Trapped with the Duke by Annabelle Anders

Bonus Epilogue

“I’ve never danced this much in my life.” Bethany lowered herself onto the chaise beside her sister, who was now a marchioness, feeling exhausted but happy.

“That’s because you spent most of the time hiding behind potted plants at the few balls you attended last spring,” Diana teased but then added. “Sarah seemed to enjoy herself. That was good of you and Bethany to allow her to remain downstairs for the first few sets.”

Their younger sister, who was three and ten now, had grown by leaps and bounds since moving to the country with their mother. No doubt Chase and Bethany would be wanting to bring her out before long. “Do you think she could ever have a season?”

Diana smiled. “If I can marry a marquess, and you can marry a duke, I’ve no doubt that despite her challenges, Sarah will take the Ton by storm.”

“She’s apt to marry a king.” Collette laughed. Because her sister was correct in pointing out the irony of both of their present circumstances. Even now, she could hardly believe this elaborate party was being thrown to celebrate her wedding.

To Addison.

She searched the room until she found him laughing and talking with Lord Greystone, her brother, and a few other familiar looking lordly gents. And then a familiar thrill swept through her when he caught her eye and the corner of his mouth twitched in what she liked to think of as his secret smile.

For her.

With the wedding set to take place bright and early the following morning, their brother’s country estate was near bursting at the seams with guests, but Collette had felt none of the squeeze. In fact, since Bethany had set aside one of the most elaborate chambers at Easter Park for Collette’s use, she felt rather like a princess. Normally only ever opened up for visiting royalty, the state apartment, as Chase referred to the suite, was more luxurious and grander than anything she’d ever known.

She and Bedwell would share it for ten days, until after Christmas, when the two of them would journey to Brier Manor, rather than embark on a wedding journey.

His mother would be returning to London for what remained of the winter while the dower house was renovated to her liking, and once spring came around, Addison wanted to take Collette to the continent so they could have a real honeymoon.

“I cannot believe that you are just returned from Paris, and that you are married to Lord Greystone.” Collette said.

Held up by inclement weather, Diana and her husband of less than a year had only just arrived at Easter House late the night before. What with the last-minute preparations for the ball that evening, the two sisters hadn’t had a chance to do any real catching up.

Collette tilted her head and held her sister’s gaze. “Are you happy?”

It was more of a statement than a question, really. Diana had always been vibrant, but there was something different about her now. She positively glowed.

“I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful he is.” She sighed. “Yes, I’m so very happy, Collette. And I’m even happier knowing you won’t be spending the rest of your life locked up in a stuffy school.”

Before meeting Addison, Collette had been adamant that she would never marry. She’d insisted that she only wanted to teach. “It was a lovely school,” she defended the place of her former employment.

Diana turned to stare across the room where Miss Primm, Miss Shipley, and a few of the other teachers hovered near the wall with the mothers and chaperones. “I suppose,” she said. “That is where you found your duke.”

“It had to have been fate.” Collette almost whispered. Because if she hadn’t wanted to teach, she never would have met Addison. And if she hadn’t been sacked, he would not have found her in London.

“Do you love him?” Diana asked.

“More than anything.” Collette answered from her heart.

“I think you are going to enjoy marriage then.” Diana turned around to face her. “Has mother had her little talk with you? Or Bethany? Because I’m more than happy to answer any questions you might have about… relations.” Diana didn’t even have the shame to blush. “Trust me, you haven’t anything to be concerned about.”

Collette held back a grin and stared down at the toes of her silk slippers, which were peeking out from beneath the eggshell blue silk of her skirt.

“I’m quite informed.” She bit her lip. Diana had been the first of the two of them to be kissed by a gentleman and was naturally less inhibited than Collette had ever been. Before Diana had married and gone away with her handsome marquess, the two girls had shared all of their secrets with one another.

Even the salacious ones—all of which had been Diana’s. Collette smoothed her skirt.

“So, you aren’t nervous about tomorrow?” Flickering lights from the candles in the chandeliers danced in Diana’s narrowed gaze.

“Well, of course, I’m nervous to walk down the aisle with all the guests watching. And I’m nervous I’ll do something foolish, like say the wrong thing during the ceremony. But I’m not nervous about marrying Bedwell.” Collette lowered her voice. “And I’m not nervous about the wedding night.”

