The Viper and his Majesty by Tiana Laveen


Three and a half years later…

Troy clutched the video game controller, his headset on, and his eyes focused on the large computer in his room.

“Yes, Mama, yes! I’ll do it right after this! I promise! BOOM! I got you!” he cheered. Viper looked on through his open office door, where he sat going over some invoices. He watched his wife look around Troy’s room that was in desperate need of a cleanup. “And I need you to walk the dogs. Poor Belleza had that surgery, and you know she can’t walk as fast but likes being outside.”

“I’ll walk the dogs, Mama, I promise. Just give me a minute… HA! Yo, Eric, watch out! They’re right behind you!”

He’d been holed up in there for a while, talking to his friends on that headset and glaring at the big, oversized computer screen that, as Majesty put it, showed nothing but him blowing up things, and plenty of blood and guts.

Suddenly, Majesty’s face turned sullen. He knew what the issue was. She’d been rather emotional about it lately. Troy wasn’t a baby anymore. He’d just turned 13, and his voice had begun to drop. He was much taller, too. The baby face he’d had when he’d met him was gone, and his biggest concerns were his grades, video games, and some girl named Makayla Ackerson.

Soon after the wedding, Viper had asked Troy for permission to legally adopt him. Troy had been ecstatic about that, jumping into his arms with joy. Then, during the adoption process, Majesty had told him how the boy’s name had actually been her mother’s suggestion since the woman had expressed a desire to name her grandson. Majesty had obliged to make her happy, but then only through a recent discussion with her mother did she discover that Troy had been his mother-in-law’s biological father’s name. The man she’d found. The one person she’d adored yet lost far too soon. And now that her relationship with her mother had opened up more, she appreciated the love Mama always showered on Troy. Because that, if little else, had always been real.

Majesty exited hisroom, closing the door behind her as the boy continued to yell and rave, probably not even noticing she’d walked away.

“Come here,” he called out to her. She paused for a moment, then entered his office from the hall. He put down his pen and held her in his arms. “What do you want to do this weekend?”

“I haven’t even thought that far. Maybe we can go on a staycation. Tampa?”

“You got it. We’ll do it.”

Suddenly, her cellphone binged with a text message notification.

“Oh, it’s Mama. She wants me to call her right now and confirm.”

“Confirm what?”

“Believe it or not, she wants all of us to come over for dinner in a couple of weeks! She’s got a new chef, and she wants us to meet her new boyfriend.” She laughed and rolled her eyes.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Oh, nothing. This one doesn’t have much money though, and he’s twenty years younger than her. She is just using him for sex. Ugh! Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl.” Viper burst out laughing. “Now that Mama has all of that money from the divorce and said she’s never getting married again, she’s been running through men like water, getting her freak on. She had the nerve to say that she’s keeping this one though, talkin’ about he’s packing. Gross!”

Viper shrugged. “Life is short. Let her live.”

“Yeah, but it’s not your mother, so it’s easy for you to say that.”

“Hey, my parents aren’t much better! They’re still married to other people while messin’ around with each other. I just know it. You act like I’ve got ‘Leave it to Beaver’ going on over here. My parents are Bonnie and Clyde, only they make it a habit to rob each other instead.”

Majesty broke into fits of giggles.

“That’s a whooooole drama! Just messy! Your mother doesn’t even seem like the type to do that! I still don’t believe it. Maybe your father is lying.”

“He’s not. Trust me on this. My father, see, ese es punto. He even—” Just then, the baby monitor went off. “Look who’s awake from his afternoon nap.” Smiling, he got up and moved around her to go to their eight-month-old son’s room. “I’ll get him.”

“No, I can do it. You were working,” she offered.

“Go call your mother back, baby. Besides, I need a break and want to see my little man.” He kissed her, then made his way to Zyair’s room. He was immediately met with big hazel eyes so huge, they looked as if they belonged on a stuffed animal, and two tiny tan hands clutching the bars of his crib. Viper picked up the infant and took him over to the changing table. He pulled out a new diaper, a packet of wipes, and got everything together. Zyair looked up at him, his adorable face beaming.

“What are you smiling about, huh? Have you smelled this? You should be ashamed of yourself,” he quipped. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.” He finished cleaning and changing him, then held him to his chest. Soft black curls brushed against his chin as he cradled the baby’s head. Just then, rap music started blasting from Troy’s room, the dogs were barking outside in the backyard, and Majesty’s faint laughter could be heard while she spoke to her mother on the phone…

He stroked Zyair’s back, then kissed his crown.

A lot of shit has happened. Some bad, some great. I spent years plotting revenge on someone. That hatred in my heart led me to find love. A love like I’ve never known. Majesty is my angel.

