Winning With Him by Lauren Blakely

Author’s Note

Thank you for reading the Men of Summer series. This story is near and dear to my heart for several reasons. I was raised in the '70s and '80s by a gay father and a straight mother and I love being able to create the equal worlds in my fiction that didn't quite exist back then. As a fierce LGBTQ ally, I firmly believe in marriage equality, LGBTQ equal rights and that love is love. I am honored and humbled to have readers and listeners who want these kinds of stories, and I promise to keep telling them.

On another note, while this is a romance with a happy ending, it tackles a serious topic in Declan's father's battle with alcoholism. Many of the situations Declan faced with his father were loosely drawn from my own experiences growing up with both close and extended family members battling alcoholism. I also researched alcoholism, spoke with counselors who counsel recovering addicts, and talked to recovering alcoholics to understand other experiences of alcoholism as well. Ultimately, everyone's experience of alcoholism is different and if you have experienced loving and caring for a family member who is or was an alcoholic, yours may be different from what I saw and what Declan saw, but all are valid.

There are many support organizations dedicated to helping both the person suffering with this disease as well as family and friends.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) –

• 888-486-0889

• 12 step program for alcoholics


Drug and Alcohol Hotline for Rehab/Treatment Referral Service: 1-800-662-HELP

Al-Anon and Alateen

• 1-800-356-9996



• Programs for families and children of alcoholics (meetings and resources are available to help the loved ones of an alcoholic learn to cope)

SMART Recovery


Women for Sobriety


• 215-536-8026

• Offers the ‘New Life Program’ helping women overcome alcohol/drug use

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)


• 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

• Offers treatment in alcohol, drugs, behavioral health, suicide prevention, and veteran crisis assistance

Abiding thanks to Tina M. for helping compile this list.