Chains by Kristine Allen

If you’re actually reading this, holy cow—you’re dedicated. I thank you first and foremost! KISSES! Okay, now be prepared, this is gonna be a little long.

Chris Flemingwas a model, son, brother, and husband. As I said, his star burned bright but burned out too fast. When his light went out, he passed a tiny flame to several individuals to nurture. He lives on in them.

Thank you to all of my readers who keep reading my words. You’re the ones giving me a reason to write and hit “publish.”

Most of this will be repetitive (if you read all this mumbo-jumbo) because all of you are always in my corner and I love you to pieces.

Thank you to Pam, Kristin, Brenda, Lisa for being my betas and letting me bounce ideas off you at all hours of the night. I seriously couldn’t do this without you. YOU ARE MY SQUAD!

Kristines Street Team! Y’all mother-freaking rock! Especially my top promoters, Whynter, Pam,Chasity, and Stephanie. You ladies continually go above and beyond for me and my books. Never in a million years could I thank you enough. Hugs and kisses!

Olivia, you’re the bomb-diggity of editors; the absolute best. You’ve ruined reading for me at times, but I love you bunches! Thank you for fixing all my oopsies, calling me on the stuff that doesn’t make sense, questioning my wording, and for fixing all those pesky commas that I hate. It’s your touch that polishes my book babies until they shine.

Penny. Where do I start? My beautiful forever friend. Thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. <3 Every time I tell you how good things are going and you tell me you’re not surprised, I want to cry. Your faith in me is eternally humbling. You’re halfway through with nursing school—you’ve got this!

Lisa and Brenda, y’all are the best and I cannot thank you enough for your support, advice, and friendship. And wine. To think it all started with a lunch born from the love of books. 2020 Book Signing events may have went to shit, but we’re still doing our thing! Always with wine.

Lou Gray, did an amazing job on this cover! I never would’ve guessed when we worked on it, that Chris wouldn’t live to see its release. So this one is a bittersweet book cover.

Wander Aguiar, this image of Chris is absolutely fantastic. I hope we did your image and Chris’s memory proud. And Andrey is still tempting me with those emails—I thought we talked about that. With the help of Chris’s beautiful image, I like to think we made magic with this cover. Chris, this one’s for you.

Staceyof Champagne Book Designs, never, ever, ever forget—you are a goddess. Every single time, you make each page beautiful. I can’t say whether the print or digital are my favorite because I love them all so much. Thanks bunches, and guess what’s getting closer? Shameless! It still hasn’t set in that I will be there as an AUTHOR! Can you believe it? Craziness!

Ladies of Kristines Krazy Fangirls, every one of you are the bomb-diggity. You’re my personal little cheerleading team and I love you all! (((BIG HUGS)))! I thank you for your comments, your support, and your love of all things books. Come join us if you’re not part of the group

As I often do, I found a way to spin the military into the storyline. As I’ve said a million times before, I fro this because the military has had such a huge impact on my life. From having multiple family members who served, to being a military brat, to a military spouse, and then working as a nurse in the military system, it’s in my blood. With that being said, my last-but-never-least is a massive thank you to America’s servicemen and women who protect our freedom on a daily basis. They do their duty, leaving their families for weeks, months, and years at a time, without asking for praise or thanks. I would also like to remind the readers that not all combat injuries are visible, nor do they heal easily. These silent, wicked injuries wreak havoc on their minds and hearts while we go about our days completely oblivious. Thank you all for your service.