The Trophy Wife by Evie Baxter


This woman was a conundrum. From my initial impression as I watched what I now knew was pure performance on her part in the boardroom. To this uncertain woman who didn’t seem comfortable in her own skin. She’d expressed her fear of Robert, but hadn’t elaborated. There were so many questions.

Why the deception? Why did she wish everyone to think she was a cold hearted, revengeful bitch? And why was she so unsure of herself and so lacking in confidence? Either persona she presented was beautiful in its own imperfect way. The fact that I preferred this softer side of her was just personal preference. I knew plenty of men who would fall at the feet of a woman like the controlled ice woman she showed the world.

“Do you want me to stop?” I felt compelled to ask. She was so tense I was afraid she would snap.

“What?” Her startled gaze met mine. “Uh, no. You don’t have to stop.” She may say that, but her eyes didn’t reflect the passion she had been displaying just minutes prior.

“Victoria, I’m not sure what just happened, but you’ve withdrawn from me. And that’s fine.” I reached behind her, where her dress lay bunched on my knees, intending to cover her nudity for her. The bra was god only knew where, so the dress would have to do.

“No!” Her words were harsh, her hands grabbing at mine to stop what they were doing. “I – I do want this. It’s just been a while. And I’m not very, uh, body confident. I thought you might not like what you saw when you took my dress off.”

Her hands gripped mine fiercely, determined to stop my attempts to dress her. Whatever demons she was wrestling with, she refused to cover herself.

“Jesus, Victoria, you’re beautiful. How can you not know that? Look at you,” I slid my eyes downward, taking in her small, pert tits with their dusky pink areolas and nipples. The creamy skin flawless over her slender figure. If I was going to complain, and believe me I most certainly wasn’t, it would only be that she was too thin. The dip above her collarbone conspicuous. Her ribs visible. But that didn’t negate how attractive she was, how turned on I was by her body. It just highlighted her fragility, and made me want to treat her as if she was made of crystal.

“You still want me?” She sounded unsure.

“Baby,” I cupped her breath-taking face in my hands, looking into those wide eyes of hers, “Can’t you feel how much I want you?” I tipped my hips up, pushing my hard on into her centre.

“Oh!” Her eyes rounded and she bit her lip and then, almost imperceptibly, she ground down on me. I watched in fascination as her eyes got slightly hooded and her lips parted on a small gasp. I held her by the waist and moved her body, repeating the motion and was rewarded with a tiny mewl and her head tipping back in response.

Her reactions were intoxicating. I held her there, on my clothed cock, rocking into her and observing the way she softened in my arms, giving over to the fresh wave of arousal she was feeling as her self-consciousness faded. Amping up the onslaught to her senses, I latched on to one of her nipples, sucking it deep into the heat of my mouth, laving it with my tongue.

“Oh god,” she whimpered, “That feels so good.” I smiled around her pliant flesh. Words every man wants to hear.

I stood suddenly, keeping my mouth on her breast, and her legs locked around my middle. Her dress fell completely free, drifting to the floor, and I carried her slight weight into the bedroom of my suite. I released her nipple with an audible pop as I lay her carefully across the bedding, afraid I’d break her if I was too physical, and conscious of her injured ankle as well.

Standing over her almost naked form, I took in her elegant lines, long limbs sleek with muscle, her flat stomach indented at the waist, above the curve of her hips. Her dark hair spread around her shoulders. I could see the evidence of several bruises on her legs, arms and body, the result of the tumble down the steps earlier.

Stroking one with the lightest of touches, I asked, “Do these hurt? Are you okay?”

Vitoria shrugged. “They hurt, some. But I’m okay. I’ve had worse.”

“Just tell me if I do something that makes them hurt more, please. I want this to be good for you.” As I spoke, I unbuckled my belt, and released the button on my jeans and pulled down the zip. My cock gave a sigh of relief at the increased space it was suddenly granted. I watched Victoria watching me avidly, my desire increasing with every wide-eyed blink of her eyes as she stared below my waist.

I shucked off my jeans, kicking them aside to be picked up later, and hooked my hands into the elastic at the waist of my boxer briefs. I smirked as I watched the tip of her tongue come up and lick her lower lip in anticipation of the reveal. “More?” I asked, teasing her.

“More,” she whispered.

Far be it for me to disappoint her, so off those briefs came. I was gratified by the way her mouth circled into an ‘O’ as she laid eyes on my erection. Every man knows how their cock measures up, so to speak, and I had been gifted on the generous side. But I was also aware that inches did not equate to satisfaction on a lady’s part, as I stretched out beside her lithe form, intent on ensuring that satisfaction was the very thing that Victoria would encounter with me.

