Sacrifice by Caitlyn Dare



My eyes flutter open, a dull ache radiating through my skull.

What the—

Voices flit in and out of my head as I try to get my bearings, but I’m hit with too many thoughts at once and I flinch as pain ricochets inside my skull.


That traitorous asshole betrayed me.

But why?

“What the fuck, Justin?”

I can just make out a voice. It sounds vaguely familiar, but it isn’t Wes.

“This isn’t what we agreed. This isn’t—”

“Quit being a little bitch, cous,” someone replies. “You wanted to rough her up a little, here’s your chance.”

By the looks of it, I’m in some kind of abandoned warehouse. But before I can get a good look around, approaching footsteps send a bolt of fear through me and I close my eyes again, slumping against the chair I’m tied to.

“Always wondered what Sinners pussy feels like,” one of them says, his voice louder. The air shifts around me, panic rising inside me.

Think, Sadie. Think.

“Justin, man, this isn’t—”

“For fuck’s sake, Evan…”


Evan fucking Henley is behind this?

I don’t know what hurts more—that I let Evan get the jump on me, or that Wesley clearly betrayed me.

God, I’m an idiot.

All this time I thought me and Wesley…

I lock those thoughts down. There will be time to deal with his betrayal later. Right now, I need to focus on how the hell I’m going to get out of this.

Whatever this is.

Someone closes in on me. I don’t open my eyes—I don’t dare—but I feel them crouch before me, feel the warmth of their breath. And then I feel something else. The cool smoothness of… Fuck, a gun. Someone is gliding a gun along the curve of my thigh. Fear races down my spine.

Who the fuck are these guys?

I know Evan and Wes are here somewhere, but I’ve never heard of a Justin before.

“Shit, she’s hot. Look at her tits, man. What I wouldn’t pay to get a taste—”

“Seriously, J, I didn’t want… this. I just wanted to scare her a bit. Make her realize she was messing with the wrong guy.”

“Relax, cous.” The air shifts again and I sense Justin stand up. The urge to crack open an eye is strong, but I fight it. I don’t want them to know I’m listening, not yet. Not until I figure out what’s going on… or what they plan to do with me.

“Relax?” Evan balks. “You fucking knocked her out with a tire iron.”

Well damn, that’s obviously why my skull feels like there’s a brass band in there.

“She’s still breathing, and when she wakes up, we can have ourselves a little fun.” He chuckles darkly. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? To see her on her knees for you?”

“Yeah, but…”

“You worry too much, cous. The guys will be back soon, and then we can get this party started.”

I suppress a shudder. That doesn’t sound good.

It doesn’t sound good at all.

* * *

“You must have a death wish,” I say, finally opening my eyes and glaring at Evan.

Justin left not long ago, after other guys arrived. I don’t know where they are, but I can’t hear them, so they must be outside or something.

“You’re awake.”

“Surprise.” I scan the room again, my vision—and head—a little clearer. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”

Evan’s brows knit as his eyes dart toward a door. When he glances back at me, I notice the unease there. “I didn’t… It wasn’t supposed to go down like this…”

I scan the room again, but there’s no sign of Wes. “You need to let me go, now. Before Rhett and Dane realize I’m gone and rain down hell on you and your—”

“Well, well, the Sinners princess is awake.” Justin appears, leaning against the doorjamb like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s worlds apart from Evan’s all-American good looks. He’s got shaggy brown hair and looks like he hasn’t shaved in a few days. His jeans are scruffy, kissing well-worn black boots, and an array of ink peeks out from under the arms of his black t-shirt.

Throw in the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans and the fact that he keeps calling me the Sinners princess, it’s most likely he’s in a gang. The MC might keep Savage Falls free from gangs moving in and trying to push hard drugs, but there are plenty of those criminal organizations in surrounding towns.

Who knew Evan’s family had such connections?

I shift my arms, trying to reduce the amount of pressure on my wrists where the rope bindings are cutting into my skin. I have no idea how long I was out, but Dane and Rhett will know I’m missing by now. Maybe even my dad. The whole Chapter could be looking for me.

But a thought hits me.

What if they’ve taken me out of town? How will anyone track me?



Justin steps forward, a slow smirk spreading over his face. “That’s right, princess,” he says as if he knows exactly where my thoughts just went. “They might be looking for you, but no one has any idea where we are.”

“What do you want?” I ask, keeping an eye on everyone in the room. Justin and Evan are closest to me now, with two more guys standing sentry near the door. “Where’s Wes?” I add when no one answers.

Evan flinches, his eyes flashing with something.

Dread trickles through me. “Oh my God, what did you do to him?”

Wes didn’t betray me, not in the way I first thought. If he had, he’d be here, standing with them. But he’s not. Which means something must have happened.

