Trapped with the Duke by Annabelle Anders

A Change of Heart

“Good morning.” Collette swallowed hard as Ingles pulled the large double doors closed behind her. And then her stomach lurched. Because the inscrutable look in Addison’s eyes nearly overwhelmed the warmth she saw, reminding her that although this was the same man from yesterday, he was also very much a duke.

She darted her gaze away from him, toward the windows that lined one of the walls. “I doubt we’ll see more rain today.” Oh, yes. She was coming to quite appreciate this weatherly topic for conversation. For the second time in as many days, meteorological commentary was saving her from saying something utterly nonsensical.

One side of his mouth quirked up. “The streets were washed clean in yesterday’s torrent.”

“And the air.” She nodded.

“And the air,” he agreed.

Excellent. They were making excellent progress. “Makes one appreciate a good roof,” she added.

This time, she was certain she caught his chest shaking a little. “Indeed, along with a sound foundation.”

She twisted her hands together. Perhaps Chase’s idea to hire a tutor wasn’t such a bad idea after all. She only wished she’d had a lesson on handling proposals before Addison arrived.

More specifically, on how one went about declining one. She’d experienced little success with her prior refusals.

“Won’t you… sit down?” She remembered just in time that a gentleman wouldn’t sit until she was seated and lowered herself onto the edge of the nearest settee.

He chose to sit on the opposite end and turned his legs so he was mostly facing her.

“You didn’t catch cold from the rain yesterday?” He was very good at not showing any emotion in his expression. Did he resent being here? Was he even now, this very moment, berating himself for having kept her away from home for so long?

“Oh, no.” Whether he resented the situation or not didn’t matter anyway. “I was more worried that you would. What with standing in it listening to my brother go on and on and then having to drive yourself home.” He was the same man she’d spent hours conversing with the day before and yet everything seemed different now. “I hope you indulged in a long hot bath when you arrived home.”

An unusual expression flickered across his face. “Indeed.”

“I’m glad. One mustn’t be too careful with his or her health, and I’d never forgive myself if you were to take ill.” And that was true. Because if she hadn’t talked his ears off over their long, rather drawn-out tea, they would have not only returned before Chase became upset, but they also would have missed the rain altogether.

And despite his dukishness… he had become somewhat… dear to her.

“Did you work on your book last night?” He’d been struggling with a particular passage. It was one of the things they’d gotten caught up talking about. A new idea he’d had.

His gaze met hers in surprise. “I did, in fact. Two chapters, they’re rough, as they always are, but I’m happy with what I have so far.”

“I’m glad.” She stared into his gray eyes, which seemed to have warmed, and in that moment found herself feeling all the emotions she’d felt yesterday, sitting atop his ridiculously tall vehicle and discussing kissing.

“But I haven’t come here today to discuss my writing.” He edged closer to her, flicking a glance toward the closed door as he did so. “Your brother told you to expect me?”

“He did.” And her brother had expected him to make her an offer. “But—”

“I didn’t do it intentionally—keep you out like that. It was reckless on my part, and Chaswick had every right to call me out for it. I hope you’ll accept my apology.” Even while apologizing, he appeared proud.

But his jaw ticked as though he was holding something back, and he was twisting the ring on his finger again. Was it possible he was nervous to speak with her today? It didn’t really make sense. She tilted her head. “You are sorry then? That we spent the afternoon together?”

“Not at all.” His eyes widened at that. “But I never intended to keep you so late. I should have realized.” His jaw ticked again and then he exhaled and ran a hand through his hair. “I did realize. I was just being selfish.”

He was being selfish? By spending time with her?

Her brother loved her. Her family loved her. Her sisters had always been her closest and dearest friends.

But no one had ever admitted that they enjoyed spending time with her to an extent that they considered themselves selfish to do so.

The compliment sent warm tingles trickling from her heart to her limbs.

“But you did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong.”

He leaned forward, resting his forearms on both knees and staring down at the rug with unfocused eyes.

“Not where my world is concerned, Collette—or your brother’s—and whether you like it or not.” He turned to meet her gaze. “Your world too.”

