Manhattan's Most Scandalous Reunion by Dani Collins, Caitlin Crews

“I agreed to marry you,” Josselyn panted out at Cenzo, her lips faintly swollen and her brown eyes wild.

“Not to take part in whatever sick revenge fantasy this is,” she continued. “I refuse to be a pawn in your game.”

“You can be any piece on the board that you like,” he replied, trying to gather himself. “But it will still be my board, Josselyn.”

And he watched something wash over her, intense and deep, and realized that he was holding on to her as if he wished to keep her with him.

He let her go, lifting up his hands theatrically. “By all means. Run and hide if that makes you feel more powerful.”

He kept his hands in the air, his mock surrender, and laughed at her as he stepped back.

Because he’d forgotten, entirely, that they stood on those narrow stairs.

She had kissed him silly.

It was his own mocking laughter that stayed with him as he fell, a seeming slow-motion slide backward. He saw her face as the world fell out from beneath him.

Nothing but her lovely face.

And then—nothing.