Home to Stay by Maryann Jordan


“Come on, Bobby, come on, Bridget! You can do it!”

John shouted encouragement for Lucy’s students as they ran in the Field Day races. Excitement ran through him as he watched the two work together in the race, the other kids shouting from the sideline. His former teammates wouldn’t believe their eyes if they saw him shouting for two kids in a race where they carried an egg in a spoon, careful to not drop the egg before crossing the finish line. But Blessing would believe it.

As Bobby and Bridget crossed the line first, he jumped and shouted, clapping along with the rest of the students before smiling at Lucy. For Field Day, the principal relaxed the teachers’ dress code, and gorgeous as always, she was in jean capris, a sporty T-shirt, and her cute blue sneakers. Unable to help himself, he picked Lucy up and twirled her around, much to the delight of the kids. She play-slapped his shoulder, rolling her eyes as she laughed. The students crowded around Bobby and Bridget as they ran to the side, congratulations flowing. Leaning down, he whispered, “I always knew your class would be the best at the egg race.”

“That’s because you’ve come into the classroom and had them practice!” she whispered in return.

“The principal never said that the kids couldn’t practice,” he argued, his smile wide. In truth, he’d come to her classroom often, helping students with their assignments, reading with those who still struggled, and sharing some of his stories of other cultures from his time in the military. And if we occasionally practiced walking around the classroom with an egg in a spoon… well, it always helps to be prepared.

Mrs. Farthingale came over, her phone in her hand. “I want to get the whole class together, and this time, Ms. Carrington, you need to be in the picture!”

John moved to the side, but the aide shook her head. “Oh, no, you need to be in the picture, too. After all, you’ve been part of this class for most of the year, even if the first part was as our pen pal.”

Grinning, he scooted in close to Lucy at the back of the group, allowing the students to be in the front. After Mrs. Farthingale finished snapping several pictures, he moved to her as Lucy herded the kids together to go inside. “Can you send some of those pictures to me?”

“Of course!” They stood together while he pulled out his phone, and she texted the pictures to him. “Make sure you come in soon for the party. If I know those children in there, they’ll make quick work of that food!”

“I will. I just have something I need to do first.” He watched as she hurried after Lucy’s class, and he bent to his phone, tapping out a group text as he attached one of the pictures.

To Cam, Jaxson, Sebastian, Kyle

It was good for me to visit the class that had sent me letters and thank them. I’ve stayed involved with them, and now the teacher, Lucy Carrington, is my girlfriend. Blessing was right. Gratitude went a long way to helping me find my own happiness. Hope you all are doing well. Let me hear from you. John

Hitting send, he grinned as he shoved his phone into his pocket and jogged into the classroom, ready to battle the students over a cupcake. And then, at the end of the last school day of the year, he and Lucy would go home. Home to stay.

* * *

For the next Long Road Home adventures, click below!

Finding Homeby Abbie Zanders

Home Againby Caitlyn O’Leary

Home Frontby Cat Johnson

My Heart’s Homeby Kris Michaels

For more Lighthouse Security Investigations click below!

Lighthouse Security Investigations

by Maryann Jordan