Our union has helped others, too. Like, I was able to get a woman I cherish, Marie, into a much nicer home, Majesty’s old house. And now, she’s got a small business doing catering out of there. The perk is that Majesty, Troy, and I get fresh Cuban lunches and dinners free of charge. Majesty has never learned to cook the Cuban food exactly right. My mother brings it up, but that’s okay. She makes delicious coffee, and my mother loves Majesty to death, despite her gossiping to other family members about my wife’s cooking.

Pedro is back in prison. I hate that for him; he’d been doing so well. When he gets out though, I’m still going to give him a chance. I told him he has a job waiting for him. I’ve been trying to mentor him, explain that being a King doesn’t have to mean he has to do the things he used to do, just to prove himself down for the cause. We must evolve. Mr. Earl had another stroke, but he’s okay now. Majesty and I hired a nurse to come and stay with him a few hours each day, and he goes to the clubhouse and plays cards, too. He still talks about Arnette sometimes as if she’s still alive. I love that… He had a marriage that I dream of. I want to be able to celebrate fifty years and counting with Majesty one day, too.

I don’t judge my parents. I just don’t want that drama they have, and Majesty doesn’t want what her parents had, either. Her mother is rich after taking her ex-husband to the cleaners, but according to Majesty, still somewhat unhappy. Her father has had some recent health issues, a situation which has brought on guilt and depression. He feels like he wasted too much time. My mother won’t divorce my stepfather; she says it would be cruel. But he can’t make her happy, either. My father is actually thrilled with this crazy arrangement, but of course, he isn’t the average man.He chuckled at the thought.

Business is going so well for me, I had to temporarily stop accepting new clients. Quality over quantity. I’ve been featured in a few magazines, too, and an Animal Rights group interviewed me, claiming I’ve saved over fifty dogs from death.

But best of all, I’m now a father of two. Majesty had my baby. It was a situation where neither of us were certain how we’d feel about having a child. We talked about it before we got married. I wanted children and so did she, but we were concerned about so many things, like, making the time, and I had my own fears… I didn’t want any child of mine, to ever feel the terror and sadness I’d felt when my parents parted ways, although I was just as miserable when they were together. I had to handle that. Deal with it.

We never said never, so we just went with the flow. Then, it got to the point where I wanted a baby for sure. I couldn’t fight it anymore. I made it crystal clear and told her straight out: “I want you to have my baby.” I wanted to experience the process of my wife being pregnant and giving birth to my child, and so much more. Troy had been asking for a baby brother or sister, anyway, so after thinking it over, Majesty felt the same way I did, and so, we started trying.

It didn’t take long. And now, here’s my son. I have two now. My little prince, Zyair Diego Martinez, the newest member of our family. He looks like a mixture of Majesty and me. My eyes, her nose and mouth, and my ears. Our fingers are even shaped the same way. He’s flawless. Majesty and I would like to have another child, too, but we’ll probably wait a year or so. Three children seem like a good number for us. I know my mother would be happy. She loves having grandchildren. She loves Troy, treats him like her blood, and spoils Zyair rotten…

He walked out of the room with the baby and made his way down the steps into the kitchen. After placing the baby on a mat they kept in there, he grabbed a bottle of breast milk from the refrigerator. He picked up Zyair, who began to get antsy upon seeing the bottle.

“I know, I know, here it is.” He sat down at the kitchen table, feeding him while Sarge snored in his dog bed, and he let his mind drift.

Yeah, I know what you’re wondering… The answer is yes, I’m still a Latin King. The culture was taught to me at an early age; it’s a way of life. Of thinking. Of following what’s in your heart. It’s true what they say: ‘Once a Latin King, always a Latin King.’ I’m active and high ranking, and I navigate both worlds well. Of course, things happen, shit that I keep away from my family. That’s not their world, and it’s my job to ensure it stays that way.

Majesty’s not stupid though. She knows what I am and what I’m capable of. She’s seen both the darkness and light in me, from the moment she spotted me in the garden, high up in the tree. She looked up at me, we locked eyes… and we both knew our fate. Regardless, she is aware she and the children come first in my life, regardless of my affiliations.

I was born this way. An O.G. once told me, gangsters are born and seldom made. Now, I’m an O.G. My father is ruthless, and so is my mother. But they know how to give and protect. Even through their craziness and dysfunction, they also showed me and Diego how to love.

I’m a husband and lover. I’m a father to two princes. I’m a son. I’m a best friend, and brother. If you hurt someone I love, then I am an enemy.


This is my castle. The Viper lives with, protects and

worships his queen, the Majesty.

Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation!

Amor de Rey for Life!

~The End~