Never Fall for Your Back-Up Guy by Kate O’Keeffe


This book has been so much fun to write. I loved Zara as a character in the Love Manor books, and I always planned to write her story, right from the moment she popped out from behind a tree in Dating Mr. Darcy. She’s strong and knows herself, and I hope I stayed true to her character in this book.

I always say there’s a little part of me in each and every character I write, and Zara is no exception. Like Zara, I didn’t take life too seriously in my 20’s, I found turning 30 quite tricky, and I didn’t fall for the man who would become my husband until I hit the big 3-0, too. Also like Zara, I lost my much-loved dad too young. Although I didn’t write to him like she does, I still miss him every day and often find myself thinking how much he would love that I became a writer.

Not only that, I realised when reading through this story that I’d inadvertently put my dog, Dizzy, in this book. Although she’s not a Jack Russell, she’s so like Stevie! From the ear licking (and nibbling) to the perpetually happy mood, to the deep connection she and Zara share, she’s my darling Dizz through and through.

I have the best readers! They email me, review my work, chat to me on social media. They tell me what they love about my books, end even when they’ve spotted a typo that’s somehow managed to make its way through the editing process. Thank you all, you’re the best. I hope I keep writing books you can continue to enjoy.

As always, I have my critique partner to thank for helping me make this book what it is. Thank you, Jackie Rutherford for all your kindness, support, and notes. After a lot of books, we’ve become quite a team, you and I, and I so value our friendship and working relationship.

Thanks also to Kim McCann and Julie Crengle for your proof reading skills.

My family is always so supportive of me, even if I can get a little obsessed with all things books. So thank you, my husband and son, for putting up with me, giving me ideas, and always being there for me.