Operation Meet Cute by K.M. Neuhold

Chapter 25

Three Months Later


“Set the pan down and step away from the stove,” Teddy says sternly, and I huff in annoyance.

“Ezra and Joey are coming over for dinner. I have to cook,” I reason, refusing to relinquish the pan. I have big plans for that slab of meat my man brought home…for the pork too.

“First of all, I really like this kitchen, and I don’t want to see it go up in flames just yet,” he reasons, making a grab for the pan. I yank it back before he can take it from me and scowl. “And second of all, you’re never going to be able to cook the roast in that pan.”

I perk up, offering him what he so sorely wants. He snatches it out of my hand and while he’s distracted, preening over his success, I grab the slab of meat and bolt out the sliding door that leads to our backyard.

“Perfect, I’ll grill it instead,” I call over my shoulder.

Teddy’s sigh carries to me, and I can practically hear him accepting defeat.

“Fine, hold on a second. At least let me show you how to start the grill so you don’t blow yourself up.”

I can give him that much at least. I linger by the grill, waiting for him to join me. It only takes a minute before he’s emerging from the house wearing the pink, sparkly apron he bought me for my birthday last month, carrying a plate and a pair of tongs.

“Have I told you lately that you’re sexy as fuck?” I ask him with a grin. He wraps one arm around me and kisses my cheek, and then reaches around me to show me how to use the knobs on the big, fancy grill he bought.

He also says a lot of things about time and temperature, but I’m not really paying attention. If cavemen could cook meat over an outdoor fire, I’m sure I can figure it out too. Probably.

I put the meat on the grill and then head back inside to cut up some vegetables to serve with it.

“So…?” Teddy asks, giving me an expectant smile, raising both eyebrows. I try to hold off my answering grin, wanting to mess with him a little first.

I shrug one shoulder apathetically. “They read the script and listened to my whole pitch. They weren’t crazy about the amount of money I told them it would take to produce though.” I sigh, and his face falls. “They offered me twice as much instead and want it finished by next summer.”

Bewilderment flickers across his expression as he pieces together what I just said, and then he lets out a loud whoop and sweeps me into his arms. I throw my head back and laugh as Teddy spins us around a few times.

“I knew you could do it. I knew it.”

“I know you did.” He stops spinning and sets my ass on the countertop. I keep my legs wrapped firmly around him, tugging him in for a slow, sweet kiss. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of his lips against mine, or the way he believes in me…as long as we’re not talking about my cooking skills.

The doorbell rings, forcing us to stop kissing and host this housewarming dinner party we planned. Personally, I’d rather fuck right here on the kitchen floor, but since Ezra and his husband took the time to drive out here, I suppose the kitchen floor fuck can wait until later.

Teddy steps back, and I hop off the counter. I made sure to wear the tightest jeans I have and way more hair gel than is strictly necessary, just to annoy the shit out of Ezra. We’ve put some of our differences aside since he helped me get to Teddy in time, but he’s still fun to annoy.

“Oh good, you didn’t become tragically lost while trying to find the house,” I say with saccharin sarcasm as Teddy ushers them inside.

“Oh good, all that hair gel didn’t catch on fire while you attempted to cook dinner,” Ezra counters with a predatory smile.

“Children, play nice,” Teddy says sternly.

“Why don’t I get everyone a drink, and then we’ll give you a tour of the house?” I suggest.

I haven’t fully finished decorating yet, but at least we’ve unpacked all of our boxes and the house is tidy and welcoming. I’ve never had a place I was so excited to show off before, so I take my time in each room, telling them what I’m envisioning once I’m finished with it. Joey offers me a few suggestions and opinions, and eventually Ezra thaws too.

When we make it back to the kitchen, my stomach growls and panic strikes me. “Oh my god, the roast,” I gasp.

Teddy snags my arm before I can run out to the grill. “I already pulled it off the grill before it could burn,” he assures me.

“We make such a good team,” I crow.

“Ugh,” Ezra complains.

“Just admit it, Ez,” I taunt playfully. “Teddy and I are perfect together, and you were totally wrong.”

He grimaces.

“You were kind of wrong, babe,” Joey points out, which only seems to annoy the man more. He grumbles something under his breath.

“What was that?” I ask.

“I said that you seem to make him happy,” he concedes grouchily. “But I’m still keeping my eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt him.”

