My Fiancé’s Bodyguard by Ivy Wild

Johnny sayingthat he wasn't going to be around for several days of this trip was music to my ears. I'd thought about it on the plane and I realized that the only strategy I had at the moment was to drag out the timing of the wedding as long as possible until I could figure something else out.

I didn't know for sure that I ever would figure something else out. But, before I married Boston's most notorious Mafioso, I damn well wanted to make sure.

So, Johnny saying he wouldn't be around extended the "let's get to know one another better" excuse, at least for a short time.

Max climbed past me, and I couldn't stop the snicker that moved past my lips. I knew there was no way he wasn't going to bring me back to Johnny. Not doing so would have put his life at risk. But, that didn't mean I still wasn't bitter about it.

A few days alone with Max Holt was perfect. I was going to make him wish he'd never found me.

I got out of the car and the driver closed the door behind me. I took in our surroundings and scrunched my face. We were in an alleyway surrounded by the backs of buildings. A solid oak door to my left opened up and someone came out to great Johnny.

They started speaking in Italian and I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

"Do you know what they're saying?" I asked Max.

"Not a clue," he said back, seeming a little irritated by the fact.

I scrunched my face. "I didn't realize Johnny spoke Italian."

Max gave me a look that made me feel stupid, which only made me mad. "Don't act dumb," he said.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Where are we, anyways? I kind of thought we'd be staying at like, I dunno, the Four Seasons or something."

"This is the Versace Mansion," Max said.

"The what?"

"The Versace Mansion," Max replied calmly, picking dirt out of his fingernails with a knife I hadn't seen him unsheathe. "It goes by something else now, but it was the designer's home before he was murdered on the front steps."

"Oh my god," I exclaimed. "Why was he murdered?"

Max shook his head and his lips twitched into a smirk. "Why does anyone get murdered?"

I just shook my head.

"'Cause they doing shit they shouldn't be doing or involved in shit they shouldn't be involved in."

"That's rich coming from you," I said. "You work for the mob."

"First of all, neither Johnny nor myself are in the mob," he said, putting emphasis on the phrase. "And you should remember that and be careful what you say out loud. Second, I'm aware and that's why I, too, will probably end up murdered."

"Please don't say things like that," I said to him.

"Things like what? That I'll probably end up getting murdered?"

I turned to look at him and gave him a glare full of venom. "Yes, that."

"Why the fuck do you care, princess? You shouldn't give two shits about me. I fucked up your precious little dreams, remember?"

"Yes, I do remember," I gritted out. "But that doesn't mean I want anyone to die."

"We're all gonna die," Max said.

"I'm aware," I replied. "Would you please just stop trying to trigger me?" I asked. He didn't get it. He most likely dealt with death on a weekly basis. If I had my guesses, he was likely also the one dealing it. But for me, there were things that had happened in my past that I still hadn't processed. Things I'd buried six feet under and I didn't need him dredging them back up.

"Triggers are the things you pull on guns, princess."

I didn't have a chance to respond, because Johnny was motioning for us to follow him inside. It was obvious that we were going in a back way, but the entire place still felt just as grand, if a little gaudy.

We walked through a back hallway before the place opened up to an outside courtyard in the center of the mansion. Arched entryways lined the courtyard and balconies overlooked the area from the second and third floors. A fountain was at the center but I didn't have time to stop and take in my surroundings as much as I wanted to, because the men kept on walking.

I looked down as we walked to see intricate mosaic tiles decorating our steps. Everywhere I looked was full of color and life, which was ironic considering how the owner had died here. The furniture had wild prints on it and the walls were full of paintings and placards.

By the time we made our way to the third floor, I was somewhat out of breath and quite overwhelmed.

"This will be your room for the duration of the stay, my dear," Johnny said to me in a voice coated in honey. It was so at odds with the tone he had used when speaking in the alleyway. I didn't need to understand Italian to know when he was being fake and when he was being genuine. It was obvious he was putting on a show for me.

He opened the door and I walked through without a word. I stopped as I took in my surroundings. A sitting area was directly in front of me, the couches all different sorts of patterned jacquard. As I looked along the walls, I noticed that the moldings were all painted a moss green and flowers and vines were painted on the walls.

I continued to move through the space, down a hallway and into the bedroom. The oversized bed was made up with an eccentric duvet and covered in throw pillows. The flowers on the walls increased in this room and I followed their path up to look at the ceiling.

The entire ceiling had been painted with the same intricate flowers and vines, but this time they appeared to be hanging from some sort of golden trellis. The irony was not lost on me. From this angle, looking up, it appeared as if I was in some sort of gilded cage.

I turned my gaze forward and walked to the double-stained glass doors. I opened them up to see that the room overlooked the mosaic pool on the first floor.

"It's called the Venus Suite," Johnny said as he came up behind me, and I nearly vomited in my mouth. "I insisted it be made available for you."

I didn't turn around. "That's very kind of you," I said timidly. "Where will you be staying?"

If he said he'd be staying here with me, I wouldn't hesitate to throw myself off the balcony. I imagined that the fall might break a leg, but maybe a broken bride wouldn't be so enticing to dear old Johnny.

"When I return from my trip in a few days, I'll be in the Empire Suite, just down the hall."

I gulped. I didn't want him just down the hall. I wanted him across the country.

"And Max?"

Max chuckled darkly from the corner of the room. "I'll be in Gianni's Master Suite, of course."

Johnny turned and I looked up to see him give him an irritated glance.

