Knocking on Helen’s Door by Eve Langlais


Julio was in love.With an angel, of all things.

Fucking crazy. He knew it, and yet he couldn’t help it. Something about Helen sucked him in, and he didn’t intend to fight to escape. He wanted to remain married. It might have been done under duress to save her, but he wanted it to be real.

Had hope she might want to stay with him as well.

Not once since her arrival had she mentioned going back to Heaven. He’d seen her curiosity as they explored Hell. Everything was new and wondrous to her, but at the same time, she learned quickly. Especially when it came to pleasing him. She already knew how to make him feel good in bed and out. His happiness just needed her around.

Ugh. What kind of sappy bullshit was infecting his mind?

He couldn’t help but jump on the chance to clear his head when a call came in from Grim Dating. Apparently, there was a client demanding to speak to the commander. Given the boss was still on vacation, that meant Julio.

Helen was in the kitchen, banging around. She had no idea how to cook but was keen on learning.

She smiled at him, and he just about took her on the counter right then and there. He’d done it before, her legs wrapped around his waist, the welcoming heat of her snug around his shaft. By the time there were done fucking, he’d been somehow ended up wearing her halo on a tilt, and she wore the grin of orgasmic satisfaction. It made eating her attempts at cooking worth it.

“I gotta pop into the office to handle something. Will you be okay?”

Helen nodded and plopped a strange fruit onto the counter, along with an onion. “I’ve got a new recipe to try.”

“Yay. Can’t wait.” He might bring them back some donuts just in case.

He kissed her, slipped in some tongue, then thought, Fuck it, and fingered her until she gasped into his mouth.

Julio left, his smug smile stretching ear to ear. It was quickly wiped as he stepped into the boss’s office and saw who waited for him.

“Michael.” The archangel. One of the biggest and baddest supposedly. Also, a client who was going through dating options faster than a teenage boy with a bottle of lotion.

Given the ease Michael managed to get panties off women, it made Julio wonder why he bothered with Grim Dating. He didn’t need help getting pussy, which meant the archangel had another reason for always coming around.

Michael offered him a bright smile, his teeth matching the white glare of his suit. “Julio, just the man I wanted to see. I hear you have something that belongs to Heaven, and I’m here to ask that you give it back.”

Julio did his best to not react. He also knew better than to play stupid. “I don’t know that Helen would agree she belongs in Heaven, given the issues she’s had with one of your soldiers. He tried to kill her because she caught him fucking a nanny.”

The declaration didn’t surprise Michael, who had a ready answer. “I’m aware of the situation with Theodore, and it is being handled. The unpleasantness is why I chose to come here and announce that, given the circumstances, all charges against Helen have been dropped. She can come home.”

Julio’s stomach just about bottomed out. Helen leave? It would be selfish to ruin that chance for her.

Good thing he wasn’t a nice guy.

“I doubt you’ll want her back. You do know we’re married, and when I say married, I mean very married.” He purred the last with as much innuendo as possible.

“Coerced into marriage. I’m pretty sure she can be forgiven this one time given the situation.” Michael offered a conspiratorial smile. “Rest assured, we have ways of ensuring she forgets her sins and returns to a life of chastity and goodness.”

At the claim, Julio wrinkled his nose. Helen deserved better than that. And he’d meant it when he said he wouldn’t let her go. “Pretty sure my marriage vows stated ’til death do us part.”

“Is that meant to be a temptation? Because my sword, unlike the human version, will kill a reaper.” The angel drew a gleaming length of metal but of a kind not seen on Earth or in Hell.

Could it harm him? Julio would prefer to not find out.

“Why are you so determined to have her back? I know she’s broken too many rules for you to ignore.”

“As I said, extenuating circumstances have led to us being lenient. Do not judge us on the actions of one. Helen belongs to us, and you will return her,” Michael stated lightly, but Julio recognized the threat.

“No, not to mention she’s pissed you lied. She doesn’t want to go back.”

“We’ll deal with it.” Michael twirled his sword.

“Yeah, still not handing her over.”

“I didn’t figure you would,” Michael said, lifting his gaze from his twirling blade to smirk at Julio. “Which is why I made other plans.”

The cold in Julio’s veins manifested his sudden fear. “You can’t touch her. You and I both know angels wouldn’t dare set foot in Hell.”

“No, they wouldn’t. But the thing about demons and the damned is they have few scruples. Just about anyone can be bought for the right price.”

The fear turned to ice. “You wouldn’t dare attack her while she’s in Lucifer’s care.”

“I wouldn’t, but the demons I bribed did.” Michael pointed to his watch. “As we speak, they’re acquiring Helen.”

“No.” Julio swirled his cloak to open a portal, only to have Michael shoot out a hand and grab at the esoteric fabric.

The angel somehow locked him in place and, in that same low, even tone, said, “It’s already too late. And let me add that you will not come after her. If you are seen anywhere near the pearly gates, you will die.”

“Halo fucker. You can forget using Grim Dating as your personal bootie call center.” Julio’s mature reply as the angel left. He hoped Michael saw the finger he flashed.

It wasn’t until the angel left the building that he could finally call a portal. He stepped through the rip and found the penthouse a mess. Yet that wasn’t the most astonishing thing.

The big surprise was the pink dragon sitting inside.