Knocking on Helen’s Door by Eve Langlais


Rather than bringLector straight home, Lucifer made a pit stop because of a screaming baby, who, in turn, got her brother going.

Where was Gaia? She’d been reading them a story when he popped out to peek on Julio. Who, as it turned out, didn’t need help at all because he’d impregnated an angel.

Good thing Lucifer had neutralized Elyon’s sterility spell on the girl. He knew that clause in the contract about angels with a bun in the oven would eventually become useful.

“Waah!” Jujube’s scream hit an epic note as he arrived with Lector perched on his shoulder, fingers dug in, a snarl on his face.

Junior quieted the moment Lucifer arrived and pretended he’d not been crying at all. He knew how his Father felt about appearing weak.

As for Jujube, she was a drama llama.

“What’s wrong, princess?” he cooed.

As Jujube opened her mouth to lament, Lector barked, “Baby, stop crying.”

The demand halted Jujube mid yodel. She blinked wet lashes as she took in Lector. Her gaze narrowed before she hiccupped, “Mine.”

Lector snorted as he leapt off Lucifer’s shoulder and fluttered to the floor by the crib. “I’m not a baby toy.”

Jujube pouted. “Da gimme.”

“No.” Lector shook his head and checked out the room. His presence fascinated both Junior and Jujube.

Junior grabbed the bars of his crib and climbed. The lid Lucifer just had installed was no match for his Houdini skills. Apparently, Junior had been paying attention in class with the damned magician. Soon Junior toddled after Lector, pointing out toys of interest, while Jujube got upset at being stuck in her crib.

She uttered a plaintive sound that drew attention. Junior sneered, not at all taken in by his sister, who didn’t play nice.

But Lector returned to her crib and asked, “You want to play, too?”

Jujube nodded.

“Okay.” Lector grabbed the bars and climbed to the top. There was no lid yet. Not much point given Jujube could blast it to splinters if she wanted.

Lector hopped into the crib, and Jujube reached for him. “Mine.”

The boy shook his finger. “No. Play.”

Jujube smiled. “My boy.”

Having been a matchmaker for a while, Lucifer recognized that tone. He finally interfered and pulled Lector out of his daughter’s reach. “Don’t you go claiming him yet, princess. I’ve got bigger plans for you. But he will make a good bodyguard.”

It was as if his daughter understood because she nodded, and Lector, squirming in Lucifer’s grip, quieted.

“Good. Because you’ll need each other if the future goes the way I plan.”

“Daddy.” Junior’s warning tone had them all quieting. Listening. Feeling the ominous presence pressing against the wards around the nursery. Testing them.

For a moment, the smell of roses and decay filled the room.

No one breathed, not even the devil.

The entity left, but it would return. Hopefully by then Jujube would be able to defend herself, and today would start Lector’s path as one of her defenders.

And not a moment too soon as a shiver went through Hell. A sudden wave of force that had Lucifer’s eyes widening.

Elyon has escaped! And an angry God was a vengeful one. The world was about to see why people used to worship Lucifer’s brother eons ago. And if they refused to bow? Flooding the world was the least of their worries. This time around, Elyon had the power to do worse.

While Lucifer had been collecting the souls of the wicked, his brother had been storing those of the unborn. Those killed before they could ever sin.

It turned out that was the more lucrative way of accumulating souls. If you wanted spirits with no personality.

Personally, Lucifer liked humans with all their many flaws. Loved their minds, their creations, and fed on their emotions. He especially enjoyed his own progeny, who took after him in many ways.


“Ew. Baby farted!” Lector declared.

To which Lucifer said, “Good girl.”

Today she passed harmless gas. Starting tomorrow, he’d teach her how to poison armies because war was coming.

And so is a wedding because Bambi appears to be engaged, her ring set with the strange stone Lucinda tried to swallow. But has she truly found love, or is her fiancé using her to get to the devil? Stay tuned for news on Lucifer’s Other Daughter ~ Bambi’s autobiography.

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