Chains by Kristine Allen

“Darkness  Settles  In”—Five  Finger  Death  Punch

When we entered the large building, we saw a large assembly area, complete with seating and a podium. There were several doors along the back wall that I assumed were offices or maybe rooms like we had at the clubhouse, but I really had no clue. There was a big industrial kitchen at one end that opened to the area by a large open window. It reminded me of a church area where they’d have receptions and shit.

There had only been one guy standing guard at the main door, but Ghost had knocked his ass out, shoved his bandana in his mouth, then zip-tied his hands and feet. He motioned to a door next to the kitchen. It was a large storage closet with shelves and shelves of canned goods, and paper- and plasticware. I would’ve just killed the dude and been done with it.

“Where the fuck is everyone?” I whispered. Ghost pointed across the large area to the last two doors on the right, closest to the kitchen.

“I watched a woman go in the door on the left with food. Jasmine and Ehria were in there. They both seemed to be okay.” My shoulders relaxed slightly at the news, and my heart soared. I made personal vow that whoever had taken them was going to pay and pay dearly.

“The other door?” Phoenix asked.

“Group of men from what I could hear through the door. One sounded like the leader. He was pissed as a motherfucker, too.”

“Phoenix, you and Ghost take the room on the left; I’ll take the one with my family. If no one comes out, fall behind me as we leave. If I stir up a racket in the room with Jasmine, try to keep the leader alive. He’s mine. But if you have to, take him out. Take them all out.” They both nodded at my plan. Fuck, I wished we had more brothers with us.

Suddenly, the door on the left rattled. We all ducked into the kitchen and observed as best we could. A man who looked to be around twenty or so exited the room and went next door. When he flung the door open, I nearly wept in relief at the brief glance I got of Jasmine. Ehria was cradled to her and seemed to be okay.

The man went back to the other room and waited at the entrance. A woman with dark hair streaked with some gray walked out with her head submissively low. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn’t quite figure it out. I knew I could probably touch shit in the room and get some answers, but I needed to be at one hundred percent to get Jasmine and Ehria out of there.

As soon as the door closed, I heard shouting within the room. We moved quickly and silently.

Phoenix and Ghost stood either side of the room on the left; I approached the one on the right. Weapons drawn, I motioned that I was going in. Cautiously, I cracked the door. I knew where Jasmine had been before, and I hoped she hadn’t moved. Quickly, I swept in and clocked Jasmine and Ehria as the only occupants.

Jasmine’s hand flew to her mouth, and a quiet sob was muffled behind it. Ehria rested with her head on Jasmine’s shoulder as she slept. Her precious mouth was open, and drool hung off her bottom lip.

I held a finger to my lips to keep her quiet and motioned her to me. She stood. I grabbed my daughter’s blanket from the table and I ushered them out of the room. Ghost and Phoenix covered us as we made our way across the expansive room.

We were almost home free when there was a shout of alarm, and about ten men poured out of the room, guns drawn. Jasmine shrieked at the first shot that was fired and crouched down. We returned fire as we moved at a crouch, and I tried to get my family to the door. Between me and Phoenix, we took out half. In quick succession, several more dropped to the floor with blood gushing from their necks.

“Thank you, Ghost,” I whispered as I took a shot and ushered Jasmine toward the door.

The young man was holding the older woman back as she fought his hold. I didn’t have time to wonder what was going on before she broke free and barreled at the tallest man with slicked-back silver hair.

“Mother!” the young man shouted as he dove for her, but it was too late. Right as the older man pointed his gun at me and Jasmine, she threw herself at him. He fell backward, and she dropped to her knees before toppling over onto him. I pointed my weapon at the young man as he ran toward me.

“Nico! No! That’s your brother!” Jasmine cried.

Stunned, I froze. He continued to run toward us, waving his hands toward the opposite side of the room. “Go!” he shouted as he closed in on us. Pushing my disbelief away, I focused on the situation as the young man scooped my daughter up from Jasmine and grabbed her arm to lift her to her feet. “This way!” he said as he ran down the side of the large assembly area.

We raced after him and through a hall in the corner. He pushed open the door and we were outside.

“This is the back exit. If you’d gone out front, the rest of my father’s men would’ve been on you in a heartbeat. Hurry, it won’t take long before they catch on.” We followed him as he darted behind a smaller building. He glanced around the corner and motioned us on. He pointed to the long building with a line of garage doors.

The building was mere steps away when I saw stars and a burning filled my chest. I couldn’t breathe, and I stumbled. “Go!” I gasped as Jasmine shouted and stopped to grab me before I fell.

Eyes wide in disbelief, she frantically shook her head.

The man who had helped us—my fucking brother—grabbed her arm and jerked her along until Phoenix scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder. The entire time, she screamed. Unable to keep moving, I tripped again and dropped to my knees.

Something hot and wet ran down my wrist and hand that held my pistol. Glancing down, I saw crimson dripping off the barrel. I couldn’t lift my arm. Another shot fired near me, and I scanned the area to see where it came from before I fell face down.

My daughter’s pink blanket lay in front of my face, and it was all I could see.

“You fucking piece of shit bastard!” a voice shouted behind me before there was a loud growl. Inside, I chuckled, wanting to say “You’re goddamn right, I’m a Bastard,” but I couldn’t speak, and my vision went hazy.

Pressure hit my back, teeth sank into my neck, and I blacked out from the pain.

Bastard to the core, Royal to the death.