"Just kidding. The hosts set up a cot for me in a staff area. But, for the most part, my ass will be parked outside your door to make sure you don't try and run off."

I glared at him before I softened my gaze and turned to Johnny. "Oh, you really don't have to worry about that with me," I said.

Johnny chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not worried about you, my dear. Max is just trying to justify his existence, that's all."

I could almost feel Max growl from across the room, but he masked his emotions quickly when Johnny turned around, his face returning to that serene, bored look it always had.

Johnny made his way to the door and Max followed. I watched from a safe distance.

"I'm headed out. I'll be back in a few days' time. I expect there to be no problems when I return," Johnny said. He closed the door behind us, but Max opened it immediately, leaving me alone in yet another gilded cage.

Johnny closedthe door as he walked out of the room, and I knew I shouldn't be questioning him, but I nearly ripped that thing off its hinges in my rush to follow him out.

"Johnny," I said and he turned to look at me from his spot a few paces ahead of me in the hallway.

"Max, I thought I told you, I didn't want any problems."

"No problems," I replied. "But, I really do think it's a mistake to go wherever you're going without your own protection."

"I told you, protection is provided for at this meeting."

I hesitated. I needed to know where Johnny was headed. The trail had gone cold on me for years. This was the first bit of warmth I was feeling and I couldn't let it slip away.

"You gotta understand why I'm hesitant, boss," I said. "I don't know where you're going or who you're gonna be with. My job is security. Of you, specifically. If something happens, well, it wouldn't end pretty for me."

I wasn't going to try and sugar coat it and say I cared about him or some shit. That's not how this worked. Everyone understood that actions were done for selfish reasons in this business. Whether that be for personal gain or the avoidance of personal loss. So, framing this sort of situation that way was what would make sense for Johnny.

"Nothing is going to happen to me and outsiders are not invited," Johnny replied.

"I ain't no outsider," I nearly spat, acting like I took offense to the insinuation.

"To the Family, you are," Johnny replied calmly. "It's nothing to be upset about. This is just a meeting that happens between certain powers every five years. This is the first time it's happened since you've been with me. It's nothing to get your panties in a wad over."

"I don't like it," I said, feeling the chance slipping through my fingers.

"I don't pay you to like things, Max. I pay you to do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it." His words were cold and I knew I'd pushed him to his limit. Being zealous with your duties was one thing. Disobedience in this world was another.

"Say no more. I got it, boss," I said, backing down.

"Good. I'll be back in a few days. Until that time, please make sure our guest is still within our custody, would you?"

"I'm the one that found her, ain't I? I'm not her idiot father," I spat.

Johnny just nodded his head before turning back around and walking in the opposite direction. His footsteps disappeared down the spiral staircase before a door could be heard closing below me.

"Well, that didn't sound too promising. If you need me to help dust off your resume, let me know. Let's leave out the 'expert at murder' bits though, mkay?" an irritating voice behind me said in a mocking tone.

I turned around and gave her a bored look. I didn't like that she'd heard all of that. And I certainly didn't want her to think I cared.

"'Expert at murder' is my official title. You'd do well to remember that."

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "You can't hurt me. Johnny would be furious with you."

I shrugged. "He'd get over it."

I started walking towards her door and she backed up. I smirked, knowing that she was all form and no substance. "What? Nothing else to say, princess?"

"You're a jerk," she mumbled as she walked back into the suite. I entered and closed the door. She leaned over against the windowsill as I took a seat on the ridiculous sofa. The entire hotel was overdone in my eyes. I'd never seen so many clashing prints next to one another in my life. The place looked like a torn apart Joann Fabrics.

"So, what happens now?" she asked.

"Nothing happens now," I replied, putting my feet up and my hands behind my head.

She pursed her lips, looking irritated. "Um, pretty sure you're supposed to take me on some grand tour of Miami."

"Um, pretty sure that's not gonna happen, princess," I replied.

"I'll tell."

I laughed. "Tell who?"


"Oh, suddenly he's your savior or something? Tell me, princess, how are you going to get a hold of Johnny?"

She paused for a moment before she thought it over. "I don't need to get a hold of him. I can tell him when he comes back. And you'll get in trouble."

"I can handle that," I replied.

"I'll lie."

I rolled my eyes. "How pathetic."

"Tell him things that would get him really mad."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

She paused again and then her face flashed with a dangerous smile. "Like how you kissed me."

I was up off the couch in an instant. Two steps had me over to where she stood, and I pushed her out of the way before closing the open window. My hand stayed against her chest as I held her to the wall. "Dangerous games, princess. Remember what I said about why people get murdered? Because, they get involved in shit they shouldn't get involved in."

She was looking up at me with a look full of venom, yet dipped in passion. Fuck, it made me want to kiss her all over again.

"I'm already involved and none of it was my choice. I was trying to run from all of this. You were the one who brought me back."

I moved in closer, inhaling her sweet scent. She smelled like sweat pea body spray and the color pink. I hated how much she got to me. How much she tested me. How much I liked it.

"Just doing my job. Something I won't hesitate to do again."

"When did pinning me to the wall become your job, Max?" She looked up at me with hooded eyes, and my cock liked it way too much. I needed to step back. Fast. But, not before I made her question everything, too.

I stepped in closer and put my lips to her ear. I could feel the shiver wrack her body. Hers betrayed her the same way mine betrayed me. "It's not in the description," I said. "But it is one of the benefits."

I stepped back and I could feel her suck in a breath.

"Come downstairs when you're hungry," I said, closing the door as I exited the suite. Too bad I'd left my sanity somewhere in the room with her.