Nine Months To Tame The Tycoon by Chantelle Shaw, Annie West


‘AREYOUSURE you don’t want to join me?’

Strato slitted his eyes against the sun, taking in the topless woman in his superyacht’s swimming pool. Her breasts bobbed in the water but her blonde hair was dry and perfectly styled.

‘No. You carry on.’

If he wanted to swim he’d dive off the boat. The waters in this part of western Greece were like crystal. And when Strato swam it was a workout, not a loll in a pool he could traverse in six strokes.

And if he wanted a woman...

That was the problem. He didn’t want this woman.

Four days had been ample to remind him he didn’t like mindless chatter. That celebrity gossip was no match for an intellectually stimulating discussion or a sense of humour.

And that manufactured passion was no substitute for the real thing. She was enthusiastic, or able to feign enthusiasm, yet there was something lacking.

Strato frowned. There was always something lacking.

The problem, he realised with sudden insight, was with him,not her.

He’d avoided deep attachments and emotional relationships since he was old enough to understand their inherent danger. He’d spent his adult life with women content to abide by those restrictions. Ones who enjoyed a good time and a good party. Yet he grew increasingly restless and dissatisfied.

That accounted for his spur of the moment decision to invite Liv and her friend aboard. But instead of enjoying their company, he increasingly avoided them. At least previous lovers had been engaging and there’d been mutual respect and interest.

She pouted, tilting her head coquettishly. ‘If you don’t want to swim, I could give you a massage.’

Strato shivered. What he wanted was to be left alone. He didn’t want bony fingers kneading his shoulders as a prelude to sex that would leave him feeling even emptier than before. If he needed a massage his sports masseur/personal trainer was aboard.

‘Perhaps you’d prefer something else?’ a throaty voice purred. Strato turned to see his other guest emerge from indoors. She moved sinuously, hips forward and shoulders back, showing off her lean model’s body.

Her long hair swung around her shoulders as she watched him from the corner of her eye. Beneath the translucent jewelled caftan she was naked. Her lips curved in a smile that was half invitation, half hungry.

Strato knew her real hunger was reserved for his wealth.

He suppressed a sigh. He was being unfair. He’d got what he asked for. Restlessness had impaired his judgement. It had been his mistake inviting Liv and Lene on this trip, and not just because he’d overestimated their appeal.

He’d specified fun, sex, luxury and no strings, all temporary. But it was clear they thought the term temporary was negotiable, already blatantly hinting about longer-term relationships.

Strato couldn’t allow them to harbour hopes about permanency. The very thought made his nape prickle.

‘Maybe you’d like to join the pair of us?’ Lene pulled off her dress with a flourish to reveal her elegant body, then dropped the fabric, stepping into the shallow end of the pool. She beckoned her friend. ‘Maybe you’d like to watch me and Liv together and then join in?’

She reached out and stroked her friend’s bare flesh from shoulder to thigh.

Two pairs of assessing eyes fixed on Strato. He felt the weight of their calculation. They weren’t motivated by desire. Except the desire to please him so he’d keep them in luxury and shower them with expensive trinkets. Or maybe, in a moment of weakness, decide to make one his long-term lover.

Strato smiled and took off his sunglasses. Instantly two smiles, gleaming and perfect, answered as the women moved closer together.

What they didn’t know was that his expression hid a surge of disgust. Self-disgust at that.

Had he really thought a cruise with these two would be amusing?

Amusement was the last thing he felt. There was a metallic taste in his mouth and his flesh tightened as distaste stirred.

He’d known what they were. As they’d known what he was. Notorious for his wealth, low boredom threshold and refusal to be caught by any woman.

‘Thanks for the invitation, ladies.’ He rose and their gazes raked his body.

Okay, maybe he did them an injustice. Their interest in his body wasn’t totally manufactured. But that didn’t alter the essentials. This wasn’t working.

‘My apologies, but something has come up unexpectedly.’

He gestured towards the study he’d left minutes before. Let them think he’d received news that required his attention. That would afford them some dignity when he gave them their marching orders.

‘Do carry on and enjoy yourselves. But I’m afraid I have to change my plans and regrettably you’ll need to return to Athens today.’ He paused for that to sink in. ‘My helicopter will take you back at sunset, or earlier if you prefer. From there a chauffeur will take you wherever you like.’ He nodded. ‘Thank you both for your company. It’s been memorable.’

He turned and walked across the deck, tuning out the sound of gasps.

His efficient secretary appeared from inside as Strato reached the side of the boat. As ever he was there just when he was needed. ‘Fix it please, Manoli. And a suitable gift for each of them.’

Strato stood for a moment, looking across the water to the small island a couple of kilometres away. He breathed deep, drawing in the fresh, salt-tanged air as an antidote to the unpleasant taste on his tongue. Then he executed a perfect dive into the green depths and began swimming.