Chasing Heartbreak by Kat T. Masen




Four Years Ago


The business card sat between my fingers while I stared at it for the hundredth time that day.

After we left Vivian’s birthday party a few nights ago, I made no mention to Eric about my encounter with Dominic. Even if I had said something, I highly doubt he’d have heard since all he could talk about was Thiago. With a gentle reminder, I mentioned Tristan’s name to bring him back to reality. Eric tended to focus on the wrong thing at times, especially when he’s trying to avoid heartbreak.

“I’m in the prime of my life, Kate. This is as good as I’ll ever look,” he had cried loudly.

“You’re ridiculous. Age can make a man look even sexier. And besides, there’s always Botox.”

Eric slapped his hand to his chest. “Are you looking at my forehead?”

“No,” I dragged, avoiding his eyes. “Stop overreacting. You’re missing the point entirely. Love isn’t defined by how one looks. You need to have trust in your relationship, or it will never work.”

I shook my head to rid myself of the memory. Who was I to give relationship advice? Unless, of course, it’s how to be in a relationship with your job. That, I had mastered like a pro. The longest relationship I had was for a year. Even then, I’d barely call it a relationship since he lived in Australia, and I was jetting between the States and London at the time.

Yet something about Dominic piqued my curiosity in ways I hadn’t felt in such a long time, if ever. Like a moth to a flame, I’m drawn to the mystery of a man who raised questions even I had asked myself. It’s almost as if he climbed into my soul, studied what I had been feeling, and repeated it back word for word.

I want to call him. A part of me is unable to shake the moment which passed between us. But what if I’m so desperate for a moment that I’d worked it up in my imagination. The temptation taunted me like a delicious piece of candy, and unable to resist any longer, I made an executive decision to send him a text.


Me:Hey, Dominic. It’s Kate from last weekend. Thanks again for the chat. It was nice meeting you.


The second I hit send, I regretted it instantly. There was absolutely no substance to that text. If I’d gotten a text like that, I’d hit delete faster than you could say next.

A shrill echoed through my office, the ring of my phone startled me and caused my body to jump slightly from my chair. Clasping my hand toward my chest to calm my racing heart, I answered the call professionally, noting the private number.

“Kate Hamilton.”

“Hello, Kate, I’ve been waiting for you to contact me,” a deep voice greeted, an edge of persistence in his tone.

“Who’s this?” I asked, still catching my breath. “Dominic?”

“Yes, the man you texted mere moments ago. I don’t bite, you know, you could’ve called me.”

Embarrassed, I closed my eyes, trying to act adult and not give him a cowardly answer. I couldn’t understand why I felt somewhat intimidated by a man. Inside the office, I had no problem being a strong, confident woman. I demanded things, and I always got what I wanted.

Straightening my posture, I smiled politely, though he couldn’t see me.

“Look, I wasn’t sure if you would remember me. Better to be safe than sorry.”

“How could I not remember you? A beautiful woman like yourself is simply unforgettable.”

There’s that word again being thrown around like it didn’t affect me whatsoever. I’d been called beautiful many times, but the power he had over me only added to the mystery of it all. Perhaps, I’d been overthinking our encounter. He was a stranger, after all, and one who expressed twice now what he thought of me.

“I’m slightly hurt,” he asserted with an air of arrogance. “I was expecting a call sooner.”

“Work gets in the way. You know how it is.”

“Yes, exactly. Work does get in the way,” he stated, pausing only momentarily. “Are you free for drinks tonight?”

I could do drinks. What’s the harm in a friendly drink? Except you want more than just a drink, moron.

“Sure, I’ll come straight from work.”

He told me he’d text me the details but gave me some directions. I listened intently, jotting down what he’d said until he said he needed to go.

“Tonight, Kate, I’ll be waiting for you.”

“See you then, Dominic.”

I hung up on the call. My legs were crossed, controlling this desire which flushed through my body with every word he spoke. A gentle knock on my door from my assistant broke my train of thought and brought me back to reality.

All work and no play—my life as I know it.




The bar was located in the meat-packing district. Eric brought me here a few times back when he lived in the city, but I wasn’t familiar with the area for the most part. I entered the building, noticing the surroundings being a typical bar with buzzing patrons and music to set the ambiance.

Wooden stools butted up against the brass foot rail caught my attention, as did the back wall with several glass shelves housing every bottle of liquor you could think of. I desperately needed something to calm my growing nerves, so I headed straight to the bar to quench my thirst.

The bartender was quick to serve me, just as fast as downing a gin and tonic in almost under a minute. When I began to feel my limbs loosen, a hand pressed on the small of my back.

Dominic appeared beside me, looking incredibly sexy in a gray blazer with a white collared shirt slightly unbuttoned beneath it. He wore his glasses again, the bane of my existence. How can something so simple be so goddamn sexy?

“You’re here,” I said, surprised to see him thinking he’d ditch the drinks.

“I’m not one to stand up a stunning woman like yourself.”

Dominic motioned for me to take a seat on one of the barstools. As my eyes scanned the area, noticing a few empty tables and chairs in a more intimate spot, I questioned why he wanted to hang at the bar. Loitering at the bar area was where singles generally hang out, hoping to strike up a conversation with someone else or quickly get away if the date wasn’t going as planned.

“Nice bar,” I commented, admiring the wood-grain countertop.

“Thank you. I own it.”