I lace my fingers through Teddy’s and give him an adoring look. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” I promise. He leans in and kisses me, lighting me up from head to toe just like he does every time we touch.

“Let’s eat,” he says, leading everyone to the dining room.

The food is delicious, and the company turns out not to be half bad either. But the best part is Teddy’s foot bumping against mine under the table, like he subconsciously has to be touching me in some way at all times.

I’m not sure how I got so lucky with this man, but I’m certainly counting my blessings every day. The All Mighty Keanu Reeves really knew what he was doing this time.


Ezra and Joey stay for a while after dinner, the four of us enjoying the warm night on the back patio. Once they leave, Harlow and I clean up together. When the dishes are done, he turns to me with a sweetly wicked smile as he reaches into his back pocket.

“I found this poem earlier,” he informs me, unfolding the paper and clearing his throat to read it. “Roses are red, violets are purpledo you want to go skinny dipping?” I chuckle, and then waggle my eyebrows when he looks back up from the paper. “This may be the worst poem I’ve ever read. It doesn’t even rhyme.”

“Okay, but do you want to go skinny dipping?” I check.

“Obviously.” Harlow smirks back, setting the paper on the counter and then stripping out of his clothes right there in the kitchen.

I follow suit, leaving everything in a heap on the floor and then darting after my man as he sprints through the backdoor and out to the pool. I pause just long enough to flick on the pool lights as Harlow cannonballs into the water without hesitation. It’s a totally weak splash though, pathetic really.

I get a running start, letting out a Tarzan-like yodel as I fly through the air and land in the water with a much more respectable splash radius.

“Show off,” he complains when I pop my head back up out of the water.

“Jealous,” I counter, using both hands to push my drenched hair out of my face and then to ring some of the water from my beard. Of course, as soon as I do that, Harlow splashes water at me and cackles wildly. “You’re going to pay for that,” I warn, and an epic water fight ensues.

I’m not sure if our neighbors hate it more when we’re out here fucking around like kids or when we’re actually fucking. Harlow is not quiet, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I snag his wrist and drag him close so I can kiss him again. The taste of chlorine and wine from earlier lingers on his lips as he kisses me back, wrapping his arms and legs around me. I float toward the shallow end so I can get my feet under me. The contrast of his warm body and the cooler water sets every inch of me on fire.

Our tongues tangle, and his cock thickens against my belly.

“Why do they always leave this part out of movies?” he muses between kisses.

“What do you mean?” I pull back and nibble on his throat.

“I mean, they always end before the real happily ever after. I thought both characters declaring their love was the best part, the happily ever after, but it’s not. Dinner parties, skinny dipping, fighting over the sheets in bed, and waking up next to you every morning…this is what forever is really made of.”

“I agree, this really is the best part.” I find his lips again, our kisses slow and tender this time, sliding against each other like we have all the time in the world, because we do have all the time in the world.

My mind wanders to the ring box I have carefully tucked in the back of my dresser. I bought it the week after Harlow stopped me at the airport, but I haven’t been able to think up a suitably epic, cinematic proposal idea just yet. Hopefully, something will come to me soon because the thought of calling Harlow my husband makes me all kinds of happy.

We kiss a while longer until our bodies cool with the temperature of the water, and then we get out and tromp through the house soaking wet. One of these nights we’re going to remember towels before we jump in the pool naked.

“You know, I was thinking, maybe we could go back to Georgia for Christmas next month,” Harlow says casually as we both slip into bed.

“Oh, um…I actually just talked to my mom yesterday and kind of promised her we’d go to Minnesota. I haven’t been home for a family Christmas in years, and they’re dying to meet you.”

“Meeting the parents?” he repeats nervously rolling onto his side to face me. He blows out a long breath and then nods. “Okay, I can probably handle that.”

“Tell you what, we can invite your mom too. That would be great to get both families together.”

A sappy smile spreads over his lips. “That sounds perfect.”

“Good.” I wrap my arms around him and hold him close.

I don’t just have the smell of him lingering on my couch anymore. I have it permeating every inch of our home together. I don’t just have stolen smiles and a secret crush. I have every second of him. Some of those seconds are the perfect movie moments he loves so much, but most are just us, and as far as I’m concerned, they’re absolutely perfect.