It was moments like this that the weight of society caught up with her. It reminded Collette of the sinking sensation she had felt when Miss Primm had told her she was terminating her employment.

As much as she’d like to convince herself she had choices, in truth, they were far and few between. The small sound that escaped her was supposed to be a protest but ended up sounding almost like a sob.

“Look at me, Collette.”

She was incapable of defying him.

“I have kissed you now, on two separate occasions. And if we hadn’t been interrupted, it would have been three. To be perfectly frank with you, if—strike that—when I have another opportunity, I’ll want to do even more. And I think you might as well.” He edged closer and that invisible pull had her turning and allowing him to take hold of her hands.

“We must marry, Collette, for both our sakes.”

“Not really for your sake.” He was a duke! “But you believe it would be for mine.”

Two worry lines appeared between his eyes, giving her a glimpse of emotion he normally kept well in check. “Not only for yours. I wish to… I want to marry you.”

She rubbed her thumb along the back of one of his fingers, thinking that sitting like this felt familiar… And she studied their hands—hers looking almost frail against his, which were not only larger but defined and masculine.

The image. It was… right.

When had this happened?

“But why?” she asked.

Rather than answer, he leaned forward and—


His kiss, though brief and almost chaste, was worth at least a thousand words.

“Marry me, Collette.” His words came out as a demand, a question, and a plea all at once and somehow broke through the turmoil she felt from the unexpected gesture.

He wouldn’t ask if he thought she would fail as miserably as she thought she would—if he truly believed her to be vulgar and unladylike—would he?

Was it possible that this, that he, in fact, was her best choice?

By marrying him, she would no longer face a future where she depended on her brother for the rest of her life, nor would she have to consider marrying some other gentleman, one she had no feelings for.

She wouldn’t have to consider taking positions hundreds of miles distant from the people she loved most in the world. She could have children of her own. Children who would have Addison for a father.

And most importantly of all, she could spend her life getting to know Addison better.

His eyes searched hers, his expression grim even as he awaited her answer. “Please.”


It was she who leaned forward this time, lifting her mouth in invitation. “Mhmm,” she uttered, closing her eyes.

“Yes?” He was close, the warmth of his breath dancing in the air near her lips. But he was not kissing her.

“Yes,” she clarified. “But you are supposed to kiss me now.” She kept her eyes closed and didn’t sigh in relief until he closed the distance between them.

Collette thrilled when he loosened his grip on her hands to settle his arms around her back. The kiss was not brief, nor was it going to be chaste.

* * *

Addison had expected moreof an argument from her. He’d expected her to insist it wasn’t necessary and to ask him for time to decide—a week, at the very least.

He certainly had not expected the rush of triumph that shot through him at her acceptance.

“Yes,” he echoed against her lips, which parted easily, inviting him to deepen this kiss. She liked intimacy; she’d wanted this—perhaps as much as he did.

Her lips tasted even sweeter this morning than they had yesterday, and her body molded against his as though she had been made for him.

A soft moan vibrated through her as she wound her arms around his neck. Perhaps they were both relieved to have this matter settled between them—a tired relief that one experienced upon surrendering to fate.

Even though he didn’t believe in fate.

She surprised him in her eagerness, her hands in his hair, tugging him closer and demanding that he deepen this connection. She was not, it seemed, inclined to deny her own desires. Anticipation flickered that she might pleasantly surprise him again and again in the years to come.

One hand supporting her, his other was free to explore her shape—down her arm, around her front. He heeded the sounds of her breathing, wanting to understand what she liked, wanting to meet her needs—her desires.

His tongue tangled with hers and when he bit down just hard enough to trap it, she gasped.

He drew back, watching her expression. “You aren’t afraid?”

She blinked, her eyes taking a moment to focus. “Should I be?”

He’d made a myriad of mistakes with her, done nothing to earn her trust, and yet, it seemed, she would give it freely.

“No.” His urge to protect her swelled. So much so, that he barely noticed the annoying unease pricking at the back of his neck. Because the two of them would meet with obstacles. All marriages did.

Now, however, was not the time to discuss his mother.