I turn my head to face him with curiosity. “You own this bar?”

Thankfully, I didn’t say it was a shit hole.

Actually, it was far from it. It had a certain ambiance, which was relaxing, unlike many of the other places around here. Many patrons were dressed in corporate wear like me, unwinding with drinks after what had probably been a hectic day in the office.

“This, and a few other places.”

“Eric never mentioned what you did.”

“That’s because Eric doesn’t know.” He motioned for the bartender to serve me another drink before he suggested we take this to a more private area. Thank God, I had started to get a complex of his intentions. “I want to show you something.”

We walked upstairs, and taking my hand, he entered a code on a security panel just outside the door. My heart was beating fast, about to fall out of my chest and ready to go into cardiac arrest on the floor. I had no idea why, as this wasn’t my first rodeo with a man.

The room was dark, only a glimmer of light coming from a large window. Oddly so, the window didn’t appear to be facing outside, and from where I stood, it looked like it had a view of another room.

Dominic stopped me in my tracks, quickly standing before me and blocked my vision toward the window.

“I want you to relax, take it in, and don’t think about anything else.”

My nerves mix in with confusion. Was he going to fuck me in this room? A part of me was scared. I’d never done anything like this with someone I barely knew. But my body betrayed me, the sensations swam freely and clouded any rational judgment I should have had at that moment.

“I don’t understand?” I stuttered, staring into his eyes.

“Do you trust me?”

I hardly knew him, let alone be able to trust him. Yet he’s Eric’s brother, and surely, our ties should cement the fact that he wasn’t taking me to a dungeon to kidnap me.

“I trust you,” I repeated, lowering my voice.

He moved behind me and motioned for me to step closer to the window. With every step forward, my eyes widened until the view of the room beneath us consumed my vision.

Men and women filled the room, some old and some young. Some wore clothes, and many were completely exposed. The more I stared below, the more it began to sink it. It must have been a sex club of some sort, given many people were in compromising positions.

My eyes were drawn to a woman on all fours, sucking a man off while two men behind her take turns entering her. Beside them, an older couple were fucking on their own, completely naked as people circled them and watched.

“A sex club,” I mouthed, trying to gather my thoughts. “This is a sex club.”

“It’s a place for people to let go of their inhibitions.”

“Do you—”

“No,” he stated firmly.

“Wait, so you just watch from here?”

“Occasionally, but not often.”

“I don’t understand?”

“I manage the business. I connect important people with people willing to fulfill their needs. See, much like yourself, people don’t have time for relationships, but it doesn’t mean their sexual desires aren’t important. I’ve created a place where people can express themselves, explore their desires, and walk away without the complication of being tied down to one person.”

I tried to process it all but kept coming up with questions. I watched behind the window, and perhaps with Dominic standing so close to me, my body began to betray me. But then my mind shifted to Eric. He had mentioned these places as a joke. He’d have a heart attack knowing his brother was involved in such a business.

Dominic moved closer, trapping me before the glass. Yet he didn’t touch me, nor make a move, and his body being inches away ignited a flame which had long been burning down to almost nothing.

“Does it scare you?”

“Yes,” I whispered, barely holding my breath. “I don’t know. I’m not sure what it makes me feel.”

“Just watch.”

There was nothing to do but watch. Two women were in a scissor position. Again, there was a small crowd surrounding them while they continued to move. A young man was standing against a wall, two mature women on their knees as they took turns giving him a blow job. My eyes diverted around the room, all the while trying to ignore the pulsating throb between my thighs.

“So, you don’t have sex down there with people?”



“Never,” he repeated.

“So, if we dated, what does that mean?”

A small pocket of air gushed behind as he pulled away, forcing me to turn around. Dominic created distance between us as if he couldn’t stand to be near me anymore.

“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, Kate. I don’t date. I don’t have relationships. This is who I am. I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

Touching the base of my neck, I narrowed my gaze on him. “So why did you bring me here?”

“Because I could see it in your eyes. Your desire to have a man touch you intimately.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand?” I interjected, crossing my arms in defiance. “You don’t want to touch me?”

“It’s not my job to touch you. I’m here to open your eyes to another world. A world where every fantasy can be met.”

I turned back around to avoid the humiliation which had crept in slowly and gazed at the scene before me. Dominic was proposing I fulfill my desires with a stranger, let go of my inhibitions as well as my morals for the sake of what? An orgasm that lasts not even a minute.

The nerve of him.

Suddenly, a burst of anger rattled me. The air in the room became stifling hot, my blazer had become too tight as sweat started to build beneath my blouse.

“I need… I need to get out of here.”

I turn to exit the room before Dominic latched onto my arm, holding me still.

“You’ll be back. Everyone always comes back,” he stated confidently. “You can play your morals in your head on repeat, but deep down inside, you can’t ignore your first initial reaction. Curiosity is the feeder of desire. And with desire becomes your ability to let it all go. You’ll see Kate, I promise.”

Dominic released his grip, and in a flash, I exited the room with my dignity.

There’s no chance in hell I’d succumb to his prediction.

And especially no chance of returning here again.

Dominic may have been sexy, and yes, I’d fantasized about him a lot since I first met him, but those preliminary thoughts didn’t consume me whole. I wasn’t in that deep, not enough to force me under a current with no chance of survival.

I was still able to swim.

Away from the chaos and away from the man marked as dangerous.