Diana’s brows shot up. “Have you and the duke--?”

“Hush.” Collette felt herself blushing. “You mustn’t say it out loud,”

But there was no chance that her sister would leave it at that. “When?”

“The night I was injured. Before Mr. Stewart’s house collapsed.”

Diana was shaking her head. “Such a nasty business. I do hope they catch the culprits who did that.”

“As do I.” Even two months later, Collette marveled that Addison had been the one to keep her calm throughout their ordeal. She hated to imagine what he’d gone through after she’d lost consciousness.

“And since then?” Diana pressed.

“Not with my injury,” Collette stared down at her foot, which, aside from some lingering weakness, was good as new. “And Chase and Bethany have been relentless.”

Diana leaned forward. “Isn’t it marvelous?”

“Isn’t what marvelous?” Lord Greystone’s voice had Collette jumping. He and Addison had both managed to appear with neither Collette nor Diana noticing.

Which was saying something, considering that they were quite possibly the most handsome gentlemen in the attendance that night—Greystone wearing his usual flamboyant colors and Addison looking quite top-lofty and rather dukish, his light brown hair and silvery eyes contrasting with the jet black of his coat and breeches.

For a moment, the memory of the day he stepped into her classroom came to mind. He’d seemed terribly dukish then—a particularly endearing quality that she’d come to love almost as much as she loved his less dignified self.

Because the unshakeable confidence he showed most of the time made her all the more appreciative of the moments they were alone—those moments when he played with his dogs, or asked her opinion of one of his books, or sent her a wicked smile.

Those moments when he was simply Addison.

“All the perks that come with marriage,” Diana smirked as she answered her husband. And then taking his hand, her ladyship rose to allow him to escort her onto the dance floor.

Left alone for the first time all evening, Addison bowed over Collette’s hand. Glancing up to meet her gaze, he cocked one brow.

“My dance, I believe.”

It was to be her last dance of the evening. Afterward, Collette would retire upstairs for the night, and the next time she saw him she’d be walking up the aisle of the village church to say her vows.

“Finally,” Collette rose. They’d danced a country reel together earlier, but this was to be their first waltz. She’d looked forward to it all night.

Although Diana was the dancer amongst them, Collette had begun practicing for this moment as soon as her ankle had allowed her to do so.

Because while she was certain she’d stumble at times as his duchess, she refused to do so publicly at her pre-wedding ball.

Addison led her to the center of the floor where they took up their positions.

“How is it that I’m the luckiest man in all of England?” he whispered near her ear just as the music began. “Aside from the torture I’ve been put through these past few months.”

“One more day,” Collette tilted her head so she could gaze up at him. “I wish you could kiss me now.”

Dancing with him was easier than she’d imagined. She should have known it would be, since she was beginning to believe they’d been made for one another.


“Always with the kissing,” he teased. But his gaze flicked to her mouth. He wanted the same.

And with that knowledge, a bolt of longing shot through her. One more day.

One more night.

After tomorrow, no one could prevent them from being together.

“I do hope your family isn’t expecting to see much of us for the next few days. I fully intend to keep you locked in our bedchamber for no less than seventy-two hours after our nuptials. We have a good deal of time to make up for.”

Collette grinned. “You don’t wish to join the other gentlemen for the hunt?”

“I’ll be saving my strength for more satisfying exertions.” His eyes twinkled.

“What of cards in the gaming room?”

“I’ve already won the greatest prize.”

“Very well. I suppose if I’m to be trapped—” she pretended to sigh even though the desire in his voice weakened her knees “—I might as well be trapped with a duke.”

“Not with just any duke, madam, but with me,” Addison added before sending her on a spin.

“My duke,” she smiled up at him breathlessly. She was daunted but unafraid of all that the future held for the two of them. Because there would be many challenges to face, but she wouldn’t be facing them alone. “I’ll be happily trapped with my very own duke.”

“And I,” Addison said, dipping his mouth to brush the corner of hers. “Will be happily trapped with my duchess.”

—The End—

Preorder Miss Shipley’s story, EDUCATED BY THE EARL, which is the next book in MISS PRIMM’S SECRET SCHOOL FOR BUDDING BLUESTOCKINGS. It releases Nov. 16th, 2021

You can read Diana and Lord Greystone’s story now! COCKY MARQUESS