Base Hit by Haven Hadley



One month later…

“Would you stop fidgeting?” I lightly smacked Vander’s hand where he was tugging on the sleeves of his button-down shirt for what felt like the eightieth time.

“I just want to make a good impression.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d told Vander repeatedly it didn’t matter what my parents thought of him. Their opinions didn’t count. Neither did my sister’s. I loved them. They were my family, but Vander was my life, my future. I would do anything for him.

Originally, I was worried about Vander being upset about not going home to see his family for Christmas, but he assured me he wanted to spend time with me. He said he was okay and while I wanted him to be more than anything, I wasn’t sure he was. We decided to visit his aunt and uncle after Christmas. It would give us a chance to get away before school started again in the new year. I could tell he was looking forward to seeing them, even if there was still lingering sadness in his eyes in regards to his parents.

This was also a good time to formally introduce him to my family. Sure, I’d talked about him more than was healthy to them, but they hadn’t had the opportunity to meet him in person yet.

“I should have worn a blazer,” he said as he peered up at the front of my parents’ home. The gigantic thing it was.

There was a two-story, white stone home before us, with a tasteful wreath on the front door and a candle in each window, which were flickering. The house was long and had ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms. It wasn’t the only building on the property. There was a pool house out back that rivaled most ranch homes, a converted barn that could house a six-member family, and another home where the caretaker and maid/chef resided. They’d been with my parents for forty years and were part of the family. They were married and never had kids of their own, so they adopted our family as much as we adopted them.

Reaching up, I cupped Vander’s cleanly shaven cheeks and waited until his eyes met mine. “Everything is going to be fine. I love you. You love me. Nothing else matters.”

“I still want them to like me, Ev.”

“They will.”

“I don’t fit here. They’re these people who own this massive company and have more money than I’ll ever see. I still can’t picture you living here.”

“One, have you seen how I’m dressed?”

Vander smiled. “I did. It took everything in me not to strip you out of those clothes before we left.”

I decided to wear a pair of hunter green skinny jeans, which made my ass look fabulous, and a bright red button-down that had little Christmas trees for buttons. This was as dressy as I got, and my parents wouldn’t say a thing about it. They’d long ago accepted me for who I am.

“Okay, so you’re aware you’re dressed fine, then,” I told him. “And second, did you forget on the drive over how you’re a super successful ballplayer who won the World Series? Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.”

“You may have a point.”

“I do and you know it.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips then rang the doorbell, though my family had to know we were here. No one enters their property without their knowledge, thanks to the security system they have installed.

The door opened a second later revealing a very poised Evelyn Ashland, also known as my mom. Her hair was dark brown, like mine, and flowed over her shoulders in soft waves without a strand out of place. Her black pants were pressed, not a wrinkle in sight, and her white blouse was tucked in perfectly. She wore a strand of pearls that probably cost more than multiple months of my rent.

“Merry Christmas, Mom,” I said in greeting.

She stepped back to allow us entrance. “Merry Christmas, Evan.” She leaned forward and hugged me when we were inside with the door closed. It wasn’t a big wrap me up in warmth hug, but it wasn’t cold either. “Now introduce me to your partner.” Mom insisted on calling him that. She said she knew from the first time I told her about Vander that he wasn’t simply my boyfriend but the man I would spend my life with. I asked how she knew that. She replied that I’d never talked about anyone like I had about Vander. And I had to admit, I loved the term partner.

“Mom, this is Vander Devlin. Vander, my mom, Evelyn.”

He offered her his hand, which she took, and they shook gently. “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.”

She scoffed. “None of that. I’m not a ma’am. I’m not Mrs. Ashland either. That was my deceased mother-in-law. I’m Evelyn or Lyn, for short.”

Poor Vander looked like a deer in the headlights until I nudged him with my elbow. “Yes, ma’am. Or Evelyn. Lyn.” I chuckled at the blush rising up his neck.

She leaned forward and lightly patted him on the cheek. “Good boy. Now come on. Evan, your sister showed up yet again without a date, so all eyes will be on you two.” I didn’t miss the way Vander stiffened beside me.

“Easy,” I whispered. “She was kidding.” She was so not, but I wasn’t telling him that. We’d be lucky to get out of here without Vander’s entire life being combed through by my family.

Brystol and Dad were sitting in the formal living room in a heated discussion over the marketing budget of the next product the company was launching. They both stopped when we walked in and turned to face us.

Dad offered a warm smile and came over to hug me and Vander. He wasn’t as proper as Mom, though he dressed the part of the man who helped run the empire. Dad wore black slacks, a navy button-down with gold cufflinks, and a matching jacket left unbuttoned.

“It’s great to finally meet you, Vander. I have to say, that was a hell of a Series win. Proud of you and your entire team. It was a great victory for Espen.”

“Thanks, sir. I didn’t know you were a baseball fan.” I might have forgotten to tell him that. Oops. Vander shot me a glare.

“What?” I asked. “It didn’t come up.”

“Oh, you mean you weren’t lying in bed with your hot World Series champion boyfriend, talking about how much your dad loved the very sport Vander played?” Brystol asked, with sarcasm dripping from her words, and rolled her eyes. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a high ponytail. She had the same color hair as my dad. She wore a pair of expensive designer jeans and a tan cashmere sweater. She stood and came over to Vander and me, looking my man up and down. “You’ll do,” she said with a smile then engulfed him in a hug.

“I’m so glad you approve, Brys,” I said, mimicking her sarcasm. “It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My sister gave my boyfriend the thumbs-up! I can sleep peacefully again!”

“Honestly,” my mom chastised. “Can we be nicer? It’s Christmas.”

Brystol shoved me slightly and I pushed her back. We kept going until she had me in a headlock and I had my arm around her waist, waiting for the moment to knock her off balance. I couldn’t help the wide smile I wore.

Mom told us to knock it off and join her in the dining room for dinner. It was a feast for the senses. The table was decorated in tasteful Christmas colors. A large ham was in the center with multiple side dishes spread out. We took our seats and then the inquisition began.

Question after question was lobbed Vander’s way, except for two subjects. I knew my family would ask him about his life, but I told them that absolutely under no circumstances were they to bring up his parents. I gave my mom the short version of what happened, and she agreed she wouldn’t say a word and would tell Dad and Brys the same.

The other subject was the incident with Cade. He was found in his apartment when the police went searching for him. He pretended he didn’t know what happened to Vander until they took him to the police station and formally questioned him. He sang like a canary. Even told them where they could find Vander’s phone. The lawyers Espen had on their payroll handled everything and Cade was punished to the extent the law would allow.

We didn’t want to keep reliving the past so that was why it was taken off the table of conversation with my parents. Anything we could do to forget that happened we were all for.

Vander handled every question my family threw at him just like he would if he were at bat in the bottom of the ninth with the tying run on third and another player on second. He knocked it out of the park.

As the conversation continued, the tension slowly worked its way out of Vander’s shoulders. By the time we were on our after-dinner drink, he looked like he was meant to be there. Like he’d spent countless holidays with my family. It was fantastic.

I sat back and looked at the man I loved. The person I knew from the start was special. The one I gave my heart to, even though I was frightened in the beginning. What he didn’t realize was that one day soon I was going to ask him to rule the land with me. To be my king. The man I’d spend the rest of my life loving. I was the luckiest person in the world.

* * *

Stayed tunedfor the next book in the Espen Emperors series, Catcher Interference. It follows Kasper Wilder and the star catcher for the Emperors, Marcus Warnes. Marcus may be straight, but once Kasper had him in his sights, Marcus didn’t stand a chance at resisting him.

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