Phoenix’s Refrain by Ella Summers

Author’s Note

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The eleventh book in the Legion of Angels series will be coming soon. For additional reading in the same magical universe, check out my Immortal Legacy series, as well as these bonus tales in the Legion of Angels universe:

Wicked Witchcraft:a short story that takes place between Books 5 and 6 of Legion of Angels and features Leda’s sister Bella.

Witch’s Gambit:a novella that takes place shortly before Book 9 of Legion of Angels. In it, Bella and Harker dive deeper into the secret of Bella’s parentage.

Dragon Fire:a story with Ivy and Drake that takes place during Book 9 of Legion of Angels. Best read after Book 9.

Twelve Dancing Angels:a novella with Nyx, the First Angel. It takes place before the Legion of Angels series.

All available as exclusive free downloads for my newsletter subscribers. To receive these bonus tales, join at