Her skin was silky soft to my hands and my mouth as I explored her body. Stroking over her curves, kissing her shoulder, tasting her flesh with gentle bits, licking a path down to her beautiful tits to reacquaint myself with them after my brief absence. I slipped her plain underwear down her legs, unbothered by the lack of lace or skimpiness. They may have been simple, but they did nothing to detract from the beauty of her body.

I pulled one foot free of her knickers and then the other, noting that the soft rose gold polish on her toes was in stark contrast to the blood red manicure on her fingers. I kissed each instep, then worked my way up her left leg, over her shin, behind her knee, up her inner thigh I went. There was a gentle fragrance of vanilla and jasmine, like she used a scented lotion rather than a heavier perfume. It just added to the intoxication that was Victoria Belmane.

When I was so close to her apex and she was squirming and panting, I went back down and started the process all over again on her right leg, much to her objection. I had all night long to enjoy her body, and I wasn’t hurrying any part of it.

Eventually I was pressing my mouth to the crease where her thigh met her folds, and her musky scent overwhelmed my senses. I didn’t need her sighs of encouragement to urge me on. My need to taste her was paramount. I wedged myself between her thighs, pushing her legs wide, getting my first view of her pink folds, glistening with desire, glossy brown curls above.

Those curls were another sign of a woman who was not who she presented to the world. The propensity for women to be bare was so prevalent that it was a surprise to find myself enjoying the sight of her soft, groomed pussy.

I slid my index finger down the centre of her, revelling in slick, wetness, and the cry of pleasure from Victoria. She was already on the precipice of orgasm, jolting at my slightest touch. It was going to be a joy to take her to the edge, feel her fall, and take her there again. I pressed my cock into the bedding, providing the slightest of relief for it as it begged to be where my finger continued its exploration.

I delved into her tight centre, her muscles contracting, trying to draw me further in. I circled her swollen bud with my thumb, testing to see what motion appealed to her the most. It didn’t take long to realise that a firm sideways pressure, back and forth, brought her hips from the bed and a cry of my name from her lips.

Temptation couldn’t be resisted any longer and I pressed my tongue to her cunt, spreading it flat and sweeping from bottom to top, lapping up her sweet essence. It was addictive and I went back for more and more. Dove my tongue as deep inside as I could. Flicked her clit with the point of it. I could feel her pulsing strongly when I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked hard, revelling in the inarticulate sounds she made in response.

Sinking two fingers into her sheath, I was astounded at how her muscles clamped down on them, squeezing my digits in a rhythm that went straight to my cock, swelling it even further. Curling my fingers, I kept up the unrelenting attention of my mouth on the hard little nub of her clit, and it took just a few pumps of my fingers in and out of her before her core clenched down, hard, and there was a gush of her delicious juices as her inner muscles convulsed.

I wanted to continue playing with her, but I wanted inside her wet heat even more. Condom! I needed a condom. My brain was in a fog of lust, and it took me a minute to remember this wasn’t my home and there weren’t any in the bedside table. Another moment to remember there was a new box in the bathroom, placed there a couple of weeks ago by myself, in the hopes that I would meet someone soon.

All the while I lapped gently at Victoria, enjoying the feel of her relaxing into the satiated bliss of a satisfied woman. Only when my head was completely together did I pull away and ask her to give me a moment. I dashed into the bathroom, emerging with the box a minute later, ripping the outer plastic wrapping free and tossing it towards the trash bin in the corner.

Victoria still lay prone on the bed, watching through hooded eyes as I extracted a condom from the box, using my teeth to tear the packet open. “Do you want to put it on?” I asked.

Those eyes, perpetually wide, looked up at me. “I don’t… I never… I might get it wrong,” came her faltering reply.

My brain went into overdrive, trying to process the ramifications of what she had said. Refusing to let it distract me, I kept my eyes on her as my hands deftly sheathed my length. “That’s okay, baby. I’ve got it. Don’t look so worried.” I needed to get down beside her again, where I could keep her out her head and in the moment. She was rife with insecurities that only seemed to quieten when I was touching her.

Sliding between her legs, I nestled my needy cock between her thighs, where it rested against her heat, eager to slide inside. But first I kissed her. Sucked, and bit, and seduced her until her body once again undulated against mine, indicating her longing for more. I kept kissing her as I notched my tip at her entrance, ignored the overpowering desire to drive into her, and slowly I started pushing into her impossibly tight depths, swallowing her gasp as I breached her.

It was sublime, the feel of her gripping me vicelike, entering her a process of gradual short thrusts that allowed me in a little further each time.