous,” I admit, grimacing apologetically.

Harlow laughs and then grinds against my flagging erection again, coaxing it back to full hardness. “Okay, so if neither of us has been with anyone, then…?” He waves the bottle of lube at me.

“I’m good,” I agree easily.

He grins and presses a quick peck to my lips. “Then roll over.”

Harlow lifts himself off of me, and I roll onto my stomach, spreading my legs to make room for him. I expect him to dive right in, spreading my cheeks and lubing up my hole. Instead, he leans over me, blanketing my entire body with his, and presses his lips softly to the spot right between my shoulder blades. His cock bumps against the curve of my ass, but there’s no immediate urgency to the way he trails his lips down my spine. It’s somehow so much hotter than if he’d gone right for it.

When he reaches the swell of my ass cheek, surprising me with a sharp bite instead of the gentle kiss I was expecting, I let out a yelp, and Harlow cackles.

By the time he does finally spread my cheeks, my cock is throbbing, trapped between me and the bed. My hole clenches from the cool air and the vulnerability of a position I’ve only been in a few times. His hot breath dances over my sensitive nerve endings, followed by the long, wet drag of his tongue.

“Fuck,” I gasp, tilting my hips up toward him, the sensation of his tongue tightening my balls and making my cock pulse.

Harlow chuckles and licks me again, the sound making his tongue vibrate as it caresses my rim. I make a breathless noise and clutch the bedspread, my hips twitching all on their own. He takes that as encouragement, sinking his fingers harder into my ass cheeks and licking me faster and sloppier. A trail of his spit runs down along my taint and pools against my balls. I thrust back against his face, my hole softening and aching for more.

We both moan when he shoves his tongue inside me, fucking me with it until I’m grunting and trembling, the pit of my stomach tightening as my orgasm gets close. He stops abruptly, and I gasp at the sudden loss of sensation.

He sits up, and I take a second to catch my breath while he clicks open the lube and covers his fingers. My hole is so drenched and relaxed from the tongue-fucking he just gave me that I take two fingers easily. He doesn’t play around and tease this time, the air of restraint gone now as he quickly stretches me with his fingers, his erection bumping the back of my thigh as he humps impatiently against me.

“I’m good,” I mutter in a low, breathless voice.

He carefully eases his fingers out and a few seconds later, something much bigger nudges against my entrance. He’s nowhere near as hung as I am, but he feels fucking huge inching inside me. I hiss at the burn of the initial stretch, the sound turning into a deep moan as it fades to an ache for more.

Harlow leans over me again, his breaths ghosting over my back, his hands braced on either side of me. When he bottoms out, his hips pressed snug against my ass, his cock buried deep inside me, he moans and stills. He leans forward and rests his forehead against the back of my shoulder.

His hand slips between us, and he wraps his fingers around my shaft. My cock jerks in his grasp, my hole reflexively tightening around him as he starts to jerk me off. His fingers are still slightly slick from the lube.

“Teddy.” He pants my name, finally pulling out and thrusting back into me.

I jerk my hips, fucking his hand as he fills me over and over again. I think I could get off on just the way his muscles start to tense and tremble with effort as he gets closer. His cock swells inside me, and his thrusts become frantic. His hand goes still around me, but it doesn’t matter. It’s the gut-deep moan of pleasure that tears from his lips that sends me over the edge. I can feel him pulsing hot cum inside while I soak his fingers with my own release. We groan and writhe against each other until we’re both spent and breathless.

Harlow sags against me, his softening cock slipping out.

“What’s my score?” he mumbles playfully.

“Seven-point-five. You’ll have to do better next time,” I tease back.

“I guess I’ll need a lot of practice then,” he quips, and I give a sleepy, satisfied hum of agreement. As often as he wants.

Eventually, he slides off of me, repositioning himself so I can spoon around him.

“I’m really glad you came to the airport.”

“Me too,” he agrees sleepily. “Nap now, talk and breakfast soon.”

“Okay.” I kiss the side of his neck and close my eyes. A nap sounds excellent.

It sounds even better with my boyfriend in my arms.