“Just kiss me and I won’t be afraid of anything.” She licked her lips and her pupils dilated, making her eyes appear darker than usual.

Lusty thoughts had him dipping his mouth to the curve of her neck. “I can do that.” He covered her breast with his palm, dipping his fingers inside the gap at the top of her bodice. His lips located her pulse, fluttering rapidly as he tugged downward.

“I like this kissing, Addison.”

“Very good,” he approved. “Collette.”

Collette. He rolled her name around his mind. It would seem she’d captured him with nary a shot fired.

“Beautiful.” Her breasts were perfectly plump, tilted up, the tips turgid and rosy. A pink flush crept across her skin. “So if you are afraid, shall I kiss you here?” He grazed his lips along tender skin. “What about here?” He dragged his tongue in a spiral. “Here?”

He clamped his mouth around one eager peak and her soft moan aroused him beyond decency.

“Please.” Her back arched, and her shaking fingers tangled in his hair. Squirming against him, she seemed frantic, but she wasn’t pushing him away, she was pulling him closer.

He sucked her into his mouth, deeper, rolling his tongue over her tight bud. So sweet to taste, so perfect to capture, so utterly feminine. He bit down gently, testing, and her breathing quickened.

“Collette,” He growled against her skin.

She was close to release. He sucked sharply, eliciting another moan, and then released her.

“Addison?” she gasped. He loved the sound of his name on her lips. The needy thread in her voice made it even better.

“I want to show you something,” he said. But should he?

Her brother was trusting him to be alone with her, but desire reasoned that she’d promised to marry him. She was going to be his wife. And his own need insisted the wedding wouldn’t be soon enough. Until then, there was no telling when he would be allowed to be alone with her again.

He wanted to give her something, show her some of what they had to look forward to.

“May I?” He glanced up, needing to read her expression.

From beneath heavy lids, she nodded.

This woman.

The moment he’d stepped into her classroom, he’d been doomed.


Felled to his knees.

Being trapped in the stairwell was not the catalyst that had changed the course of his life; meeting this woman had.

Gazes locked, he gathered the material of her skirts and dragged the hem upward. Only when he’d run out of fabric did he allow himself to glance down at the sight he’d revealed.

Slim and shapely legs bent just enough to reveal the tops of silky white stockings. Not silky enough, however, that they were any rival to the tender flesh above them.

He pressed his palm along her inner thigh, drawing slow circles on skin as soft as a butterfly’s wings. “Just kiss me and I won’t be afraid of anything.”

“I’ll kiss you here.” He’d chase all her fears away.

She nodded.

So willing—trusting. Her unquestioning innocence sent his heart racing.

He inhaled, conflicted. She’d said yes. She would taste sweet and delicate but also warm and musky. He dragged his fingertips higher and brushed them over her soft mound of curling hair.

“What are you going to show me?” Her question was barely a shuddery breath.

“Your body is aching, isn’t it? I want to take that ache away.” He tugged her closer, his fingertips teasing buttery-soft flesh.

His cock was hard and ready, but it was going to have to wait. Another thought, more of a conviction—a knowing—insisted he’d only find his own contentment knowing she was in want of nothing.

He shifted his weight so that she lay partly beneath him along the settee.

“Yes?” He massaged between her folds, his hand slick and wet. Oh, hell. Better than he’d imagined. Tight but also soft and welcoming.

“Yes,” she whispered, pressing into him.

He slid in and out, teased by her juices, taunted by her sharp little gasps. If they were anywhere else…

Just as he curled his index finger, stroking deep inside her body, a sound at the door froze him. Collette rotated her hips around his hand and then…

Addison caught her moan in his mouth at the same time he withdrew and covered her quivering mound with his palm.

“Tea will be served momentarily.”

Addison met Lady Chaswick’s all-too knowing but not completely disapproving glance over the back of the seat. Thank God the settee wasn’t facing the door.

“Have the two of you come to a decision?” Her gaze flicked from him to Collette, who was sitting up now and appeared delightfully flushed, her eyes bright and her lips shining.

She twisted around, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and then smoothed at the wrinkles he’d caused to her skirt.

“We have,” she said. “I’m going to give it a go.”