“Evan,” I shriek, thrashing against my restraints. “What the fuck did you do?”

“Such a dirty mouth.” Justin creeps closer. “I wonder if you suck as good as you cuss.” He cups his junk.

“Go fuck yourself,” I sneer.

He backhands me so quickly I don’t even have time to brace myself for the fiery pain shooting along my jaw.

“Justin!” Evan steps forward but Justin whips his gun out of the waistband of his jeans and releases the safety, pointing it right at him.

“You never did have what it took to play with the big boys, cous.” He tsks, waving the gun around. Evan looks ready to pee himself, the blood drained from his face as he holds his hands up in surrender.

“Get him the fuck out of here,” Justin barks to the two goons by the door. They start advancing toward Evan and he inches back, trembling.

“Wait a minute, we had a deal… we had—”

“Deal just changed, Ev.” Justin smirks, shoving the gun back into his jeans. “I think I’m going to enjoy a little one on one time with your girl here, and when I’m done, we can send her back to the Sinners in tiny little pieces.”

“Justin, be smart,” Evan tries to reason, but he’s almost backed himself into the corner of the room.

He has nowhere to go, and the fear in his eyes tells everyone he knows it.

“No,” he yells as one of the guys tries to grab him. Evan evades him but staggers right into the other guy’s fist. A sickening crunch echoes through the room as his head snaps back, blood spurting from his nose.

“Don’t go too hard on him.” Justin chuckles darkly while Evan wails in agony. “The last thing I need is Mommy and Daddy landing a lawsuit on my doorstep. Although, if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep his mouth fucking shut. Isn’t that right, cous?”

Between them, the two guys manage to wrestle Evan out of the room. Justin gives me his full attention then. “Now, where were we?”

“Fuck you,” I snarl, lifting my chin in defiance.

“Brave… and stupid.” He grabs a fistful of hair and yanks my head back, pressing the butt of his gun against my temple. “Scared yet?” His lip curves in mild amusement.

“When my club finds you, they’ll make you wish you never laid eyes on me.”

I’ve never believed in hurting innocents—and it happens sometimes in this life; innocent people get tangled up in club business and it doesn’t always end well for them—but I would happily throw pieces of shit like Justin to the wolves. Guys who prey on the weak, who get off on exerting their power over women. Sickos who get off on pressing guns to the heads of their incapacitated captives.

Sick fuck.

“Evan told me what you did. Told me how you lured him in with your tight body and dirty words, and then made him look like a fool in front of your entire class.”

“Your cousin is an asshole.”

Justin guffaws at that. “Can’t argue with you there.” His fingers flex in my hair, making my eyes water. “But you see, darlin’,” he leans in close, “what my fucking idiot of a cousin doesn’t realize is that I don’t give a rat’s ass about helping him get revenge.”

“What do you—”

“Hush now, it’s time for some fun.” He releases me, shoving me so hard I think the chair will topple, but it rights itself and I inhale a ragged breath.

Justin studies me for a second, his eyes running over every inch of me. His hungry gaze is like a thousand spiders under my skin, and my stomach churns. I have to swallow the bile rushing up my throat as he palms himself, obviously turned on by this whole interaction.

I need a plan, and quick. I need to get free of my restraints.

An idea hits me. It’s risky, but it’s better than sitting here like a lamb to the slaughter.

“What kind of fun?” I bat my lashes, moving my shoulders inwards a fraction so my boobs press together.

His eyes narrow. “What are you up to, little bitch?”

“Why don’t you find out?”

“Or maybe, I just make you choke on my dick and fuck your mouth.”

Oh God.

Fear threatens to consume me, but I inhale a steady breath, forcing myself to calm down. Panicking will get me nowhere.

“You could… but then, I can’t touch you like this.”

Heat blazes in his eyes as I purr out the words, but it quickly clears as he grabs my hair again and wrenches my head backward. “You think you can seduce me like you did my stupid fucking cousin?”



His spare hand drops to his jeans and snaps his belt, tearing the button open.

“No, please,” I rush out, “don’t do this. I’ll do whatever you want. Untie me and I’ll—”

“This’ll do,” he grunts, fisting his dick. “Open wide, princess. And don’t even think about biting or you won’t like what comes next.”

He shoves my head down and thrusts his hips forward until I’m face to face with his dick. Bile rushes up my throat as I buck against his hold. “You don’t want to do this,” I plead, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I don’t even realize he’s released my hair until I hear the tell-tale click of the safety and the barrel of the gun presses against my temple. “Open. Your. Fucking—”

The rumble of an engine reverberates through the warehouse and relief slams into me. I’d know that bike anywhere.

They’re here.

My guys are here.